Risk Factors Dashboard

Once a year, publicly traded companies issue a comprehensive report of their business, called a 10-K. A component mandated in the 10-K is the ‘Risk Factors’ section, where companies disclose any major potential risks that they may face. This dashboard highlights all major changes and additions in new 10K reports, allowing investors to quickly identify new potential risks and opportunities.

Risk Factors - LILA

-New additions in green
-Changes in blue
-Hover to see similar sentence in last filing

$LILA Risk Factor changes from 00/02/23/22/2022 to 00/02/22/24/2024

Item 1A. Risk Factors, Item 7. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations and Item 7A. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk may contain forward-looking statements, including statements regarding: our business, product, foreign currency and finance strategies; our property and equipment additions; grants or renewals of licenses; subscriber growth and retention rates; changes in competitive, regulatory and economic factors; the timing and impact of proposed transactions, including the Puerto Rico and USVI Spectrum Acquisition and the Tower Transactions; our anticipated integration plans, synergies, opportunities and integration costs in Puerto Rico following the AT&T Acquisition, in Costa Rica following the Liberty Telecomunicaciones Acquisition and in Panama following the Claro Panama Acquisition; the UPR Fund; changes in our revenue, costs or growth rates; debt levels; our liquidity and our ability to access the liquidity of our subsidiaries; credit risks; interest rate risks; internal control over financial reporting and remediation of material weaknesses; foreign currency risks; compliance with debt, financial and other covenants; our future projected sources and uses of cash; and other information and statements that are not historical fact. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk may contain forward-looking statements, including statements regarding: our business, product, foreign currency and finance strategies; our property and equipment additions; grants or renewals of licenses; subscriber growth and retention rates; changes in competitive, regulatory and economic factors; the timing and impacts of proposed transactions, including the Claro Panama Acquisition and the Chile JV; our anticipated integration plans, synergies, opportunities and integration costs in Puerto Rico following the AT&T Acquisition and in Costa Rica following the Telefónica Costa Rica Acquisition; the UPR Fund; changes in our revenue, costs or growth rates; debt levels; our liquidity and our ability to access the liquidity of our subsidiaries; credit risks; the interest rate risks associated with the transition of LIBOR; internal control over financial reporting and remediation of material weaknesses; foreign currency risks; compliance with debt, financial and other covenants; our future projected sources and uses of cash; the effects and potential impacts of COVID-19 on our business and results of operations; and other information and statements that are not historical fact. Where, in any forward-looking statement, we express an expectation or belief as to future results or events, such expectation or belief is expressed in good faith and believed to have a reasonable basis, but there can be no assurance that the expectation or belief will result or be achieved or accomplished. In evaluating these statements, you should consider the risks and uncertainties discussed under Item 1A. Risk Factors and Item 7A. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk, as well as the following list of some but not all of the factors that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from anticipated results or events:•economic and business conditions and industry trends in the countries in which we operate;•the competitive environment in the industries in the countries in which we operate, including competitor responses to our products and services;•fluctuations in currency exchange rates, inflation rates and interest rates;•our relationships with third-party programming providers and broadcasters, some of which are also offering content directly to consumers, and our ability to maintain access to desirable programming on acceptable economic terms;•our relationships with suppliers and licensors and the ability to maintain equipment, software and certain services;•instability in global financial markets, including sovereign debt issues and related fiscal reforms;•our ability to obtain additional financing and generate sufficient cash to meet our debt obligations;•the impact of restrictions contained in certain of our subsidiaries’ debt instruments;•consumer disposable income and spending levels, including the availability and amount of individual consumer debt;•changes in consumer viewing preferences and habits, including on mobile devices that function on various operating systems and specifications, limited bandwidth, and different processing power and screen sizes;I-2•customer acceptance of our existing service offerings, including our video, broadband internet, fixed-line telephony, mobile and business service offerings, and of new technology, programming alternatives and other products and services that we may offer in the future;•our ability to manage rapid technological changes;•the impact of 5G and wireless technologies;•our ability to maintain or increase the number of subscriptions to our video, broadband internet, fixed-line telephony and mobile service offerings and our average revenue per household and mobile subscriber;•our ability to provide satisfactory customer service, including support for new and evolving products and services;•our ability to maintain or increase rates to our subscribers or to pass through increased costs to our subscribers;•the impact of our future financial performance, or market conditions generally, on the availability, terms and deployment of capital;•changes in, or failure or inability to comply with, government regulations in the countries in which we operate and adverse outcomes from regulatory proceedings;•government intervention that requires opening our broadband distribution networks to competitors;•our ability to renew necessary regulatory licenses, concessions or other operating agreements and to otherwise acquire future spectrum or other licenses that we need to offer new mobile data or other technologies or services;•our ability to obtain regulatory approval and satisfy other conditions necessary to close acquisitions and dispositions, and the impact of conditions imposed by competition and other regulatory authorities in connection with acquisitions, such as with respect to the Puerto Rico and USVI Spectrum Acquisition;•our ability to successfully acquire new businesses and, if acquired, to integrate, realize anticipated efficiencies from and implement our business plan with respect to the businesses we have acquired or that we expect to acquire, such as with respect to the AT&T Acquisition, the Liberty Telecomunicaciones Acquisition, and the Claro Panama Acquisition;•changes in laws or treaties relating to taxation, or the interpretation thereof, in the U. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk, as well as the following list of some but not all of the factors that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from anticipated results or events:•economic and business conditions and industry trends in the countries in which we operate;•the competitive environment in the industries in the countries in which we operate, including competitor responses to our products and services;•fluctuations in currency exchange rates, inflation rates and interest rates;•our relationships with third-party programming providers and broadcasters, some of which are also offering content directly to consumers, and our ability to maintain access to desirable programming on acceptable economic terms;•our relationships with suppliers and licensors and the ability to maintain equipment, software and certain services;I-2•instability in global financial markets, including sovereign debt issues and related fiscal reforms;•our ability to obtain additional financing and generate sufficient cash to meet our debt obligations;•the impact of restrictions contained in certain of our subsidiaries’ debt instruments;•consumer disposable income and spending levels, including the availability and amount of individual consumer debt;•changes in consumer viewing preferences and habits, including on mobile devices that function on various operating systems and specifications, limited bandwidth, and different processing power and screen sizes;•customer acceptance of our existing service offerings, including our video, broadband internet, fixed-line telephony, mobile and business service offerings, and of new technology, programming alternatives and other products and services that we may offer in the future;•our ability to manage rapid technological changes;•the impact of 5G and wireless technologies on broadband internet;•our ability to maintain or increase the number of subscriptions to our video, broadband internet, fixed-line telephony and mobile service offerings and our average revenue per household and mobile subscriber;•our ability to provide satisfactory customer service, including support for new and evolving products and services;•our ability to maintain or increase rates to our subscribers or to pass through increased costs to our subscribers;•the impact of our future financial performance, or market conditions generally, on the availability, terms and deployment of capital;•changes in, or failure or inability to comply with, government regulations in the countries in which we operate and adverse outcomes from regulatory proceedings;•government intervention that requires opening our broadband distribution networks to competitors;•our ability to renew necessary regulatory licenses, concessions or other operating agreements and to otherwise acquire future spectrum or other licenses that we need to offer new mobile data or other technologies or services;•our ability to obtain regulatory approval and satisfy other conditions necessary to close acquisitions and dispositions, and the impact of conditions imposed by competition and other regulatory authorities in connection with acquisitions, such as with respect to the Claro Panama Acquisition and the Chile JV;•our ability to successfully acquire new businesses and, if acquired, to integrate, realize anticipated efficiencies from and implement our business plan with respect to the businesses we have acquired or that we expect to acquire, such as with respect to the Telefónica Costa Rica Acquisition, the Claro Panama Acquisition and the Chile JV;•changes in laws or treaties relating to taxation, or the interpretation thereof, in the U. S. or in other countries in which we operate and the results of any tax audits or tax disputes;•changes in laws and government regulations that may impact the availability and cost of capital and the derivative instruments that hedge certain of our financial risks;•the ability of suppliers and vendors, including third-party channel providers and broadcasters to timely deliver quality products, equipment, software, services and access;•the availability of attractive programming for our video services and the costs associated with such programming, including retransmission and copyright fees payable to public and private broadcasters;•uncertainties inherent in the development and integration of new business lines and business strategies;•our ability to adequately forecast and plan future network requirements, including the costs and benefits associated with our network extension and upgrade programs;•the availability of capital for the acquisition and/or development of telecommunications networks and services, including property and equipment additions;•problems we may discover post-closing with the operations, including the internal controls and financial reporting process, of businesses we acquire, such as with respect to the AT&T Acquisition, the Liberty Telecomunicaciones Acquisition and the Claro Panama Acquisition;•our ability to profit from investments in joint ventures that we do not solely control;•the effect of any of the identified material weaknesses in our internal control over financial reporting;I-3•piracy, targeted vandalism against our networks, and cybersecurity threats or other security breaches, including the leakage of sensitive customer data, which could harm our business or reputation;•the outcome of any pending or threatened litigation;•the loss of key employees and the availability of qualified personnel;•the effect of any strikes, work stoppages or other industrial actions that could affect our operations;•changes in the nature of key strategic relationships with partners and joint venturers;•our equity capital structure; •our ability to realize the full value of our intangible assets;•changes in and compliance with applicable data privacy laws, rules, and regulations; •our ability to recoup insurance reimbursements and settlements from third-party providers; •our ability to comply with anti-corruption laws and regulations, such as the FCPA;•our ability to comply with economic and trade sanctions laws, such as the U. or in other countries in which we operate and the results of any tax audits or tax disputes;•changes in laws and government regulations that may impact the availability and cost of capital and the derivative instruments that hedge certain of our financial risks;•the ability of suppliers and vendors, including third-party channel providers and broadcasters (including our third-party wireless network provider under our MVNO arrangement), to timely deliver quality products, equipment, software, services and access;•the availability of attractive programming for our video services and the costs associated with such programming, including retransmission and copyright fees payable to public and private broadcasters;•uncertainties inherent in the development and integration of new business lines and business strategies;•our ability to adequately forecast and plan future network requirements, including the costs and benefits associated with our network extension and upgrade programs;I-3•the availability of capital for the acquisition and/or development of telecommunications networks and services, including property and equipment additions;•problems we may discover post-closing with the operations, including the internal controls and financial reporting process, of businesses we acquire, such as with respect to the AT&T Acquisition and the Telefónica Costa Rica Acquisition;•the effect of any of the identified material weaknesses in our internal control over financial reporting;•piracy, targeted vandalism against our networks, and cybersecurity threats or other security breaches, including the leakage of sensitive customer data, which could harm our business or reputation;•the outcome of any pending or threatened litigation;•the loss of key employees and the availability of qualified personnel;•the effect of any strikes, work stoppages or other industrial actions that could affect our operations;•changes in the nature of key strategic relationships with partners and joint venturers;•our equity capital structure; •our ability to realize the full value of our intangible assets;•changes in and compliance with applicable data privacy laws, rules, and regulations; •our ability to recoup insurance reimbursements and settlements from third-party providers; •our ability to comply with anti-corruption laws and regulations, such as the FCPA;•our ability to comply with economic and trade sanctions laws, such as the U. S. Treasury Department’s OFAC; •the impacts of climate change such as rising sea levels or increasing frequency and intensity of certain weather phenomena; and•events that are outside of our control, such as political conditions and unrest in international markets, terrorist attacks, malicious human acts, hurricanes and other natural disasters, pandemics like the COVID-19 pandemic, and other similar events.

The broadband distribution and mobile service industries are changing rapidly and, therefore, the forward-looking statements of expectations, plans and intent in this Annual Report on Form 10-K are subject to a significant degree of risk.

These forward-looking statements and the above described risks, uncertainties and other factors speak only as of the date of this Annual Report on Form 10-K, and we expressly disclaim any obligation or undertaking to disseminate any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statement contained herein, to reflect any change in our expectations with regard thereto, or any other change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking statement.(b) Description of BusinessOverviewWe are a leading communications company with operations in Puerto Rico, Panama, Costa Rica, the Caribbean, including Jamaica, and other parts of Latin America.(b) Description of BusinessOverviewWe are a leading communications company with operations in Puerto Rico, Chile, Panama, Costa Rica, the Caribbean, including Jamaica, and other parts of Latin America. The communications and entertainment services that we deliver to our residential and business customers include video, broadband internet, telephony and mobile services. In most of our operating footprint, we offer bundles of services, including video, broadband internet and telephony products in one subscription. We are also focused on leveraging our full-service product suite to deliver fixed-mobile convergence offerings. Our business products and services also include enterprise-grade connectivity, data center, hosting and managed solutions, as well as IT solutions with customers ranging from small and medium enterprises to international companies and governmental agencies. We also operate an extensive subsea and terrestrial fiber optic cable network that connects approximately 40 markets in the region, providing connectivity solutions both within and outside our operating footprint.We are the largest fixed-line provider of high-speed broadband and video services, in terms of market share, across a number of our markets. In addition, we offer mobile services across our operating footprint. As a network operator across most of our markets, we are able to offer a full range of voice and data services, including value-added, data-based and fixed-mobile converged services.

For a breakdown of revenue by major category, see note 20 to our consolidated financial statements in Part II of this Annual Report on Form 10-K. I-4Our operating brands include the following:I-5Operating DataThe following tables present certain operating data as of December 31, 2023. Our operating brands include the following:I-5Operating DataThe following tables present certain operating data as of December 31, 2021. The tables reflect 100% of the data applicable to each of our reportable segments, regardless of our ownership percentage. The tables reflect 100% of the data applicable to each of our reportable segments, and for the key markets within the segments of C&W Caribbean and Networks, C&W Panama and Costa Rica, regardless of our ownership percentage. For additional information regarding terms used in the following tables, see the Operating Data Glossary below.(a)Postpaid mobile subscribers include 201,800 CRUs. A CRU represents an individual receiving mobile services through an organization that has entered into a contract for mobile services with us and where the organization is responsible for the payment of the CRU’s mobile services.(b)Our homes passed in Liberty Costa Rica include 54,000 homes on a third-party network that provides us long-term access.(b)Our homes passed in Costa Rica include 55,000 homes on a third-party network that provides us long-term access. I-6Operating Data GlossaryCustomer Relationships – The number of customers who receive at least one of our video, internet or telephony services that we count as RGUs, without regard to which or to how many services they subscribe. I-6Operating Data GlossaryCustomer Relationships – The number of customers who receive at least one of our video, internet or telephony services that we count as RGUs, without regard to which or to how many services they subscribe. To the extent that RGU counts include EBU adjustments, we reflect corresponding adjustments to our customer relationship counts. For further information regarding our EBU calculation, see Additional General Notes below. Customer relationships generally are counted on a unique premises basis. Accordingly, if an individual receives our services in two premises (e.g., a primary home and a vacation home), that individual generally will count as two customer relationships. We exclude mobile-only customers from customer relationships.Homes Passed – Homes, residential multiple dwelling units or commercial units that can be connected to our networks without materially extending the distribution plant. Certain of our homes passed counts are based on census data that can change based on either revisions to the data or from new census results.Internet (Broadband) RGU – A home, residential multiple dwelling unit or commercial unit that receives internet services over our network. Mobile Subscribers – Our mobile subscriber count represents the number of active SIM cards in service rather than services provided. For example, if a mobile subscriber has both a data and voice plan on a smartphone this would equate to one mobile subscriber. Alternatively, a subscriber who has a voice and data plan for a mobile handset and a data plan for a laptop (via a dongle) would be counted as two mobile subscribers. Customers who do not pay a recurring monthly fee are excluded from our mobile telephony subscriber counts after periods of inactivity ranging from 60 to 90 days, based on industry standards within the respective country. In a number of countries, our mobile subscribers receive mobile services pursuant to prepaid contracts.RGU – RGU is separately a video RGU, internet RGU or telephony RGU. A home, residential multiple dwelling unit, or commercial unit may contain one or more RGUs. For example, if a residential customer subscribed to our video service, fixed-line telephony service and broadband internet service, the customer would constitute three RGUs. For example, if a residential customer in Chile subscribed to our video service, fixed-line telephony service and broadband internet service, the customer would constitute three RGUs. RGUs are generally counted on a unique premises basis such that a given premises does not count as more than one RGU for any given service. On the other hand, if an individual receives one of our services in two premises (e.g., a primary home and a vacation home), that individual will count as two RGUs for that service. Each bundled video, internet or telephony service is counted as a separate RGU regardless of the nature of any bundling discount or promotion. Non-paying subscribers are counted as RGUs during their free promotional service period. Some of these subscribers may choose to disconnect after their free service period. Services offered without charge on a long-term basis (e.g., VIP subscribers or free service to employees) generally are not counted as RGUs. We do not include subscriptions to mobile services in our externally reported RGU counts. In this regard, our RGU counts exclude our separately reported postpaid and prepaid mobile subscribers. SOHO - Small office/ home office customers. Telephony RGU – A home, residential multiple dwelling unit or commercial unit that receives voice services over our network. Telephony RGUs exclude mobile subscribers. Video RGU – A home, residential multiple dwelling unit or commercial unit that receives our video service over our network primarily via a digital video signal while subscribing to any recurring monthly service that requires the use of encryption-enabling technology.Video RGU – A home, residential multiple dwelling unit or commercial unit that receives our video service over our network primarily via a digital video signal while subscribing to any recurring monthly service that requires the use of encryption-enabling technology. Video RGUs that are not counted on an EBU basis are generally counted on a unique premises basis. For example, a subscriber with one or more set-top boxes that receives our video service in one premises is generally counted as just one RGU.Additional General Notes:Most of our operations provide telephony, broadband internet, data, video or other B2B services. Certain of our B2B service revenue is derived from SOHO customers that pay a premium price to receive enhanced service levels along with video, internet or telephony services that are the same or similar to the mass marketed products offered to our residential subscribers. All mass marketed products provided to SOHO customers, whether or not accompanied by enhanced service levels and/or premium prices, are included in the respective RGU and customer counts of our operations, with only those services provided at premium prices considered to be “SOHO RGUs” or “SOHO customers.” To the extent our existing customers upgrade from a residential product offering to a SOHO product offering, the number of SOHO RGUs and SOHO customers will increase, but there is no impact to our total RGU or customer counts. With the exception of our B2B SOHO customers, we generally do not count customers of B2B services as customers or RGUs for external reporting purposes.Certain of our residential and commercial RGUs are counted on an EBU basis, including residential multiple dwelling units and commercial establishments, such as bars, hotels, and hospitals, in Puerto Rico. Our EBUs are generally calculated by I-7dividing the bulk price charged to accounts in an area by the most prevalent price charged to non-bulk residential customers in that market for the comparable tier of service. Our EBUs are generally calculated by dividing the bulk price charged to accounts in an area by the most prevalent price charged to non-bulk residential customers in that market for the comparable tier of service. As such, we may experience variances in our EBU counts solely as a result of changes in rates.While we take appropriate steps to ensure that subscriber and homes passed statistics are presented on a consistent and accurate basis at any given balance sheet date, the variability from country to country in (i) the nature and pricing of products and services, (ii) the distribution platform, (iii) billing systems, (iv) bad debt collection experience and (v) other factors add complexity to the subscriber and homes passed counting process. We periodically review our subscriber and homes passed counting policies and underlying systems to improve the accuracy and consistency of the data reported on a prospective basis. Accordingly, we may from time to time make appropriate adjustments to our subscriber and homes passed statistics based on those reviews.Fixed Network and Product Penetration Data (%)(1)Percentage of total homes passed that subscribe to television services.Fixed Network and Product Penetration Data (%)(1)Percentage of total homes passed that are two-way homes passed. (2)Percentage of two-way homes passed that subscribe to broadband internet or fixed-line telephony services, as applicable.(3)Percentage of total customers that subscribe to two services (double-play customers) or three services (triple-play customers) offered by our operations (video, broadband internet and fixed-line telephony), as applicable.Video, Broadband Internet & Fixed-Line Telephony and Mobile Services I-8(1) These are the primary systems used for delivery of services in the countries indicated.I-8Video, Broadband Internet & Fixed-Line Telephony and Mobile Services (1) These are the primary systems used for delivery of services in the countries indicated. “HFC” refers to hybrid fiber coaxial cable networks.(2) Represents an average as speeds vary by market.(3) Fastest available technology. “LTE” refers to the Long Term Evolution Standard.Products and ServicesWe offer our customers a comprehensive set of converged mobile, broadband, video and fixed-line telephony services. In the table below, we identify the services we offer in each of the countries in the Caribbean and Latin America where we have operations.We believe that our ability to offer our customers greater choice and selection in bundling their services enhances the attractiveness of our service offerings, improves customer retention, minimizes churn and increases overall customer lifetime value.Residential ServicesMobile Services. We offer mobile services throughout our operating footprint. We are a mobile network operator, delivering high-speed services in Puerto Rico and the USVI, Panama, Costa Rica and all but one of our Caribbean markets. As a mobile network provider, we are able to offer a full range of voice and data services, including value-added services. Where I-9available, we expect our mobile services will allow us to provide an extensive converged product offering with video, internet and fixed-line telephony, allowing our customers connectivity in and out-of-the-home. We hold spectrum licenses as a mobile network provider, with terms typically ranging from 10 to 15 years across our C&W markets. In Puerto Rico and the USVI, spectrum licenses are typically held for perpetuity with the exception of CBRS spectrum which has a priority term of 10 years. In Puerto Rico, spectrum licenses are I-10typically held for perpetuity with the exception of CBRS spectrum which has a priority term of 10 years. We also hold mobile spectrum licenses in Costa Rica with a 15-year term, several of these licences will expire in 2026, and these can be extended for an additional 10 year term.Subscribers to our mobile services pay varying monthly fees depending on whether the mobile service is bundled with one of our other services or includes mobile data services over their phones, tablets or laptops. Our mobile services are available on a postpaid or prepaid basis. We offer our customers the option to purchase mobile handsets with purchase terms typically related to whether the customer selects a prepaid or postpaid plan. Customers selecting a prepaid plan or service, pay in advance for a pre-determined amount of airtime and/or data and generally do not enter into a minimum contract term. Customers subscribing to a postpaid plan generally enter into contracts ranging from 12 to 36 months. Customers subscribing to a postpaid plan in Puerto Rico are offered installment agreements if they buy a new handset with acceleration provisions if they cancel the account without penalty. Long-term contracts are often taken with a subsidized mobile handset.Broadband Internet Services. To support our customers’ connectivity demands, we are expanding our networks to make high-speed broadband available to more people. To support our customers’ connectivity demands, we are expanding our networks to make ultrafast broadband available to more people. This includes investment in the convergence of our fixed and mobile data systems and through our next generation WiFi products, which enable us to maximize the impact of our broadband networks by providing reliable, high-speed wireless connectivity anywhere in the home. This includes investment in the convergence of our fixed and mobile data systems and through our next generation WiFi products, which enable us to maximize the impact of our ultrafast broadband networks by providing reliable wireless connectivity anywhere in the home. These gateway products can be self-installed and have an automatic WiFi optimization function, which selects the best possible wireless frequency. During 2023, our Network Extension programs (as defined and described below) upgraded or passed approximately 349,200 homes across Liberty Latin America. During 2021, our Network Extension programs (as defined and described below) passed approximately 738,800 homes across Liberty Latin America. The internet speeds we offer are one of the key focus areas for our value propositions, as customers spend more time streaming video and other bandwidth-heavy services on multiple devices. The internet speeds we offer are one of our differentiators, as customers spend more time streaming video and other bandwidth-heavy services on multiple devices. As a result, we are continuing to invest in additional bandwidth and technologies to increase internet speeds throughout our Latin America and Caribbean footprint. We plan to continue the upgrade and expansion of our fixed networks so that we can deploy high-speed internet service to additional customers in the coming years.Our residential subscribers access the internet predominantly via FTTH or HFC networks and with modems connected to their internet capable devices, including personal computers, or wirelessly via next generation WiFi and telephony gateway products.Our residential subscribers access the internet via DSL over our fixed-line telephony networks, FTTH or hybrid fiber coaxial cable networks and with cable modems connected to their internet capable devices, including personal computers, or wirelessly via next generation WiFi and telephony gateway products. In each of our markets, we offer multiple tiers of internet service. The speed of service depends on location and the tier of service selected by our subscribers.Our value-added services include security measures and online storage. Mobile broadband internet services are also available through our mobile services described above. Subscribers to our internet service pay a monthly fee based on the tier of service selected. In addition to the monthly fee, customers pay an activation service fee upon subscribing to an internet service. This one-time fee may be waived for promotional reasons. We determine pricing for each different tier of internet service through an analysis of speed, market conditions and other factors.Video Services. We offer video services in Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, and in most of C&W’s residential markets. We offer video services in Puerto Rico, Chile, Costa Rica, and in most of C&W’s residential markets. In most markets, we are enhancing our video offerings with next generation, market-leading digital television platforms that enable our customers to control when and where they watch their programming. These advanced services are predominantly delivered over our FTTH and HFC networks and customers access a range of features that include a DVR, a VoD offering and an advanced user interface including an electronic programming guide, voice search and recommendation. These advanced services are delivered over our FTTH, hybrid fiber coaxial cable and VDSL networks and customers access a range of features that include a DVR, a VoD offering and an advanced UI including an electronic programming guide, voice search and recommendation. These video customers can pause their programming while a live broadcast is in progress, return to the start and find programs they may have missed. These video customers can also pause their programming while a live broadcast is in progress, return to the start and find programs they may have missed. They can also stream a selection of channels and non-linear content on their own devices through “TV Everywhere” mobile applications such as, “Flow Sports” in the Caribbean, “Liberty Go” in Puerto Rico, “+movil Total” in Panama and “Liberty Hogar” in Costa Rica. They can also stream a selection of channels and non-linear content on their own devices through “TV Everywhere” mobile applications such as, “VTR Play” in Chile, “Flow ToGo” and “Flow Sports” in the Caribbean, “Liberty Go” in Puerto Rico, “+movil” in Panama and “Cabletica Play” in Costa Rica. Our operations with video services typically offer multiple tiers of digital video programming starting with affordable entry or skinny and basic video service tiers. Subscribers have the option to select extended and/or premium subscription packages combining linear channels and VoD. In addition, subscribers have the option to select extended and/or premium subscription packages combining linear channels and VoD. Subscribers to our digital video services pay a fixed monthly fee and, in most of our markets, all tiers include a number of HD channels as well as access to enhanced features. In addition, through our latest generation of video CPE, subscribers can access most leading internet streaming services. In addition, through our latest generation of video CPE (Customer Premise Equipment), subscribers can access most leading internet streaming services. Discounts to our monthly service fees are generally available to a subscriber who selects a bundled service of at least two of the following services: video, internet and fixed-line telephony.I-10We tailor our video services in each country of operation based on local preferences, culture, demographics and regulatory requirements. We tailor our video services in each country of operation based on local preferences, culture, demographics and regulatory requirements. We aim to offer the most relevant mix of content to our subscribers, combining general entertainment, sports, movies, documentaries, lifestyle, news, adult, children and foreign channels, as well as local, regional and international broadcast networks. We manage multiple channels in the Caribbean Region, notably the prominent Caribbean sports network, Flow Sports. Additionally, we oversee a joint venture encompassing Rush Sports, Rush Sports 2 and Rush Prime. These comprise two sports channels and one general entertainment channel, collectively accessible throughout the Caribbean, with the exception of Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. Telephony Services. C&W is the incumbent fixed-line telephony service provider in most of its residential markets. In Puerto Rico and Costa Rica we also offer telephony services over our respective networks.We offer multi-feature telephony service over our various fixed networks, including HFC, FTTH and copper networks.We offer multi-feature telephony service over our various fixed networks, including cable, FTTH and copper networks. Depending on location, these services are provided via either circuit-switched telephony or VoIP technology. As we continue to develop and invest in new technologies that will enhance our customers’ experiences, we are replacing obsolete switches with VoIP technology and older copper networks with modern fiber optics. These digital telephony services cover international and domestic services.Business ServicesB2B Services. We offer B2B services across our operations, leveraging our high-speed and extensive fixed and mobile infrastructure. In C&W, we have our most developed B2B business and are the largest provider of services in many of our markets, representing a significant portion of C&W’s revenue. Our B2B offerings by Liberty Puerto Rico and Liberty Costa Rica are less developed and provide an opportunity for future growth. Liberty Networks. We offer integrated communication and cloud services, connectivity and wholesale solutions to hyper scalers, carriers and businesses throughout the Caribbean, Latin America and the U.S. via our subsea and terrestrial fiber optic cable networks. Our systems include subsea optical systems, long-haul terrestrial backbone, metro fiber networks and data centers. We provide service to major commercial zones and cities and host several mission-critical operations for large organizations and customers in key markets within our operating footprint. Our networks deliver critical infrastructure for the transport of growing traffic from businesses, governments and other telecommunications operators across the region, particularly to high-traffic destinations in the United States and Latin America. Our networks deliver critical infrastructure for the transport of growing traffic from businesses, governments and other telecommunications operators across the region, particularly to the high-traffic destination of the United States. I-11Below is a map of our subsea and terrestrial fiber networks within Liberty Networks.I-12Below is a map of our subsea fiber network. I-12With approximately 50,000 kilometers of fiber optic cable, and an activated capacity of over 20 Tbps, Liberty Networks can carry large volumes of data traffic. Our networks also allow us to provide point-to-point, clear channel wholesale broadband capacity services, IP transit cloud-based services and local network services to telecommunications carriers, ISPs and large corporations. Our networks also allow us to provide our services over dedicated access fiber lines, and local and international private networks which are dedicated to our business customers. Our network provides built-in resiliency, route diversity and redundancy through our superior traffic re-routing capability.Across our regional footprint, we also provide services to business customers in multiple segments, from small and medium businesses to larger corporate and enterprise organizations including multi-national companies and governments.Across our regional footprint we also provide services to business customers in various segments, from small and medium businesses to larger corporate and enterprise organizations including multi-national companies and governments. We work with our business customers to customize the best end-to-end solutions, using standardized best-in-class products to fit their service needs. We target specific industry segments, such as financial institutions, the hospitality sector, education institutions and government ministries and agencies. We have agreements to provide our services over fully managed and monitored dedicated MPLS and IP networks, wavelength and metro-access fiber lines. We have agreements to provide our services over fully managed and monitored dedicated multiprotocol label switching networks and metro-access fiber lines. We offer tailored solutions that combine our standard services with value-added features, such as dedicated customer care, professional services and enhanced service performance monitoring, to meet specific customer requirements. We offer tailored solutions that combine our standard services with value-added features, such as dedicated customer care and enhanced service performance monitoring, to meet specific customer requirements. Our business products and services include voice, broadband, enterprise-grade WAN connectivity, managed WiFi, network security, software defined networking, unified communications and a range of cloud-based IT solutions, such as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), disaster recovery and other service offerings. Our business products and services include voice, broadband, enterprise-grade connectivity, network security, unified communications and a range of cloud-based IT solutions, such as Infrastructure as a Service, disaster recovery and other service offerings. We also offer a range of data, voice and internet services to carriers, ISPs and mobile operators. Our extensive fiber optic cable networks typically allow us to deliver redundant, end-to-end connectivity backed by a strong service level agreement guarantee. Our networks also allow us to provide services over dedicated access fiber lines and local and international private networks that are dedicated to our business customers. Our networks also allow us to provide our services over dedicated access fiber lines, and local and international private networks which are dedicated to our business customers. Our business services fall into five broad categories:•VoIP and circuit-switch telephony;•Data services for internet access, virtual private networks, high capacity point-to-point, point-to-multi-point and multi-point-to-multi-point services, managed networking services including MPLS, SDWAN and IP transit;•Wireless services for mobile voice and data; and•Value added Managed Services, including: ◦Private and Public Cloud Infrastructure Services and integration, including Disaster Recovery Backup Services;◦Cloud and premise based Private Branch exchange solutions, conferencing options and Hosted Contact Center solutions;◦Cyber Security Services, including structured solutions, rapid response, and other professional services;◦Managed WiFi;◦Software Defined Networking, Internet of Things, Digitalization and Digital Currencies; and ◦Specialized services such as Telehealth, Digital Signage, and Retail Analytics.Our business services fall into five broad categories:•VoIP and circuit-switch telephony;•Data services for internet access, virtual private networks, high capacity point-to-point, point-to-multi-point and multi-point-to-multi-point services, managed networking services such as wide area and WiFi networks;•Wireless services for mobile voice and data;•Interactive TV service with specialized channel lineups for targeted industries, such as hospitality; and•Value added Managed Services, including ◦Private and Public Cloud Infrastructure Services and integration, including Disaster Recovery Backup Services;◦Cloud and premise based Private Branch eXchange solutions, conferencing options and Hosted Contact Center solutions;◦Cyber Security Services, including structured solutions, rapid response, and other professional services;◦Emerging technologies in Software Defined Networking, Internet of Things, Digitalization and Digital Currencies; and ◦Specialized services such as Tele-Health, Digital Signage, and Retail Analytics. The extensive reach of our network and assets, as well as our comprehensive set of capabilities positions us to meet the needs of carriers, businesses and government customers that are searching for a capable, progressive provider to manage their ever more complex communications, connectivity and information technology needs.TechnologyIn many of our markets, we transmit our broadband internet, video and fixed-line telephony services over an HFC cable network, and increasingly through FTTH networks.TechnologyIn many of our markets, we transmit our broadband internet, video and fixed-line telephony services over aN HFC cable network, and increasingly through FTTH networks. An HFC network consists primarily of fiber networks that we connect to the home over the last few hundred meters by coaxial cable and an FTTH network uses fiber-to-the-home/-cabinet/-building/-node. In a minority of cases, we transmit our services over a fixed network consisting of VDSL or DSL copper lines. I-13We closely monitor our network capacity and customer usage.We closely monitor our network capacity and customer usage. We continue to take actions and explore improvements to our technologies that will increase our capacity and enhance our customers’ connected entertainment experience. These actions include:•recapturing bandwidth and optimizing our networks by:◦increasing the number of nodes in our markets;◦increasing the bandwidth of our hybrid fiber coaxial cable networks;◦converting analog channels to digital;◦bonding additional DOCSIS 3.0 channels and adding DOCSIS 3.1 channels;◦replacing copper lines with modern fiber optic lines; and◦using digital compression technologies.1 channels;◦replacing copper lines with modern optic fibers; and◦using digital compression technologies. •freeing spectrum for high-speed internet, VoD and other services by encouraging customers to move from analog to digital services;•increasing the efficiency of our networks by moving head-end functions (encoding, transcoding and multiplexing) to cloud storage systems;•enhancing our network to accommodate further business services;•using our wireless technologies to extend services outside of the home;•offering remote access to our video services through laptops, smart phones and tablets;•expanding the availability of next generation decoder and set-top boxes and related products, as well as developing and introducing online media sharing and streaming or cloud-based video; and•testing new technologies.We are engaged in network extension and upgrade programs across Liberty Latin America. We collectively refer to these network extension and upgrade programs as the “Network Extensions.” Through the Network Extensions, we continue to expand our fixed networks pursuant to which we pass or upgrade homes and businesses with our broadband communications network. For example, we have upgraded almost all of our HFC network to DOCSIS 3.1, and with a combination of FTTH and DOCSIS 3.1, over 80% of our network is currently capable of delivering speeds of 1 Gbps or above. In addition, we look for mobile service opportunities where we have established cable networks and have expanded our fixed-line networks where we have a strong mobile offering. This will allow us to offer converged fixed-line and mobile services to our customers.We deliver high-speed data and fixed-line telephony over our various fixed networks, including HFC and FTTH networks.We deliver high-speed data and fixed-line telephony over our various fixed networks, including cable, FTTH and copper networks. These networks are further connected via our subsea and terrestrial fiber optic cable networks that provide connectivity within and outside the region. Our subsea network cables terminating in the United States carry over 10 Tbps, which represent approximately 20% of their potential capacity based on current deployed technology, presenting us with significant growth opportunities. In Puerto Rico, our network includes a fiber ring around the island that provides enhanced interconnectivity points to the island’s other local and international telecommunications companies. As noted above, we operate one of the largest subsea fiber networks in the region and our systems include long-haul terrestrial backbone and metro fiber networks that provide access to major commercial zones, wireless carrier cell sites and customers in key markets within our operating footprint. For more information about our subsea network, see —Business Services above.We continue to expand our wireless coverage and capacity across our markets. We have built our region-wide 5G core and upgraded all of our Puerto Rico wireless network to 5G. I-14MobileWe operate mobile networks in all of our consumer markets except Trinidad & Tobago. Our networks deliver high-speed services, with over 90% LTE population coverage. Our networks deliver high-speed services across our markets, with over 90% LTE population coverage. Our wireless networks predominantly use LTE technologies, which we offer in most of the countries where we operate. Our primary wireless networks use HSPA+ and LTE technologies, which we offer in most of the countries where we operate. In Puerto Rico and USVI, we operate 5G networks and across other markets we aim to increase the speed of transmission of our data services and have been expanding our LTE coverage. We transmit wireless calls and data through radio frequencies that we use under spectrum licenses. We have a diversified portfolio of frequencies which support LTE and 5G (Puerto Rico and USVI only) technologies. We have a diversified portfolio of frequencies which support HSPA+, LTE and 5G (Puerto Rico & USVI only) technologies. Spectrum is a limited resource, and, as a result, we may face spectrum and capacity constraints on our wireless network in certain countries. While spectrum is a limited resource, and, as a result, we may face spectrum and capacity constraints on our wireless network in certain countries. We believe our current spectrum portfolio will allow us to meet subscribers’ needs in the coming years and minimal further investment, although we will continue to evaluate our need to acquire additional frequencies to supplement our existing spectrum portfolio. In Puerto Rico and USVI, the 700 MHz FirstNet (Band 14) is usable by us (when not occupied by first responders’ traffic) but owned by AT&T and the First Responders Public Private Partnership. In 2022, AWS spectrum was allocated to our Panama operations, and we acquired additional spectrum in Barbados and Cayman. In addition, in November 2023, we entered into an asset purchase agreement and a license purchase agreement with Dish Network to acquire Dish Network spectrum assets in Puerto Rico and USVI, which is subject to certain customary closing conditions, including regulatory approvals, and is expected to close in 2024.We continue to invest significant capital in expanding our network capacity and reach and to address spectrum and capacity constraints on a market-by-market basis. We continue to invest significant capital in expanding our network capacity and reach and to address spectrum and capacity constraints on a market-by-market basis. Our prime 5G deployed market is Puerto Rico and USVI where approximately 95% of the population is served by our 5G capable network. We continually look for opportunities to expand our 5G footprint to other countries where a positive business case exists. Similarly, we are investing to build a new mobile core in Puerto Rico, which when built, will be virtualized, and redundant. Similarly, we are investing to build a new mobile core in Puerto Rico, which when built, will be virtualized, redundant and “pooled” across all our countries/islands in the Caribbean region (inside and outside hurricane regions) to provide redundancy and resilience. These redundant network elements will be connected by our owned and operated diverse submarine cable routes with automatic alternate routing. These pooled and redundant network elements will be connected by our owned and operated diverse submarine cable routes with automatic alternate routing. Across all our mobile operations we continually strive to improve our network performance by commissioning annual competitive performance benchmarking studies and undertaking customer experience improvement programs. In Puerto Rico and USVI, we are a part of the national US Firstnet (Emergency/First Responders) network, which necessitates above-average network resilience and other customer performance requirements, subject to governmental penalties for non-compliance. In Puerto Rico and the USVI, we are a part of the national US Firstnet (Emergency/First Responders) network, which necessitates above-average network resilience and other customer performance requirements, subject to governmental penalties for non-compliance. Supply SourcesContentContent is one of the key drivers for customers in selecting a provider of video, broadband and/or wireless services.Supply SourcesContentContent is one of the drivers for customers in selecting a provider of video, broadband and/or wireless services. Therefore, we aim to provide products that allow our customers to consume content whenever and wherever they want and feature content that matters the most to our customers. Our programming strategy is based on:•product (enabling access through home and mobile screens at anytime, including live, catch-up, restart with the ability to pause programming, personal recording, on-demand and internet streaming apps);•proposition (meeting our customers’ content and entertainment expectations by offering access to a wider range of channels and on-demand content, and internet streaming services at affordable and competitive price points);•partnering (alliances with content partners and leading distributors to aggregate the best linear, on-demand and streaming content); and•variety (expanding the content offering from video to other categories and creating an ecosystem across music, sports, retail, culinary, fitness etc. Our programming strategy is based on:•product (enabling access through home and mobile screens at anytime, including live, restart, catch-up, personal recording, on-demand and internet streaming apps);•proposition (meeting our customers’ content and entertainment expectations by offering access to a wider range of channels and on-demand content, and internet streaming services at affordable and competitive price points); and•partnering (alliances with content partners and leading distributors to aggregate the best linear, non-linear and streaming content). through the convenience of our products, broadband and wireless connectivity services).Except for Flow Sports and Flow 1 services, that we operate, in the Caribbean, and the RUSH sports channel operated by a consolidated joint venture with the Digicel Group, we license our programming and on-demand content through distribution agreements with third-party content providers, including broadcasters, leading cable networks and major Hollywood studios. For such licenses, we generally pay a variable monthly fee on a per subscriber basis, through multi-year programming licenses. In our distribution agreements, we seek to include the rights to offer the licensed channels and on-demand programming to our authenticated customers through multiple delivery platforms including through our apps for IP-connected mobile and/or fixed devices, and our websites. We also acquire rights to make available, in most of our markets, video services to mobile subscribers and broadband subscribers that are not subscribers to fixed TV services. We also acquire rights to make available, in selected markets, video services to mobile subscribers and broadband subscribers that are not subscribers to fixed TV services. With respect to rights for the sports and entertainment services we operate directly or in a joint-venture in the Caribbean, we seek to license locally relevant sports and general entertainment content. Additionally, we produce original series and stories. Our latest video consumer equipment that is distributed to a growing number of markets, including Puerto Rico, Costa I-15Rica and Panama, also enables our customers to access, through the Google App Store, leading streaming services such as Netflix, Disney+, Max and Amazon Prime Video. Our latest video consumer equipment that is distributed to a growing number of markets, including Puerto Rico, Chile, Costa Rica and Panama, also enables our customers to access, through the Google App Store, leading streaming services such as Netflix, Disney+, HBOMax and Amazon Prime Video. Mobile Handsets and Customer Premises EquipmentWe use a variety of suppliers for mobile handsets to offer our customers mobile services. For other customer premises equipment, we purchase from a number of different suppliers and regularly assess production lead times to ensure supply continuity and implement dual sourcing strategies to mitigate further risks when applicable. Customer premises equipment includes set-top boxes, modems, WiFi routers, extenders and similar devices. For each type of equipment, we retain specialists to provide customer support. For our broadband services, we use a variety of suppliers for our network equipment and the various services we offer.Software LicensesWe license software products, including email and security software as well as content, such as news feeds, from several suppliers for our internet services and internal IT platforms. The agreements for these products require us to pay a per subscriber fee or a one-off software license fee and a share of advertising revenue for content licenses. For our mobile network operations and our fixed-line telephony services, we license software products, such as voicemail, text messaging and caller ID, from a variety of suppliers. For these licenses we seek to enter into long-term contracts, which generally require us to pay based on usage of the services.Regulatory MattersVideo distribution, broadband internet, fixed-line telephony and mobile businesses are regulated in each of the markets in which we operate, and the scope of regulation varies from market to market. Adverse regulatory developments could subject our businesses to a number of risks. Regulation, including conditions imposed on us by competition or other authorities as a requirement to close acquisitions or dispositions, could limit growth, revenue and the number and type of services offered and could lead to increased operating costs and property and equipment additions. In addition, regulation may restrict our operations and subject them to further competitive pressure, including pricing rules and restrictions, interconnect and other access obligations, and restrictions or controls on content, including content provided by third parties. Failure to comply with current or future regulation could expose our businesses to various penalties.C&W Caribbean The video, broadband, telephony and mobile services provided by C&W Caribbean are subject to regulation and enforcement by various governmental and regulatory entities in each of the jurisdictions where such services are provided.C&W Caribbean and NetworksThe video, broadband, telephony and mobile services provided by C&W Caribbean and Networks are subject to regulation and enforcement by various governmental and regulatory entities in each of the jurisdictions where such services are provided. The scope and reach of these regulations are distinct in each market, with some markets such as the Dutch Caribbean being more heavily regulated than others. Generally, C&W Caribbean provides services in accordance with licenses and concessions granted by national authorities pursuant to national telecommunication legislation and associated regulations. Generally, C&W Caribbean and Networks provides services in accordance with licenses and concessions granted by national authorities pursuant to national telecommunication legislation and associated regulations. Certain of these regulatory requirements are summarized below.As the incumbent telecommunications provider in many of its jurisdictions, C&W Caribbean is subject to significant regulatory oversight with respect to the provision of fixed-line and mobile telephony services.As the incumbent telecommunications provider in many of its jurisdictions, C&W Caribbean and Networks is subject to significant regulatory oversight with respect to the provision of fixed-line and mobile telephony services. Generally, in these markets, C&W Caribbean operates under a government issued license or concession that enables it to own and operate its telecommunication networks, including the establishment of wireless networks and the use of spectrum. Generally, in these markets, C&W Caribbean and Networks operates under a government issued license or concession that enables it to own and operate its telecommunication networks, including the establishment of wireless networks and the use of spectrum. These licenses and concessions are typically non-exclusive and have renewable multi-year terms that include competitive, qualitative and rate regulation. Licenses and concessions are in the process of being renewed in Jamaica, the Cayman Islands, The Bahamas, Antigua and the Turks and Caicos Islands. Licenses and concessions are in the process of being renewed in the Cayman Islands, the British Virgin Islands, Antigua and the Turks and Caicos Islands. We believe we have complied with all local requirements to have existing licenses renewed and have provided all necessary information to enable local authorities to process applications for renewal in a timely manner. In addition, in some of the ECTEL states we are operating under expired licenses and have applied for renewal of such licenses. We expect that such licenses will be granted or renewed, as applicable, on the same or substantially similar terms and conditions in a timely manner. Pending issuance of new or renewed licenses or concessions, we continue to operate on the same terms and conditions as prior to the licenses expiring. With respect to licenses for mobile spectrum, the initial grant of the spectrum is sometimes subject to an auction process, but in a number of other cases, the license may be granted on the basis of an administrative process at a set level of fees for a fixed period of time, typically to coincide with carrier licenses, subject to the payment of annual fees and compliance with applicable license requirements. In very rare cases, spectrum previously assigned to C&W Caribbean may be re-allocated by I-16regulatory authorities to other operators in the market. In very rare cases, spectrum previously assigned to C&W Caribbean and Networks may be re-allocated by regulatory authorities to other operators in the market. Alternatively, spectrum sought by C&W Caribbean may not be available for grant, due to prior historical grants or due to the need to avoid interference with neighboring markets particularly in the Caribbean. Alternatively, spectrum sought by C&W Caribbean and Networks may not be available for grant, due to prior historical grants or due to the need to avoid interference with neighboring markets particularly in the Caribbean. By and large, spectrum assignments, once granted, remain unchanged for the duration of a license and beyond. In the Dutch Caribbean the frequencies are allotted on a “first come, first serve” basis, and they operate in the same frequency band divisions as mainland Europe. The regulator reserves the various spectrum evenly between the market players and grants these when needed. Once granted, the operator must start paying for the allocated spectrum.Rate regulation of C&W Caribbean’s telephony services typically includes price caps that set the maximum rates it may charge to customers, or legislation that requires consent from a regulator prior to any price or non-price changes.Rate regulation of C&W Caribbean and Networks’ telephony services typically includes price caps that set the maximum rates it may charge to customers, or legislation that requires consent from a regulator prior to any price or non-price changes. In addition, all regulators determine and set the rates that may be charged by all telephony operators, including C&W Caribbean, for interconnect charges, access charges between operators for calls originating on one network that are completed through connections with one or more networks of other providers, and charges for network unbundling services. In addition, all regulators determine and set the rates that may be charged by all telephony operators, including C&W Caribbean and Networks, for interconnect charges, access charges between operators for calls originating on one network that are completed through connections with one or more networks of other providers, and charges for network unbundling services. In addition, in certain markets, regulators set, or are seeking to set, mobile roaming rates and wholesale dedicated internet access. Interconnection rates (and primarily mobile termination and roaming rates) in the telecommunications industry worldwide are decreasing, and we are experiencing this trend towards lower interconnection rates in our markets. On the BES-islands, also known as the Caribbean Netherlands, data services are considered obligated services that are subject to price regulation requiring regulatory approval of any pricing changes, and Curacao is also considering whether to adjust its rules and regulations to make data services obligated services.In recent years, a number of markets in which C&W Caribbean operate have demonstrated an increased interest in regulating various aspects of broadband internet services due to the increasing importance of high speed broadband.In recent years, a number of markets in which C&W Caribbean and Networks operates have demonstrated an increased interest in regulating various aspects of broadband internet services due to the increasing importance of high speed broadband. National regulators have also demonstrated an increased focus on the issues of network resilience, broadband affordability and penetration, quality of services and consumer rights. National regulators have also demonstrated an increased focus on the issues of network resilience, broadband affordability and penetration, quality of services and consumer rights. Certain regulators are also seeking to mandate third-party access to C&W Caribbean’s network infrastructure, including dark fiber and landing stations, as well as to regulate wholesale services and prices. Certain regulators are also seeking to mandate third-party access to C&W Caribbean and Networks’ network infrastructure, including dark fiber and landing stations, as well as to regulate wholesale services and prices. In the Dutch Caribbean and French territories, there are rules and regulations requiring such third party access to network infrastructure. Any such decision and application to grant access to our network infrastructure may strengthen our competitors by granting them the ability to access our network to offer competing products and services without making the corresponding capital intensive infrastructure investment. In addition, any resale access granted to competitors on favorable economic terms that are not set by the free market could adversely impact our ability to maintain or increase our revenue and cash flows. The extent of any such adverse impacts ultimately will be dependent on the extent that competitors take advantage of the resale access ultimately afforded to our network, the pricing mandated by regulatory authorities and other competitive factors or market developments.As an example, in Jamaica, under The Telecommunications (Infrastructure Sharing) Rules 2022, dominant licensees are required to share infrastructure (including dark fiber, ducts, subsea cable landing stations and mobile network towers) with third parties, including competitors. However, it is anticipated that these rules will not become operational for some time as there are specific actions (including a prescribed costing methodology) that will take considerable time to complete. Our operations in Jamaica have already submitted their objections to the OUR on the premise that due process was not followed leading up to the promulgation of these new infrastructure sharing rules. Our operations in Jamaica intend to appeal to the telecommunications tribunal and finally to the courts for changes to be made to the adverse provisions of the new rules or to revoke them entirely. Our operations in Jamaica are resolved to challenge the process ultimately to the courts for changes to be made to any adverse provisions of the new rules or to revoke them entirely. Our operations in Jamaica intend to appeal to the telecommunications tribunal and finally to the courts for changes to be made to the adverse provisions of the new rules or to revoke them entirely. The process of such a challenge is likely to be long, and we cannot at this time determine the possibility of a successful outcome. In addition, the ECTEL, the regulatory body for telecommunications in five Eastern Caribbean States (Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia and St. Vincent and the Grenadines), has adopted an Electronic Communications Bill that may have a material adverse impact on C&W Caribbean’s operations in the ECTEL member states. Vincent and the Grenadines), has adopted an Electronic Communications Bill that may have a material adverse impact on C&W Caribbean, and Networks’ operations in the ECTEL member states. The proposed Electronic Communications Bill includes provisions relating to: •net neutrality principles mandating equal access to all content and applications regardless of the source and without favoring, degrading, interrupting, intercepting, blocking access or throttling speeds;•subscription television rate regulation;•regulations implementing market dominance rules;•network unbundling at regulated rates; and•mandated unbundled access to all landing station network elements at cost-based rates.I-17We currently cannot determine the impact these provisions will have on our operations because national regulators are required to conduct extensive market reviews before adopting specific measures and these measures might be reconsidered in accordance with the market reviews. St. Kitts and Nevis enacted the bill in 2021 and was later followed by St. Vincent and the Grenadines in 2022, so that the bill is now currently in effect in those markets. Other ECTEL states will follow to enact the legislation in the next few years, although a specific timeline is unclear, as it is the purview of each legislature to determine the precise date on which the legislation will be introduced for deliberation. Although the legislation does contain provisions which potentially increase the level and variety of regulation to which C&W Caribbean’s operations in ECTEL states may be subject, implementation of such rules will be time consuming and complex. In addition to rate regulation, several markets in which C&W Caribbean operates have imposed, or are considering imposing, regulations designed to further encourage competition, including introducing requirements related to unbundling, network access to third parties, and LNP for fixed and mobile services. In addition to rate regulation, several markets in which C&W operates have imposed, or are considering imposing, regulations designed to further encourage competition, including introducing requirements related to unbundling, network access to third parties, and LNP for fixed and mobile services. Jurisdictions such as The Bahamas, the Cayman Islands and Jamaica have implemented fixed and mobile LNP and ECTEL has implemented mobile LNP. Jurisdictions such as the Bahamas, the Cayman Islands and Jamaica have implemented fixed and mobile LNP and ECTEL has implemented mobile LNP. Barbados launched fixed LNP and mobile LNP in January 2023. Other jurisdictions, including Antigua & Barbuda, Curacao and Turks and Caicos, have considered or begun to implement LNP. Other jurisdictions, including Antigua & Barbuda, Barbados and Turks and Caicos, have considered or begun to implement LNP. Although fixed LNP and mobile LNP are already in place in Trinidad and Tobago, the regulator has yet to enforce it amongst the operators. Additionally, regulators in The Bahamas have eased restrictions on the mobile market.The pay television service provided in certain C&W Caribbean markets is subject to, among other things, subscriber privacy regulations, data protection laws and regulations, and the must-carry rule (as defined below) and retransmission consent rights of broadcast stations.The pay television service provided in certain C&W markets is subject to, among other things, subscriber privacy regulations, data protection laws and regulations, and the must-carry rule (as defined below) and retransmission consent rights of broadcast stations. Pay television service in certain C&W Caribbean markets is also under heavy pressure from illegal IP-setup boxes that are swamping the markets. Pay television service in certain C&W markets is also under heavy pressure from illegal IP-setup boxes that are swamping the markets. The price point that these pirates offer are difficult to compete against, and regulators are having a difficult time acting against these pirates or, in some cases, are unwilling to act against them.C&W Caribbean is also subject to universal service obligations in a number of markets.C&W is also subject to universal service obligations in a number of markets. These obligations vary in specificity and extent, but they are generally related to ensuring widespread geographic coverage of networks and that the populations of C&W Caribbean’s individual markets have access to basic telecommunication services at minimum quality standards. These obligations vary in specificity and extent, but they are generally related to ensuring widespread geographic coverage of networks and that the populations of C&W’s individual markets have access to basic telecommunication services at minimum quality standards. In a number of cases, C&W Caribbean is required to support universal access/service goals through contributions to universal service funds or participate in universal service-related projects. In a number of cases, C&W is required to support universal access/service goals through contributions to universal service funds or participate in universal service-related projects. In addition to the industry-specific regimes discussed above, C&W Caribbean’s operating companies must comply with both specific and general legislation concerning, among other matters, data retention, consumer protection and electronic commerce. In addition to the industry-specific regimes discussed above, C&W’s operating companies must comply with both specific and general legislation concerning, among other matters, data retention, consumer protection and electronic commerce. These operating companies are also subject to national level regulations on competition and on consumer protection.In Trinidad and Tobago, C&W was required by the Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago, in connection with its approval of C&W’s acquisition of Columbus International Inc. in March 2015, to dispose of its 49% shareholding in TSTT. The disposal of C&W’s stake in TSTT is not complete. We cannot predict when, or if, we will be able to dispose of this investment at an acceptable price. As such, no assurance can be given that we will be able to recover the carrying value of our investment in TSTT.Liberty NetworksWith respect to Liberty Networks’ B2B and networks business in Latin America, we are subject to significantly less regulation in the markets in which we operate compared to our residential businesses described above.With respect to C&W’s B2B and networks business in Latin America, we are subject to significantly less regulation in the markets in which we operate compared to our residential businesses described above. We do have the licenses in Latin America and the U.S. necessary to operate wholesale and enterprise services in all countries in which we operate. Although the legal framework in Latin America changes from country to country, we do own international/local carrier and Internet or data services licenses in every jurisdiction in which we operate. Most licenses are granted for a 10 to 15 year term. Most licenses are granted for a 10 to 15 year term. Some licenses and concessions are in the process of being renewed: Panama (Carrier), and United States (Carrier). We believe we have complied with all local requirements to have existing licenses renewed. We believe we have complied with all local requirements to have existing licenses renewed and have provided all necessary information to enable local authorities to process applications for renewal in a timely manner. We expect that such licenses will be renewed, as applicable, on the same or substantially similar terms and conditions in a timely manner. We expect that such licenses will be granted or renewed, as applicable, on the same or substantially similar terms and conditions in a timely manner. Pending issuance of new or renewed licenses or concessions, we continue to operate on the same terms and conditions as prior to the licenses expiring.The networks business operates approximately 50,000 kilometers of submarine fiber optic cable systems in the U.The networks business operates over 50,000 km of submarine fiber optic cable systems in the U. S., the Caribbean and Latin America. These sub-systems have cable landing stations and facilities in the U.S. and its territories. These facilities are regulated by the FCC, the Department of Homeland Security and other U.S. governmental agencies that impose additional reporting and licensing obligations on Liberty Networks. governmental agencies that impose additional reporting and licensing obligations on C&W Caribbean and Networks. I-18C&W PanamaC&W Panama is subject to regulatory entities, principally ASEP.C&W PanamaC&W Panama is subject to regulatory entities, principally ASEP, created in 1996 and modified in 2006 through Decree Law No. ASEP regulates and controls the public services for the supply of drinking water, sanitary sewerage, telecommunications and electricity. Also, C&W Panama is subject to the ACODECO, guarantor of consumer protection and antitrust, which operates under the direction of the Ministry of Commerce and Industries.Public services in Panama are classified as “Type A services” and “Type B services,” with Mobile Telephony and Personal Communication (PCS) services being classified as Type A services. In 1997, a concession was awarded to BSC (now Grupo Milicom) and C&W Panama. In 1997, the concession was awarded to BSC (now Grupo Milicom) and C&W Panama. On January 2, 2003, the Local, National and International Basic Services were opened to competition by virtue of the termination of the temporary exclusivity granted to C&W Panama for the privatization of the public operator, INTEL.With the opening of the market, in 2008, concession contracts for the PCS Service were granted to Digicel (Panamá), S.A. and Claro Panama. and Claro Panamá, S. Currently, C&W Panama completed a mobile market consolidation process with Claro Panama, according to Law 36 of June 5, 2018 and subsequently, Digicel declared their intention to return their concession to the Panamanian government. The law of market consolidation issued by the Panamanian government aims to maintain three mobile operators and therefore, the Panamanian state recently published the public bid for the acquisition of this concession and purchase of some assets of Digicel Panama, and it has authorized ASEP to negotiate with General International Telecom Panama for this purchase.Spectrum. C&W Panama currently has a total of 125 MHz allocated (30 MHz in the 700 MHz band, 40 MHz in the 1900 MHz band, 30 MHz of AWS Band (1710-1780 MHz and 2110 and 2180) and 25 MHz in the 850 MHz band). At the time of the acquisition of Claro Panama, C&W Panama had 65MHz allocated (20 MHz in the 700 Band, 20 MHz in the 900 MHz, 25 MHz in the 850 MHz Band), and Claro Panama had 60 MHz allocated (20 MHz in the 700 MHz Band, 40 MHz in the 1900 MHz Band). As per a consolidation law, an acquiring operator could only have a maximum of 130MHz.Concessions.I-20Concessions. C&W Panama holds thirteen concessions renewed for the following twenty years, available until the year 2037, except a pay TV license that was renewed in 2008 for 25 years. C&W Panama decided not to renew the concessions corresponding to discontinued or not provided services (facsimile retransmission service and conventional trunk systems service for public or private use), and the Concession #104 (Pay Phone Services), was renewed under special conditions imposed by the regulator.Public Telephone Service. Public Telephone Service. C&W Panama is the only operator that provides Public Telephone Service in Panama. Since 2021, efforts have been made with the regulatory authority to obtain authorization for disconnection and/or relocation of public phones, and in 2022, C&W Panama obtained approval to remove 4,005 out of 8,445 public phones. During 2021, efforts have been made with the regulatory authority to obtain authorization for disconnection and/or relocation of public phones, and a first relocation approval has been obtained for 48 units. A second request has been filed to disconnect 1,053 public phones, and C&W Panama is in the process of analyzing additional public phones to be included in a disconnection request.Fixed Services (Fixed-Line Telephony, Public and Semipublic Telephone). C&W Panama has a license to provide Basic Local, National and International Telecommunications Services, as well as Public and Semipublic Terminals and Rental of Dedicated Voice Circuits, within the entire territory of Panama until the year 2037. C&W Panama is a Type B concessionaire, with or without use of radio spectrum, subject to compliance with requirements regarding the fulfillment of quality goals for the provision of these services, such as the attention to recommendations issued by the International Telecommunications Union. During 2023, C&W Panama filed considerations to a public consultation, which proposes to eliminate National Long Distance. C&W Panama favors the proposal, subject to its compliance with a proposed staggered process.Mobile Services. C&W Panama is authorized to install, maintain, manage, operate and commercially exploit the mobile telephone service, in the assigned radio spectrum segments, which currently C&W Panama has 125 MHz, for its prepaid and post-paid mobile customers, including supplementary services and other Mobile Telephony services, throughout Panama, which is valid until 2037. Internet Service: There are conditions and quality parameters for providing internet service to the public that became effective in 2018, setting new regulatory conditions and supervision of the service providers starting in 2019. During May 2019, ASEP conducted an inspection intended to validate that these requirements were duly configured in the system. During May 2019, ASEP conducted an inspection intended to validate that the six goals established in Resolution AN No. C&W Panama has complied with the regulatory requirements. Currently, C&W Panama has complied with the regulatory requirements. Pay Television Service. Initially, the concession for the provision of the pay television service was granted to the International Contact Center Company in 2008, and then the rights were transferred in favor of C&W Panama. Initially, the concession for the provision of the pay television service was granted to the International Contact Center Company in 2008, and then the rights were transferred in favor of C&W Panama, whose provision is governed by Law No. The license was I-19granted to retransmit audio and video signals through coaxial cable and fiber optics in the province of Panama, with a validity of 25 years, which was later extended to other provinces in the coverage area for the provision of paid TV service. Liberty Puerto RicoLiberty Puerto Rico is subject to regulation in Puerto Rico by various governmental entities at the Puerto Rico and the U.I-21Liberty Puerto RicoLiberty Puerto Rico is subject to regulation in Puerto Rico by various governmental entities at the Puerto Rico and the U. S. federal level, including the FCC and the TB. The TB has primary regulatory jurisdiction in Puerto Rico at the local level and is responsible for awarding franchises to cable operators for the provision of cable service in Puerto Rico and regulating cable television and telecommunications services. The TB consolidated the majority of Liberty Puerto Rico’s cable franchises in December 2022.Our business in Puerto Rico is subject to comprehensive regulation under the Communications Act, which regulates communication, telecommunication and cable television services. The Communications Act also provides the general legal framework for, among other things, the provision of telephone services, services related to interconnection between telephone carriers, and television, radio, cable television and direct broadcast satellite services.The FCC and/or the TB have the authority to impose sanctions, including warnings, fines, license revocations and, in certain specific cases, termination of the franchise, although license revocation and franchise termination are rare. The Communications Act specifies causes for the termination of licenses, including, for example, the failure to comply with license requirements and conditions or to pay fines or fees in a timely manner. Such sanctions by the TB and/or FCC can be appealed to, and reviewed by, Puerto Rican courts and U.S. federal courts.In May 2018, the FCC established the UPR Fund to provide subsidies for the deployment and hardening of fixed wireline and mobile wireless communications networks in Puerto Rico. Stage 1 of the UPR Fund made $51 million of new funding available for Puerto Rico telecommunications providers following Hurricanes Maria and Irma in 2017. Stage 2 of the UPR Fund made additional funding available to providers of services over fixed wireline networks through a competitive bidding process, and to mobile wireless providers subject to those providers meeting certain conditions.To be eligible for Stage 2 UPR funding for fixed services, Liberty Puerto Rico requested that the TB designate it as an ETC, which the TB did in June 2018. To be eligible for Stage 2 UPR funding for fixed services, Liberty Puerto Rico requested that TB designate it as an ETC, which the TB did in June 2018. As part of its obligations as an ETC, Liberty Puerto Rico must offer services at a discounted rate to low income customers under the federal Lifeline Program and low-cost services to schools and libraries under the Schools and Libraries Program (E-Rate). Both programs provide FCC subsidies to ensure access to telecommunications and broadband access services for specified classes of customers. Liberty Puerto Rico began offering Lifeline services in April 2019. On November 2, 2020, LCPR received preliminary approval from the FCC for an award of approximately $72 million through the UPR Fund. The funds support providing high-speed broadband access to all locations within 43 of Puerto Rico’s 78 municipalities, representing service to over 914,000 locations. The funds are in support of providing high-speed broadband access to all locations within 43 of Puerto Rico’s 78 municipalities, representing service to over 914,000 locations. After LCPR submitted all required materials in June 2021, this funding was authorized by the FCC. After LCPR submitted all required materials in June 2021, the associated funding with this program was authorized by the FCC. Liberty Puerto Rico will have six years to complete the network expansions and upgrades, during which certain milestones must be met. Liberty Puerto Rico is expected to receive approximately $72 million, which will be paid in 120 equal monthly payments over a 10-year period that began in July 2021. The revenue recognized from such project will be reflected as “other revenue” in our revenue by product disclosures in our financial statements. Effective December 31, 2021, in connection with the BBVI Acquisition, Liberty Puerto Rico acquired 96% of the outstanding shares of Broadband VI, LLC for $33 million, subject to certain post-closing adjustments. On June 8, 2021, the FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau issued a public notice authorizing $85 million in Connect USVI funding for Broadband VI, LLC to deploy wireline networks and provide voice and broadband services to more than 46,000 locations in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Given its acquisition of Broadband VI, LLC, Liberty Puerto Rico will now be the recipient of these funds, as well as responsible for the network expansions and upgrades committed to in the bid. Liberty Puerto Rico will have six years to complete the network expansions and upgrades committed to in the bid, and will receive FCC funding support over the course of ten years. Liberty Puerto Rico will have six years to complete the network expansions and upgrades, during which certain milestones must be met. In addition to expansions and upgrades, Broadband VI, LLC committed to a robust disaster preparation and response plan to harden its network and make it more resistant to storm damage.With respect to Stage 2 UPR funding for mobile wireless providers, the FCC also established in September 2019 that mobile wireless providers providing service in Puerto Rico as of June 2017 were eligible to receive up to $254 million over three years based on their relative number of subscribers for such service as of June 2017. With respect to Stage 2 UPR funding for mobile wireless providers, the FCC also established in September 2019 that mobile wireless providers providing service in Puerto Rico as of June 2017 were eligible to receive up to $254 million over three years based on their relative number of subscribers for such service as of June 2017. In order to obtain such support, the mobile providers were required to confirm the number of mobile wireless subscribers they served as of June 2017, and obtain FCC approval of a plan that describes and commits to the methods and procedures that will be used to prepare for and respond to disasters in Puerto Rico. In order to obtain such support, the mobile providers were required to confirm the number of mobile wireless subscribers they served as of June 2017, and obtain FCC approval of a plan that describes and commits to the methods and procedures that will be used to prepare for and respond to disasters in Puerto Rico. Liberty Puerto Rico’s predecessor wireless provider in Puerto Rico (AT&T) submitted the required documentation and in June 2020, the FCC authorized that entity to receive approximately $34 million in annual funding over I-20three years or a total amount of $102 million in funding to expand, improve and harden the mobile networks in Puerto Rico and USVI. Liberty’s predecessor wireless provider in Puerto Rico (AT&T) submitted the required documentation and in June 2020, the FCC authorized that entity to receive approximately $33 million in funding over three years or a total amount of $102 million in funding to expand, improve and harden the mobile networks in Puerto Rico and the U. That entity had previously obtained the required ETC designation in Puerto Rico. Having purchased this business in connection with the AT&T Acquisition, Liberty Puerto Rico is receiving these funds. The funds are paid in equal installments of $3 million and since the date of the AT&T Acquisition, we have received approximately $98 million in funding, including approximately $94 million and $4 million received by our mobile operations in Puerto Rico and USVI, respectively. The funds are paid in equal installments of $3 million and since the date of the AT&T Acquisition, we have received $40 million in funding, including approximately $38 million and $2 million received by our mobile operations in Puerto Rico and the U. On April 19, 2023, the FCC adopted a report and order that provides two additional years of transitional mobile support beginning in June 2023. Transitional mobile support recipients receive 50% of their current monthly support for both 4G LTE and 5G-NR during the first year of transitional support, and then 25% of their current monthly support in their second year of transitional support. Thus, Liberty Puerto Rico’s annual Stage 2 UPR mobile support was reduced from approximately $34 million to approximately $17 million in the first year of transitional support and to approximately $8.5 million in the second year. The FCC has stated that it intends to develop a long-term funding mechanism to support network hardening in Puerto Rico but has not yet released a notice of proposed rulemaking regarding such long-term funding program. On September 21, 2023 the FCC adopted a further notice of proposed rulemaking seeking comment on whether the FCC should support 5G development in Puerto Rico and USVI through the 5G Fund for Rural America.Liberty Puerto Rico also is subject to certain regulatory requirements specific to it. Liberty Latin America entered into a Letter of Agreement on July 1, 2020 with the DOJ and the U.S. Department of Defense in connection with the AT&T Acquisition, and Liberty Communications PR entered into a Letter of Agreement on November 20, 2020 with the DOJ regarding an FCC application. Further, Liberty Latin America and LCPR are subject to a Final Judgment, filed on February 3, 2021, in connection with the divestiture of certain assets to complete the AT&T Acquisition, which does not expire for 10 years. Failure to comply with the Letters of Agreement or the Final Judgment could result in a variety of sanctions, including, for example, fines and/or license revocation.In Puerto Rico, antitrust regulation is governed by the U.S. Sherman Act, other federal antitrust legislation, and the Puerto Rico Anti-Monopoly Law. In particular, the Sherman Act seeks to prevent anti-competitive practices in the marketplace and requires governmental review of certain business combinations, among other things. The Puerto Rico Anti-Monopoly Law substantially parallels the Sherman Act and authorizes the Puerto Rico Department of Justice to investigate and impose competition-related conditions on transactions. The Attorney General of Puerto Rico is permitted to investigate a transaction under federal law or under the Puerto Rico Anti-Monopoly Law.Puerto Rico Law 5 of 1973, as amended, created the Puerto Rico Department of Consumer Affairs, which regulates marketing campaigns, publicity, and breach of service contracts, and prohibits false advertising. Law 213, which created the TB, requires that rates for telecommunication services be cost-based, forbids cross-subsidies and focuses on encouraging, preserving and enforcing competition in the cable and telecommunications markets. Although Law 213 does not require Liberty Puerto Rico to obtain any approval of rate increases for cable television or telecommunication services, any such increases must be in compliance with Law 213’s requirements, including notification to the TB before such increases take effect.Video. The provision of cable television services requires a franchise issued by the TB. Franchises are subject to termination proceedings in the event of a material breach or failure to comply with certain material provisions set forth in the franchise agreement governing a franchisee’s system operations, although such terminations are rare. In addition, franchises require payment of a franchise fee as a requirement to the grant of authority, which is passed to Liberty Puerto Rico’s customers. Franchises establish comprehensive facilities and service requirements, as well as specific customer service standards and monetary penalties for non- compliance. Franchises are generally granted for fixed terms of up to ten years and must be periodically renewed.Our pay television service in Puerto Rico is subject to, among other things, subscriber privacy regulations and must-carry and retransmission consent rights of broadcast television stations. The Communications Act and FCC rules govern aspects of the carriage relationship between broadcast television stations and cable companies. To ensure that every qualifying local television station can be received in its local market without requiring a cable subscriber to switch between cable and off-air signals, the FCC allows every qualifying full-power television broadcast station to require that all local cable systems transmit that station’s primary digital channel to their subscribers within the station’s market (the “must-carry” rule) pursuant to the Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992. Alternatively, a station may elect every three years to forego its must carry rights and seek a negotiated agreement to establish the terms of its carriage by a local cable system, referred to as retransmission consent.I-21Communications Act requirements and FCC regulations applicable to the video services provided by Liberty Puerto Rico include, among other things: (1) licensing of communications systems and facilities, such as various spectrum licenses; (2) customer and technical service standards; (3) ownership restrictions; (4) emergency alert systems; (5) disability access, including video description and closed captioning; (6) competitive availability of cable equipment; (7) equal employment obligations; and (8) public, education and government entity access requirements.Communications Act requirements and FCC regulations applicable to the video services provided by Liberty Puerto Rico include, among other things: (1) licensing of communications systems and facilities, such as various spectrum licenses; (2) customer and technical service standards; (3) ownership restrictions; (4) emergency alert systems; (5) disability access, including video description and closed captioning; (6) competitive availability of cable equipment; (7) equal employment obligations; and (8) public, education and government entity access requirements. Internet. Liberty Puerto Rico offers high-speed internet access throughout its entire footprint. In March 2015, the FCC issued an order classifying mass-market broadband internet access service as a “telecommunications service,” changing its long-standing treatment of this offering as an “information service,” which the FCC traditionally has subjected to limited regulation. The rules adopted by the FCC prohibited, among other things, broadband providers from: (i) blocking access to lawful content, applications, services or non-harmful devices; (ii) impairing or degrading lawful internet traffic on the basis of content, applications, services or non-harmful devices; and (iii) favoring some lawful internet traffic over other lawful internet traffic in exchange for consideration (collectively, 2015 Restrictions). In addition, the FCC prohibited broadband providers from unreasonably interfering with users’ ability to access lawful content or use devices that do not harm the network, or with edge providers’ ability to disseminate their content, and imposed more detailed disclosure obligations on broadband providers than were previously in place. On December 14, 2017, the FCC adopted a Declaratory Ruling, Report and Order (the 2017 Order) that, in large part, reversed the regulations issued by the FCC in 2015. The 2017 Order, among other things, restores the classifications of broadband internet access as an information service under Title I of the Communications Act, and mobile broadband internet access service as a private mobile service, and eliminates the 2015 Restrictions. The 2017 Order does require ISPs to disclose information to consumers regarding practices such as throttling, paid prioritization and affiliated prioritization, and restores broadband consumer protection authority to the Federal Trade Commission. In 2019, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit largely upheld the 2017 Order. On October 19, 2023, the FCC adopted a notice of proposed rulemaking in which the FCC, among other things, again proposes to classify broadband internet access service as a telecommunications service subject to regulation under Title II of the Communications Act (the 2023 Notice) and prohibit ISPs from blocking or throttling information transmitted over their networks or engaging in paid or affiliated prioritization agreements. The FCC likely will adopt some form of the rules proposed in the 2023 Notice during 2024 following completion of the FCC’s public comment period. Any new rules may be challenged in U.S. federal court.On November 15, 2023, the FCC adopted a report and order and further notice of proposed rulemaking pursuant to the Infrastructure Act to broadly prohibit “digital discrimination of access” to broadband, defined as “policies or practices, not justified by genuine issues of technical or economic feasibility, that differentially impact consumers’ access to broadband internet access service based on their income level, race, ethnicity, color, religion or national origin, or are intended to have such differential impact.” Under the new rules, differentiation as to any available quality of service metric for broadband service may provide a basis for liability, absent sufficient justification. The FCC will enforce the prohibition on digital discrimination of access through self-initiated FCC investigations and through informal complaints filed with the FCC, but will not initiate any enforcement investigation until at least six months after the effective date of the new rules. The FCC also seeks comment on proposed rules requiring ISPs to submit annual reports to the FCC of substantial projects recently completed by providers and to establish internal compliance programs to evaluate the demographics of communities served by such projects and whether providers’ broadband-related policies might differentially affect access to broadband without adequate technical or economic justification.Liberty Puerto Rico is a participating provider in the ACP, which was known as the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program until it was renamed by the Infrastructure Act enacted on November 15, 2021. The ACP provides a long-term broadband affordability benefit program to low-income customers. The Infrastructure Act, among other things, reduced the standard benefit discount from $50 per month to $30 per month and requires a broadband provider to allow enrolled households to apply the ACP benefit to any of the provider’s internet service offerings. The Infrastructure Act, among other things, reduced the standard benefit discount from $50 per month to $30 per month and requires a broadband provider to allow enrolled households to apply the ACP benefit to any of the provider’s internet service offerings. The ACP launched on December 31, 2021, and the FCC adopted final rules for the ACP on January 21, 2022. Liberty Puerto Rico is subject to the proceedings and requirements regarding ACP administration and related subjects set forth in the Infrastructure Act and the FCC’s rules for ACP. The funding for the ACP currently is expected to be exhausted in approximately April 2024. On January 11, 2024, the FCC issued an order detailing wind-down procedures for the ACP, including a freeze on ACP enrollments effective on February 8, 2024. Legislation to allocate additional funding for the FCC is pending in Congress.Similarly, Liberty Puerto Rico is a participating provider in the ECF, a $7.17 billion FCC program that sought to help schools and libraries provide the tools and services they provided to their communities during the Covid-19 pandemic. The ECF is set to sunset during the first half of 2024.On November 17, 2022, the FCC issued a report and order and a further notice of proposed rulemaking adopting rules that require broadband providers to display, at the point of sale, labels that disclose certain information regarding broadband prices, introductory rates, data allowances and broadband speeds. Broadband providers also must include links to their network management practices, privacy policies, and the ACP. Broadband providers with more than 100,000 subscriber lines must comply with the majority of the label requirements by April 10, 2024. The FCC also seeks comment regarding the adoption of additional disclosure requirements regarding price and performance information, among other matters.I-22The Infrastructure Act also established the Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Grant Program (MMG). The MMG Program is a competitive grant program that provides funding to telecommunications companies and other eligible entities for the construction, improvement or acquisition of middle mile infrastructure. Middle mile generally means any broadband infrastructure that does not connect directly to an end-user and provides a backbone for local providers to build on existing infrastructure and extend connectivity services to individual customers. Grants awarded under the MMG Program may not exceed 70% of the total project costs presented in each application. If a proposal is awarded with a middle mile grant, the recipient of such funds will have five years to complete the middle mile project presented under the winning proposal. In addition, the winner may be subject to certain NTIA rules regarding the MMG Program and other applicable regulatory requirements and proceedings. In 2022, LCPR submitted four middle mile grant proposals and Broadband VI, LLC submitted one proposal. On June 15, 2023, the NTIA awarded LCPR a grant of approximately $9.3 million to fund new middle mile infrastructure in areas where LCPR has been awarded UPR Funds for last-mile services. The NTIA also administers the BEAD Program which will provide funding for high-speed broadband deployment in the 50 states and territories, including Puerto Rico and USVI. NTIA has allocated approximately $334.6 million and $27.1 million in BEAD Program funds to Puerto Rico and USVI, respectively. Liberty Mobile Puerto Rico and Liberty Mobile U.S. Virgin Islands have submitted comments regarding the draft BEAD Program action plans in Puerto Rico and USVI, respectively. Of note, in Fiscal Year 2021, Puerto Rico also allocated $400 million in state funds to the Broadband Infrastructure Fund administered by the Puerto Rico Broadband Program, to support service expansion efforts in unserved and underserved areas. Fixed-Line Telephony Services. Liberty Puerto Rico offers fixed-line telephony services, including both circuit-switched telephony and VoIP. Its circuit-switched telephony services are subject to FCC and local regulations regarding the quality and technical aspects of service. All local telecommunications providers, including Liberty Puerto Rico, are obligated to provide telephony service to all customers within the service area, subject to certain exceptions under FCC regulations, and must give long distance telephony service providers equal access to their network. Under the Communications Act, CLECs, like us, may require interconnection with the ILEC, and the ILEC must negotiate a reasonable and nondiscriminatory interconnection agreement with the CLEC. Such arrangement requires the ILEC to interconnect with the CLEC at any technically feasible point within the ILEC’s network, provide access to certain unbundled network elements of the ILEC’s network, and allow physical collocation of the CLEC’s equipment in the ILEC’s facilities to permit interconnection or access to unbundled network element services. Therefore, we have the right to interconnect with the ILEC, PRTC. We have negotiated an interconnection agreement with PRTC, allowing for the physical interconnection between both companies. We have negotiated an interconnection agreement with PRTC, and the physical interconnection between both companies has been activated. All of the circuit-switched telephony and VoIP services of Liberty Puerto Rico are subject to a charge for the federal USF, which is a fund created under the Communications Act to subsidize telecommunication services in high-cost areas, to provide telecommunications services for low-income consumers, and to provide certain subsidies for schools, libraries and rural healthcare facilities. The FCC has redirected the focus of USF to support broadband deployment in high-cost areas. In addition, our circuit-switched telephony and VoIP services are subject to a charge for a local Puerto Rico Universal Service Fund, which was created by law to subsidize telecommunications services for low-income families under the federal USF Lifeline and Link-Up programs.The FCC has adopted other regulations for VoIP services, including the requirement that interconnected VoIP providers and facilities-based broadband internet access providers must comply with the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act, which requires carriers to provide certain assistance to federal law enforcement authorities. VoIP providers are also required to offer basic and enhanced 911 emergency calling services, which requires disclosure to all VoIP customers. VoIP providers are also subject to federal rules regarding, among other things: (1) customer proprietary network information and customer privacy protections; (2) number portability; (3) network outage reporting; (4) rural call completion; (5) disability access; (6) back-up power obligations; and (7) robocall mitigation.LCPR, Liberty Mobile Puerto Rico and Liberty Mobile U. Liberty Mobile Puerto Rico and Liberty Mobile U. S. Virgin Islands hold international section 214 authorizations granted by the FCC to offer international services originating or terminating in the U.S. The FCC adopted an order and notice of proposed rulemaking on April 20, 2023, that would, among other things, require: (1) renewal of all international section 214 authorizations every 10 years; (2) coordination with Executive Branch agencies for the assessment of national security, law enforcement, foreign policy or trade policy concerns; (3) information regarding applicants’ current and expected future services and geographic markets; (4) information regarding applicants’ use of critical infrastructure to provide service crossing the U.S.- Mexico and U.S.-Canada borders and the use of foreign-owned managed network service providers; and (5) applicants’ certifications regarding the implementation of baseline cybersecurity standards and use of equipment or services identified on the FCC’s “covered list” of equipment and services deemed to pose an unacceptable risk to U.S. national security or the security and safety of U.S. persons. As an alternative to a renewal requirement, the FCC sought comment on a periodic review process in which an international section 214 authorization holders would periodically submit information demonstrating that its authorization continues to serve the public interest.I-23Mobile Services. Liberty Mobile Puerto Rico and Liberty Mobile U.S. Virgin Islands offer mobile services in Puerto Rico and USVI. The FCC regulates virtually all aspects of United States wireless communications systems, including spectrum licensing, tower and antenna construction, modification and operation, the ownership and sale of wireless systems and licenses, as well as the acquisition, leasing and use of wireless spectrum. Local governments, such as in Puerto Rico and USVI, typically regulate the placement of wireless towers and similar facilities via zoning laws. At present, neither the FCC nor state or local governments regulate specific service offerings or rate plans. At present, neither the FCC nor state or local governments regulate specific service offerings or rate plans. In addition, other federal and state agencies have asserted jurisdiction over consumer protection and the elimination and prevention of anticompetitive business practices in the wireless industry. In addition, other federal and state agencies have asserted jurisdiction over consumer protection and the elimination and prevention of anticompetitive business practices in the wireless industry. The specific issues as to which our United States mobile services operations are subject to regulatory oversight include: roaming, interconnection, spectrum allocation, licensing and leasing, facilities siting, pole attachments, intercarrier compensation, USF contributions and distributions (such as through the UPR Fund), network neutrality, 911 services, consumer protection, consumer privacy protections, number portability, and cybersecurity. The specific issues as to which our United States mobile services operations are subject to regulatory oversight include: roaming, interconnection, spectrum allocation and licensing, facilities siting, pole attachments, intercarrier compensation, USF contributions and distributions (such as through the UPR Fund), network neutrality, 911 services, consumer protection, consumer privacy protections, number portability, and cybersecurity. The FCC also released a final rule on July 6, 2022 making the industry-developed Wireless Network Resiliency Cooperative Framework mandatory. The new rule requires a five-pronged approach to enhance coordination during an emergency, typically resulting from a national disaster such as a hurricane. Failure to comply with applicable regulations could subject us to fines, forfeitures, and other penalties (including, in extreme cases, revocation of our spectrum licenses), even if any non-compliance was unintentional. Failure to comply with applicable regulations could subject us to fines, forfeitures, and other penalties (including, in extreme cases, revocation of our spectrum licenses), even if any non-compliance was unintentional. On January 25, 2024, the FCC adopted a second report and order regarding its disaster reporting rules that requires wireless providers to report their infrastructure status information in the FCC’s DIRS daily when the FCC activates DIRS in a wireless provider’s service area.On September 15, 2023, the FCC adopted mandatory actions to improve the reliability and resiliency of wireless networks during emergencies. Specifically, it adopted a Mandatory Disaster Response Initiative that requires wireless providers to: (1) provide roaming to one another when a network is down, where technically feasible; (2) establish mutual aid agreements to share physical assets and to consult with one another before and during emergencies; (3) enhance municipal preparedness; (4) increase consumer readiness; and (5) improve public awareness and stakeholder communications regarding restoration times. Providers will have to be ready to comply with said mandatory actions by, at least, May 1, 2024.On November 15, 2023, the FCC adopted a report and order revising the customer proprietary network information and local number portability regulations to reduce the incidence of SIM swapping (fraudulent transfer of a wireless customer’s service to another device) and port-out fraud (fraudulent transfer of a wireless customer’s account to another carrier). The new rules require wireless providers to, among other things: (1) adopt secure methods of authenticating a customer before redirecting a customer’s phone number to a new device or provider; (2) adopt processes for responding to failed authentication attempts; (3) institute employee training regarding SIM swap and port-out fraud; (4) notify customers regarding SIM change and port-out requests; and (5) offer customers the option to lock their accounts to block processing of SIM changes and number ports. Wireless providers must comply with most of the new regulations by July 8, 2024, but rules requiring customer notifications, customer account locks and SIM change requests and authentication recordkeeping will become effective at a later date following review by the Office of Management and Budget.Liberty Costa RicaLiberty Servicios, Liberty Telecomunicaciones and Columbus Networks, as telecommunications operators and providers, are subject to regulation and enforcement under Article 121, paragraph 14, of Costa Rica’s Constitution, which enumerates a list of assets that cannot permanently leave the state’s domain, which includes the radio spectrum and the possible methods of its exploitation, the Law No. 8642, General Telecommunications Law (LGT), and Law No. 8860, Law for the Strengthening and Modernization of the Public Entities of the Telecommunications Sector, among other regulations. The main governmental entities involved in this industry are the MICITT, which leads policy development and implementation, Sutel, as regulator of the telecommunication operators and providers and competition agency exclusively for the telecommunications sector, and the Consumer Protection Agency of the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Commerce. In its activities, each of Liberty Servicios and Columbus Networks holds a telecommunications services license, both of which expire in 2028, issued by Sutel that authorizes the deployment and operation of its wireline HFC network throughout the country. These licenses authorize the following services: (i) paid television; (ii) the provision of fixed telephony service; (iii) internet access; and (iv) data links. At the service layer, the concession permits: (i) paid television; (ii) the provision of fixed telephony service; (iii) internet access; and (iv) data links. Liberty Telecomunicaciones has a total of 100 MHz allocated in two concessions. For the first, granted in 2011, MICITT awarded Telefonica 10 MHz in the 850 MHz band, 30 MHz in the 1800 MHz band and 20 MHz in the 1900/2100 MHz band. For the first, in 2011, MICITT awarded Telefonica a 10 MHz license in the 850 MHz band, a 30 MHz license in the 1800 MHz band and 20 MHz in the 1900/2100 MHz band. This concession has a 15-year renewable term, expiring on May 12, 2026, that may be extended for an additional 10 year term. These licenses have a 15-year renewable term, expiring on May 12, 2026, that may be extended an additional 10 years. The second one, granted in 2018, MICITT awarded Liberty Telecomunicaciones 20 MHz in the 1800 MHz band and 20 MHz in the 1900/2100 MHz band. For the second, in 2018, MICITT awarded Telefonica a 20 MHz license in the 1800 MHz band and 20 MHz in the 1900/2100 MHz band. This concession has a 15-year renewable term, expiring on April 23, 2033, that may be extended for an additional 10 year term. These licenses have a 15-year renewable term, expiring on April 23, 2033, that may be extended an additional 10 years. Video. Cable television service providers in Costa Rica are free to define the channels and content included in their services and are not required to carry any specific programming, except as described below, provided that both the regulator and end users will be notified through regulated communication. Cable television service providers in Costa Rica are free to define the channels and content included in their services and are not required to carry any specific programming, except as described below. However, the Commission of Control and Qualification of Public I-24Spectacles of the Ministry of Justice and Peace may impose sanctions on providers that have run programming containing excessive violence, adult content, or other objectionable content. Pay television operators are directly responsible for violating such prohibitions.The Costa Rican General Telecommunications Law (art.138) establishes a retransmission consent regime between broadcast television concessionaires and pay television operators. This regime provides that (i) the concessionaires must include within their programming the Costa Rican television channels that have coverage in at least 60% of the national territory, excluding Isla del Coco, which complies with at least fourteen minimum hours of daily transmission, and (ii) the reception of the signal complies with the minimum signal requirements established in this regulation, which have acceptable ratings and have the corresponding transmission rights. This regime provides that (i) the concessionaires must include within their programming the Costa Rican television channels that have coverage in at least sixty percent of the national I-27territory, excluding Isla del Coco, which complies with at least fourteen minimum hours of daily transmission, and (ii) the reception of the signal complies with the minimum signal requirements established in this regulation, which have acceptable ratings and have the corresponding transmission rights. Internet. The Regulation of Provision and Quality of Services of Sutel establishes minimum quality thresholds, such as minimum speeds, oversubscription, delay, and installation, reconnection and repair of breakdowns deadlines. Fixed-Line Telephony Services. More than eight years after Sutel issued a regulation for the implementation of fixed number portability, a court rejected a lawsuit filed by the Costa Rican government telecom provider, ICE (through the Kolbi brand), that argued that fixed telephony was not an open, competitive service in Costa Rica, and confirmed the right to number portability on fixed-line phone numbers. The implementation process of fixed number portability has begun, however, its launch is expected to take at least two years.Mobile Services. Through concessions contracts N° C-001-2011-MINAET and -002-2017-MICITT DAF-034-2013, Liberty Telecomunicaciones is authorized to install, maintain, manage, operate and commercially exploit the mobile telephone service, in the assigned radio spectrum segments, for its prepaid and post-paid mobile customers. Through concessions contracts N° C-001-2011-MINAET and -002-2017-MICITT DAF-034-2013, Telefonica is authorized to install, maintain, manage, operate and commercially exploit the mobile telephone service, in the assigned radio spectrum segments, under the prepaid and post-paid contract modalities. CompetitionWe operate in an emerging region of the world, where market penetration of telecommunication services such as broadband and mobile data is lower than in more developed markets. Generally, our markets are at a relatively nascent stage of the global shift to a “data-centric” world. Although there has been strong growth in data consumption in our key markets, data consumption in our operating regions still lags significantly when compared to international benchmarks. We believe that we have the opportunity to capitalize upon this underlying growth trend in the majority of our markets, and benefit from increasing penetration of our data services as well as economic growth, in all of our markets, over time.However, technological advances and product innovations have increased and are likely to continue to increase giving customers several options for the provision of their communications services. Our customers want access to high quality communication services that allow for seamless connectivity. Accordingly, our ability to offer converged services (video, internet, fixed telephony and mobile) is a key component of our strategy. In many of our markets, we compete with companies that provide converged services, as well as companies that are established in one or more communication products and services. Consequently, our businesses face significant competition. In all markets, we seek to differentiate our communications services by focusing on customer service, competitive pricing and offering quality high-speed connectivity.Mobile ServicesAcross our footprint, we are either the leading or one of the leading mobile providers and we continue to seek additional bandwidth to deliver our wide range of services to our customers and increase our high-speed coverage. We also offer various calling plans, such as unlimited network, national or international calling, unlimited off-peak calling and minute packages, including calls to fixed and mobile phones. In addition, we use our bundled offers with our video and high-speed internet services to gain mobile subscribers where possible. Our ability to offer fixed-mobile convergence services is expected to be a key driver. In several of our markets, we expect to increase focus on converged services, including mobile, fixed-line, broadband and video. •C&W Caribbean. •C&W Caribbean and Networks. We typically operate in duopoly mobile market structures and face competition mainly from Digicel in most of our C&W Caribbean residential markets, and ALIV in The Bahamas. We typically operate in duopoly mobile market structures and face competition mainly from Digicel in most of our C&W Caribbean and Networks’ residential markets, and ALIV in the Bahamas. From time to time, new entrants come into the markets. For example, Rock Mobile announced its intent to launch a business, and has received spectrum to do so, in Jamaica. For example, Rock Mobile recently announced its intent to launch a business, and has received spectrum to do so, in Jamaica. •C&W Panama. In Panama, we primarily compete with Millicom (through the Tigo brand).I-25•Liberty Puerto Rico.•Liberty Puerto Rico. Liberty Puerto Rico competes with T-Mobile US and América Móvil, S. Liberty Puerto Rico competes with T-Mobile US and Claro, for the provision of mobile services. A.B. de C.V. (Claro) for the provision of mobile services.•Liberty Costa Rica.•Liberty Puerto Rico. In Costa Rica, we compete with Claro and ICE (through the Kolbi brand) for the provision of mobile services.Broadband InternetWith respect to broadband internet services and online content, our businesses face competition in a rapidly evolving marketplace from incumbent and non-incumbent telecommunications companies, mobile operators and cable-based ISPs, many of which have substantial resources. The internet services offered by these competitors include both fixed-line broadband internet services using cable, DSL or FTTH networks and wireless broadband internet services. These competitors have a range of product offerings with varying speeds and pricing, as well as interactive services, data and other non-video services offered to homes and businesses. With the demand for mobile internet services increasing, competition from wireless services using various advanced technologies is a competitive factor. In several of our markets, competitors offer high-speed mobile data via LTE wireless networks. In addition, other wireless technologies, such as WiFi, are available in almost all of our markets. In this intense competitive environment, speed, bundling, and pricing are key drivers for customers.A key component of our strategy is speed leadership. Our focus is on increasing the maximum speed of our connections as well as offering varying tiers of services and prices, a variety of bundled product offerings and a range of value added services. We update our bundles and packages on an ongoing basis to meet the needs of our customers. Our top download speeds generally range from 100 Mbps to speeds of up to 1 Gbps. Our top download speeds generally range from 50 Mbps to speeds of up to 1 Gbps. In many of our markets, we offer the highest download speeds available via our HFC cable and FTTH networks. The focus is on high-speed internet products to safeguard our high-end customer base and allow us to become more aggressive at the low- and medium-end of the internet market. By fully utilizing the technical capabilities of DOCSIS 3.0 and DOCSIS 3.1 technologies on our cable systems, we can compete with local FTTH initiatives and create a competitive advantage compared to DSL infrastructures and LTE initiatives on a national level.0 technology on our cable systems, we can compete with local FTTH initiatives and create a competitive advantage compared to DSL infrastructures and LTE initiatives on a national level. In several of our C&W Caribbean markets, we are the incumbent phone company offering broadband internet products through a variety of technologies, predominantly HFC cable and FTTH. In several of our C&W Caribbean and Networks’ markets, we are the incumbent phone company offering broadband internet products through a variety of technologies, ranging from DSL to FTTH. In these markets and our other Latin American markets, our key competition for internet services is from cable and IPTV operators and mobile data service providers. To compete effectively, we are expanding our LTE service areas and increasing our download speeds. In most of our markets, we offer our internet service through bundled offerings that include video and fixed-line telephony. We also offer a wide range of mobile products either on a prepaid or postpaid basis.•C&W Caribbean.•C&W Caribbean and Networks. Where C&W Caribbean is the incumbent telecommunications provider, it competes with cable operators, the largest of which are Cable Bahamas Limited in The Bahamas and Digicel in certain of C&W Caribbean markets. Where C&W Caribbean and Networks is the incumbent telecommunications provider, it competes with cable operators, the largest of which are Cable Bahamas Limited in the Bahamas and Digicel in certain of C&W Caribbean and Networks’ markets. To distinguish itself from these competitors, C&W Caribbean is investing in footprint expansion and upgrades and uses its bundled offers with video and telephony to promote its broadband internet services. To distinguish itself from these competitors, C&W Caribbean and Networks is investing in footprint expansion and upgrades and uses its bundled offers with video and telephony to promote its broadband internet services. •C&W Panama. The largest competitor in Panama is Millicom (through the Cable Onda brand). The largest competitor in Panama is Cable Onda. •Liberty Puerto Rico. Liberty Puerto Rico competes primarily with Claro and other operators using fiber networks or fixed wireless access technologies. To compete with these providers, Liberty Puerto Rico offers its high-speed internet with download speeds of up to 1,000 Mbps.•Liberty Costa Rica.•Liberty Puerto Rico. In Costa Rica, we face competition primarily from ICE (Kolbi), Telecable and Millicom (Tigo).Video DistributionOur video services compete primarily with traditional FTA broadcast television services, DTH satellite service providers and other fixed-line telecommunications carriers and broadband providers, including operations offering (i) services over HFC cable networks, (ii) DTH satellite services, (iii) internet protocol television (IPTV) over broadband internet connections using asymmetric DSL or VDSL or an enhancement to VDSL called “vectoring,” (iv) IPTV over FTTH networks, or (v) LTE services.Video DistributionOur video services compete primarily with traditional FTA broadcast television services, DTH satellite service providers and other fixed-line telecommunications carriers and broadband providers, including operations offering (i) services over hybrid fiber coaxial networks, (ii) DTH satellite services, (iii) internet protocol television (IPTV) over broadband internet connections using asymmetric DSL or VDSL or an enhancement to VDSL called “vectoring,” (iv) IPTV over FTTH networks, or (v) LTE services. Many of these competitors have a national footprint and offer features, pricing and video services individually and in bundles comparable to what we offer. In certain markets, we also compete with other cable or FTTH based providers who have overbuilt portions of our systems.OTT aggregators and SVoD services utilizing our or our competitors’ high-speed broadband connections are also a significant competitive factor as are other video service providers that overlap our service areas.OTT aggregators and SVOD services utilizing our or our competitors’ high-speed broadband connections are also a significant competitive factor as are other video service providers that overlap our service areas. OTT video providers (such as Max, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, Paramount+ and Netflix in most of our markets, and Hulu, DirecTV Now, Sling, and Sportsmax in selected markets) offer rich VoD catalogues and/or linear channels. OTT video providers (such as HBO Go/Max, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+ and Netflix in most of our markets, and Hulu, DirecTV Now, Sling, and Digicel Play in selected markets) offer rich VOD catalogues and/or linear channels. In some cases, these AVoD services are I-26provided free-of-charge (such as YouTube and Pluto TV). In some cases, these AVOD services are provided free-of-charge (such as YouTube and Pluto TV). Typically, these services are available on multiple devices in and out of the home. To augment our video services, we continue to deploy and develop newer technologies and platforms that create flexibility for our subscribers and improve their experience. For example, through our user interface, subscribers can seamlessly subscribe to these OTT and TVE services, conduct searches, discover content, and engage in the consumption of programs. Our businesses also compete to varying degrees with other sources of entertainment and information, such as online entertainment, newspapers, magazines, books, live entertainment/concerts and sporting events.Piracy and other unauthorized uses and distribution of content, including through web-based applications, devices and online platforms, also present challenges for our video business. These platforms illegally stream copyrighted content, for example, Premier League games that can be viewed with an internet connection. While piracy is a challenge in most jurisdictions in which we operate, it is particularly prevalent in those jurisdictions that lack developed copyright laws and effective enforcement of copyright laws.We believe that our deep-fiber access, where available, provides us with several competitive advantages. For instance, our networks allow us to concurrently deliver internet access, together with real-time television and VoD content, without impairing our high-speed internet service. For instance, our cable networks allow us to concurrently deliver internet access, together with real-time television and VoD content, without impairing our high-speed internet service. In addition, our cable infrastructure in most of our footprint allows us to provide triple-play bundled services of broadband internet, television and fixed-line telephony services without relying on a third-party service provider or network. Where mobile is available, our mobile networks, together with our fixed fiber-rich networks, will allow us to provide a comprehensive set of converged mobile and fixed-line services. Our capacity is designed to support peak consumer demand. In serving the business market, many aspects of the network can be leveraged at very low incremental costs given that business demand peaks at a time when consumer demand is low, and peaks at lower levels than consumer demand. In response to the continued growth in OTT viewing, we have launched a number of innovative video services, including Flow Sports in C&W Caribbean’s markets, +TV Total in C&W Panama, and Liberty Go in Puerto Rico and Liberty Hogar in Costa Rica. In response to the continued growth in OTT viewing, we have launched a number of innovative video services, including Flow ToGo in C&W Caribbean and Networks’ markets, +TV Go in C&W Panama, LibertyGo in Puerto Rico, VTR Play in Chile and Next TV in Costa Rica. Our ability to attract and retain customers depends on our continued ability to acquire appealing content and services on competitive terms and to make such content available on multiple devices and outside the home. Some competitors have obtained long-term exclusive contracts for certain sports programs, which limits the opportunities for other providers to offer such programs. Other competitors also have obtained long-term exclusive contracts for programs, but our operations have limited access to certain of such programming through select contracts with those companies. If exclusive content offerings increase through other providers, programming options could be a deciding factor for subscribers on selecting a video service.In this competitive environment, we enhance our offers with converged digital services, such as DVR and replay functionalities, VoD and multi-screen services, along with exploring and aligning partnerships with adjacent categories like music, e-sports, fitness and others.In this competitive environment, we enhance our offers with converged digital services, such as DVR and replay functionalities, and VoD and multiscreen services. In addition, we offer attractive content packages tailored to particular markets and discounts for bundled services. To improve the quality of the programming in our packages, our operations periodically modify their digital channel offerings. Where we offer mobile, we focus on our converged service offerings. We use these services, as well as bundles of our fixed-line services, as a means of driving video and other products where we can leverage convenience and price across our portfolio of available services.•C&W Caribbean.•C&W Caribbean and Networks. C&W Caribbean competes with a variety of pay TV service providers, with several of these competitors offering double-play and triple-play packages. C&W Caribbean and Networks competes with a variety of pay TV service providers, with several of these competitors offering double-play and triple-play packages. In several of its other markets, including Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago and Barbados, C&W Caribbean is the largest or one of the largest video service providers. In several of its other markets, including Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago and Barbados, C&W Caribbean and Networks is the largest or one of the largest video service providers. In these markets, its primary competition is from operators of IPTV services over VDSL and FTTH, such as Digicel and any DTH competitor locally. In these markets, its primary competition is from DTH providers, such as DIRECTV Latin America Holdings, Inc. •C&W Panama. C&W Panama competes primarily with Cable Onda which is owned by Millicom and which offers video, internet and fixed-line telephony over its cable network. To compete effectively, C&W Panama invests in leading mobile and fixed networks and content.•Liberty Puerto Rico. Liberty Puerto Rico is the largest provider of fixed-line video services in Puerto Rico. Liberty Puerto Rico’s primary competition for video customers is from DTH satellite providers DirecTV and Dish Network. Claro also provides video services in the market. Dish Network is an aggressive competitor, offering low introductory offers, free HD channels and, in its top tier packages, a free multi-room DVR service. DirecTV is also a significant competitor offering similar programming in Puerto Rico compared to Dish Network. In order to compete, Liberty Puerto Rico focuses on offering video packages with attractive programming, including HD and Spanish language channels, plus a specialty video package of Spanish-only channels that has gained popularity. In addition, Liberty Puerto Rico uses its bundled offers that include high-speed fixed and mobile internet connectivity solutions to drive its video services.I-27•Liberty Costa Rica. We compete primarily with Millicom (Tigo) and Telecable over their cable network, and with the DTH services of Claro. Cabletica competes primarily with Millicom (Tigo) and Telecable over their cable network, and with the DTH services of Claro. Fixed-Line TelephonyThe market for fixed-line telephony services is mature across our footprint. Changes in market share are driven by the combination of price and quality of services provided and the inclusion of telephony services in bundled offerings. In most of our C&W Caribbean markets, we are the incumbent telecommunications provider with long established customer relationships. In most of our C&W Caribbean and Networks markets, we are the incumbent telecommunications provider with long established customer relationships. In our other markets, our fixed-line telephony services compete against the incumbent telecommunications operator in the applicable market. In these markets, the incumbent operators have substantially more experience in providing fixed-line telephony, greater resources to devote to the provision of such services and long-standing customer relationships. In all of our markets, we also compete with VoIP operators offering services across broadband lines and over-the-top (OTT) telephony providers, such as WhatsApp. In many countries, our businesses also face competition from other cable telephony providers, FTTH-based providers or other indirect access providers.Competition exists in both the residential and business fixed-line telephony products due to market trends, the offering of carrier pre-select services, number portability, the replacement of fixed-line with mobile telephony and the growth of VoIP services, as well as continued deregulation of telephony markets and other regulatory action, such as general price competition. Carrier pre-select allows the end user to choose the voice services of operators other than the incumbent while using the incumbent’s network. Our fixed-line telephony strategy is focused around value leadership, and we position our services as “anytime” or “any destination.” Our portfolio of calling plans includes a variety of innovative calling options designed to meet the needs of our subscribers. In many of our markets, we provide product innovation, such as telephone applications that allow customers to make and receive calls from their fixed-line call packages on smart phones. In addition, we offer varying plans to meet customer needs and, similar to our mobile services, we use our telephony bundle options with our digital video and internet services to help promote our telephony services and flat rate offers are standard.•C&W Caribbean.•C&W Caribbean and Networks. We face competition in the provision of fixed-telephony services mainly from Digicel in our Caribbean markets and Cable Bahamas Limited in The Bahamas. We face competition in the provision of fixed-telephony services main from Digicel in our Caribbean markets and Cable Bahamas Limited in the Bahamas. These companies all have competitive pricing on similar services, and the intensified level of competition we are experiencing in several of our markets has added increased pressure on the pricing of our services.•C&W Panama. We face competition from Millicom (through the Tigo brand) in Panama.•Liberty Puerto Rico. Liberty Puerto Rico primarily competes with Claro who is the incumbent fixed operator in Puerto Rico, and smaller fiber builders. For B2B services, Liberty Puerto Rico primarily competes with Claro, Aeronet, Neptuno and WorldNet. For B2B, Liberty Puerto Rico primarily competes with Claro, Aeronet, Neptuno and WorldNet. •Liberty Costa Rica.•Liberty Puerto Rico. In Costa Rica, we compete with ICE (through the Kolbi brand), who is the incumbent fixed telephony operator in Costa Rica, as well as Millicom (through the Tigo brand) and Telecable.Business and Wholesale ServicesThrough C&W, we provide a variety of advanced, point-to-point, clear channel broadband capacity, IP, Multiprotocol Label Switching, Ethernet and managed services over our owned and operated, technologically advanced, subsea fiber optic cable network. Our subsea and terrestrial fiber routes combine to form a series of fully integrated networks that typically provide complete operational redundancy, stability and reliability, allowing us in most cases to provide our clients with superior service and minimal network downtime. Given the advanced technical state of the network combined with the challenges in securing the necessary governmental and environmental licenses in all of our operating markets, we believe the network is unlikely to be replicated in the region. Competing networks in the region connect fewer countries than we do and are either linear in design, or if ringed, have high latency protection routes. In addition, our network as of December 31, 2022, utilized approximately 20% of its potential design capacity, and we believe that our ability to take advantage of this large unused carrying capacity, as well as the financial and time investment required to build a similar network, and the potential delays associated with acquiring governmental permissions, makes it unlikely that our network will be replicated in the near term. In addition, our network as of December 31, 2021, utilized less than 10% of its potential design capacity, and we believe that our ability to take advantage of this large unused carrying capacity, as well as the financial and time investment required to build a similar network, and the potential delays associated with acquiring governmental permissions, makes it unlikely that our network will be replicated in the near term. We compete in the provision of B2B services with residential telecommunications operators as noted above. We also compete with regional and international service providers, particularly when addressing larger customers.I-28Human Capital ResourcesOur Team. As of December 31, 2023, we employed approximately 10,600 full-time employees across our five reportable segments. As of December 31, 2021, we employed approximately 11,900 full-time employees across our five reportable segments. These are: C&W Caribbean approximately 3,700 full-time employees, C&W Panama approximately 2,400 full-time employees, Liberty Networks approximately 1,000 full-time employees, Liberty Puerto Rico approximately 2,300 employees, and Liberty Costa Rica approximately 600 employees. The remaining employees are employed by our corporate entities. Women represented 41% of our global employees and 39% of our managerial positions. Of our total employee population, approximately 3,800 are covered by contracts with various unions, primarily across our Caribbean markets, Panama, and Puerto Rico. During 2023, our total employee attrition rate, both voluntary and involuntary, was approximately 11.5%. In 2023, we measured our eNPS at +20 as part of our annual employee survey, which we believe is an indicator that we have a passionate, engaged, and dedicated workforce. In 2021, we measured our employee net promoter score (eNPS) at +34 as part of our annual employee survey, which we believe indicates we have a passionate, engaged, and dedicated workforce. Our Chief People Officer, who reports to the CEO and is part of the Executive Team, leads our People and Culture initiatives. All leaders incorporate these initiatives as part of the operating strategy, and our Chief People Officer regularly reports progress on these initiatives to our Board of Directors.Talent Strategy. Talent Strategy. We manage our talent strategy through a cycle consisting of Talent Acquisition, Learning & Development, and Performance Management. We offer prospective candidates a compelling Employee Value Proposition rooted in our culture, which combines a shared purpose, philosophy, and principles for how we work. We offer prospective candidates a compelling employee value proposition rooted in our culture, which combines a shared vision, philosophy, and principles for how we work. We foster an environment where employees can learn, develop, and gain experience through mobility programs and other growth opportunities. We foster an environment where employees can learn, develop, and gain experience through new opportunities to work in different geographies. Our performance management process is fully aligned with our culture and one team approach. This includes a simpler and more engaging Agile Performance Development (APD) experience for all our employees, focused on frequent conversations throughout the year combined with real-time feedback between managers and employees. We offer a simpler, meaningful, and engaging Agile Performance Development (APD) experience for all our employees, focused on frequent conversations throughout the year combined with real-time feedback between managers and employees. Our employees are the heart and soul of our business, helping us to deliver value to our customers, shareholders and communities. As our employees grow and develop, so will our company.Equality, Diversity & Inclusion. Our employees comprise many races, ethnicities, beliefs, and cultures, and we operate based on a set of strong principles including respect. Our employees comprise many races, ethnicities, beliefs, and cultures, and we are built on a set of strong principles including respect. In 2023, we continued our efforts to foster a more diverse and inclusive workplace as part of our EDI strategy. Our focus remains on the pillars of gender equity, LGBTQIA+ inclusion, and issues of Race & Ethnicity. This year we focused on the pillars of gender equity, LGBTQ+ inclusion, and issues of Race & Ethnicity. This year, we focused on gathering feedback from our people through an in-person and virtual Listening Tour, which helped inform areas that are working well and what might need attention through our EDI agenda. We are committed to ensuring everyone feels heard, supported and represented. Since 2019, we have annually celebrated International Women’s Day and Pride Month, implemented a company-wide Gender-based Violence Policy, launched two employee resource groups (Pride and ELLAS) and continue to incorporate inclusive practices. In 2023, we maintained our commitment to the CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion pledge focused on: creating an environment for open dialogue, sharing best practices and lessons learned, and developing dedicated Diversity & Inclusion plans in consultation with our Board of Directors. We continued our work on the CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion pledge focused on: creating an environment for open dialogue, conducting implicit bias training, sharing best practices and lessons learned, and developing dedicated Diversity & Inclusion plans in consultation with our Board of Directors. We know that our success depends on our people. We know that our success depends on our people. Having a diverse and inclusive workforce will help us become more innovative, more reflective of our customer base, and more creative when it comes to engaging with our customers and our communities.Corporate Social Responsibility. Corporate Social Responsibility. In addition to our core products and services, we meaningfully contribute to the communities where we operate. Our communities are so much more than locations for our business. It’s where we live, where our families grow, where we celebrate and connect. We believe we have a responsibility to enable progress and build more resilient communities. We bring this to life through a shared approach across our markets with a focus on four critical areas: Learning; Environment; Access; and Disaster Relief. Our employees lead many of our outreach programs, working alongside our local and regional charitable foundations. We proudly support and give back to our communities. We proudly support and give back. In 2023, through our company-wide initiative, Mission Week, over 1,300 employees across 22 countries came together to contribute more than 7,800 volunteer hours in support of communities across Latin America and the Caribbean through a wide range of volunteer activities. I-29Compensation, Benefits and Well-being. As part of our Employee Value Proposition, we offer compensation, benefits, and well-being packages that we believe are fair and competitive. We include a mix of base salary, short and long-term incentives (based on eligibility), as well as a wide range of programs that support our employees’ overall well-being including: retirement savings plans, healthcare and insurance benefits, paid parental leave, paid time off, an employee stock purchase plan and employee assistance programs. These programs vary by employee level and geography.Compliance and Ethics. We conduct our business with honesty and integrity in accordance with high ethical and legal standards, and with respect for each other and those with whom we do business. Our Code of Conduct sets out the basic rules, standards and behaviors necessary to achieve those objectives. Employees can confidentially and anonymously report any behavior or action they see or experience which goes against our Code of Conduct through SpeakUp, our employee hotline.We expect our employees and directors to display responsible and ethical behavior, to follow consistently both the meaning and intent of our Code of Conduct, and to act with integrity in all of our business dealings. We expect managers and supervisors to take such action as is necessary and appropriate to ensure that our business processes and practices are in full compliance with our company culture and principles. We expect our business partners to also act with integrity in all business dealings with us and others. Our Business Partner Code of Conduct sets forth the basic rules, standards, and behaviors that we expect of our business partners. As part of our company-wide onboarding process, we require all new employees to complete training on our Code of Conduct. As part of our global onboarding process, we require all new employees to complete training on our Code of Conduct. Additionally, we periodically host seminars on anti-corruption, anti-bribery, and other important compliance topics such as cyber security. Health & Safety. Our vision is to have the safest operations in our industry and markets. To reduce the risk of serious injuries we invest in systems that enable us to receive reliable and structured data to enable informed decision making. We also work to improve our safety practices in the field and in our retail and office locations to prevent work-related illness and injuries.Available InformationAll our filings with the SEC, as well as amendments to such filings, are available on our internet website free of charge generally within 24 hours after we file such material with the SEC. Our website address is www.lla.com.

The information on our website is not part of this Annual Report on Form 10-K and is not incorporated by reference herein.Item 1A.

RISK FACTORSIn addition to the other information contained in this Annual Report on Form 10-K, you should consider the following risk factors in evaluating our results of operations, financial condition, business and operations or an investment in the shares of our company. RISK FACTORS In addition to the other information contained in this Annual Report on Form 10-K, you should consider the following risk factors in evaluating our results of operations, financial condition, business and operations or an investment in the shares of our company. The risk factors described in this section have been separated into seven groups:•risks that relate to the competition we face and the technology used in our businesses;•risks that relate to our operating in overseas markets and being subject to foreign and domestic regulation;•risks that relate to certain financial matters; •risks related to cybersecurity;•risks related to climate change;•risks relating to our corporate history and structure; and•risks relating to our common shares and the securities market. The risk factors described in this section have been separated into five groups:•risks that relate to the competition we face and the technology used in our businesses;•risks that relate to our operating in overseas markets and being subject to foreign and domestic regulation;•risks that relate to certain financial matters; •risks related to climate change;•risks relating to our corporate history and structure; and•risks relating to our common shares and the securities market.

Although we describe below and elsewhere in this Annual Report on Form 10-K the risks we consider to be the most material, there may be other unknown or unpredictable economic, business, competitive, regulatory or other factors that also could have material adverse effects on our results of operations, financial condition, businesses or operations in the future. In addition, past financial performance may not be a reliable indicator of future performance and historical trends should not be used to anticipate results or trends in future periods. I-30If any of the events described below, individually or in combination, were to occur, our businesses, prospects, financial condition, results of operations and/or cash flows could be materially adversely affected. Risks that Relate to the Competition we Face and the Technology Used in Our BusinessesWe operate in increasingly competitive markets, and there is a risk that we will not be able to effectively compete with other service providers.The markets for cable television, broadband internet, telephony and mobile services are highly competitive. In the provision of video services, we face competition from FTA and DTT broadcasters, DTH satellite providers, networks using DSL, VDSL or vectoring technology, Multi-channel Multipoint Distribution System operators, FTTH networks, OTT content providers, and, in some countries where parts of our systems are overbuilt, with cable and FTTH networks, among others. Our operating businesses are facing increasing competition from video services provided by, or over the networks of, other telecommunications operators and service providers. As the availability and speed of broadband internet increases, we also face competition from OTT providers, including telephony providers such as WhatsApp, utilizing our or our competitors’ high-speed internet connections. Some of these providers offer services without charging a fee, which could erode relationships with customers and may lead to a downward pressure on prices and returns for telecommunication services providers. In the provision of telephony and broadband internet services, we are experiencing increasing competition from other telecommunications operators and other service providers in each country in which we operate, as well as other mobile providers of voice and data. Many of the other operators offer double-play, triple-play and quadruple-play bundles of services. In many countries, we also compete with other facilities-based operators and wireless providers. Developments in wireless technologies, such as LTE, 5G (the next generation of ultra-high-speed mobile data) and WiFi, are creating additional competitive challenges.In almost all cases, our licenses are not exclusive. As a result, our competitors have similar licenses and have and may continue to build systems and provide services in areas in which we hold licenses. In the case of cable- and broadband-enabled services, the existence of more than one cable or fiber-to-the-home/-cabinet/-building/-node system operating in the same territory is referred to as an “overbuild.” Overbuilds increase competition or create competition where none existed previously, either of which could adversely affect our growth, financial condition and results of operations.In some of our markets, national and local government agencies may seek to become involved, either directly or indirectly, in the establishment of FTTH networks, DTT systems or other communications systems. We intend to pursue available options to restrict such involvement or to ensure that such involvement is on commercially reasonable terms. There can be no assurance, however, that we will be successful in these pursuits. As a result, we may face competition from entities not requiring a normal commercial return on their investments. In addition, we may face more vigorous competition than would have been the case if there were no such government involvement. Increased competition could result in increased customer churn, reductions of customer acquisition rates for some products and services and significant price and promotional competition. In combination with difficult economic environments, these competitive pressures could adversely impact our business, results of operations and cash flows.Changes in technology may limit the competitiveness of and demand for our services.Technology in the video, telecommunications and data services industries is changing rapidly, including advances in current technologies and the emergence of new technologies, such as the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning.Technology in the video, telecommunications and data services industries is changing rapidly, including advances in current technologies and the emergence of new technologies. New technologies, products and services may impact consumer behavior and therefore demand for our products and services. Failure to develop enhancements to our products or services or incorporate technologies, like artificial intelligence or machine learning, may impact our ability to meet customer expectations and harm our business. Our ability to anticipate changes in technology and consumer tastes and to develop and introduce new and enhanced products and services on a timely basis will affect our ability to maintain, continue to grow, or increase our revenue and number of customers and remain competitive. New products and services, once marketed, may not meet consumer expectations or demand, can be subject to delays in development and may fail to operate as intended. A lack of market acceptance of new products and services that we may offer, or the development of significant competitive products or services by others, could have a material adverse impact on our results of operations and cash flows.Our significant property and equipment additions may not generate a positive return.Significant additions to our property and equipment are, or in the future may be, required to add customers to our networks and to upgrade or expand our mobile and broadband communications networks and upgrade customer premises equipment to I-31enhance our service offerings and improve the customer experience.Significant additions to our property and equipment are, or in the future may be, required to add customers to our networks and to upgrade or expand our broadband communications networks and upgrade customer premises equipment to enhance our service offerings and improve the customer experience. Additions to our property and equipment, including in connection with Network Extensions, require significant capital expenditures for equipment and associated labor costs to build out and/or upgrade our networks as well as for related customer premises equipment. Additionally, significant competition, the introduction of new technologies, the expansion of existing technologies, such as FTTH and advanced DSL technologies, the impact of natural disasters like hurricanes, or adverse regulatory developments could cause us to decide to undertake previously unplanned builds or upgrades of our networks and customer premises equipment. No assurance can be given that any rebuilds, upgrades or extensions of our network will increase penetration rates, increase average monthly subscription revenue per average cable RGU or mobile subscriber, as applicable, or otherwise generate positive returns as anticipated, or that we will have adequate capital available to finance such rebuilds, upgrades or extensions. Additionally, costs related to our Network Extensions and property and equipment additions could end up being greater than originally anticipated or planned. If this is the case, we may require additional financing sooner than anticipated or we may have to delay or abandon some or all of our development and expansion plans or otherwise forego market opportunities. Additional financing may not be available on favorable terms, if at all, and our ability to incur additional debt will be limited by our debt agreements. If we are unable to, or elect not to, pay for costs associated with adding new customers, expanding, extending or upgrading our networks or making other planned or unplanned additions to our property and equipment, or are delayed in making such investments, our growth could be limited and our competitive position could be harmed.We depend almost exclusively on our relationships with third-party programming providers, broadcasters and rights owners for programming content, and a failure to acquire desirable programming on acceptable terms could adversely affect subscriptions of our video services.The success of our video subscription offerings depends, in large part, on our ability to offer a selection of popular and desirable programming. We generally do not produce our own content and we therefore depend on our agreements and cooperation with public and private broadcasters, rights holders and collective rights associations to obtain such content. If we fail to obtain desirable and popular programming for our pay television offerings, including linear channels as well as non-linear content (such as a selection of attractive VoD content and rights for ancillary services such as network DVR services), on satisfactory terms, we may not be able to offer a compelling product to our video customers at a price they are willing to pay. If we fail to obtain desirable and popular programming for our pay television offerings, including linear channels as well as non-linear content (such as a selection of attractive VoD content and rights for ancillary services such as network DVR services), on satisfactory terms, we may not be able to offer a compelling product to our video customers at a price they are willing to pay. Additionally, we periodically negotiate and renegotiate content agreements and our annual costs for programming can vary as a result of these negotiations. There can be no assurance that we will be able to renew the terms of our agreements on desirable terms or at all. If we are unable to obtain or retain attractively priced content, demand for our video subscription services could decrease, thereby limiting our ability to attract new bundle customers to subscribe to video services and/or maintain existing video customers. Furthermore, we may be placed at a competitive disadvantage as certain OTT providers increasingly produce their own exclusive content if certain of our providers also offering content directly to consumers restrict our access to valued content or if certain of our pay-TV competitors acquire exclusive programming rights, particularly with respect to sports.We depend on third-party suppliers and licensors to supply and maintain necessary equipment, software and certain services required for our businesses.We rely on third-party vendors for the equipment (including customer premises equipment, network infrastructure and mobile handsets), software and services that we require in order to provide services to our customers. Our suppliers often conduct business worldwide and their ability to meet our needs is subject to various risks, including political and economic instability, international regulations or sanctions, natural calamities, interruptions in transportation systems, power supplies, terrorism and labor issues. In addition, we rely on third parties (in particular, local municipalities, power companies and other telecommunications companies) for access to poles to attach our network equipment, and their ability to provide such access is subject to similar risks. As a result, we may not be able to obtain the equipment, software, access and services required for our businesses on a timely basis or on satisfactory terms, and this may lead us to issue credit to customers which could adversely impact our revenue and cash flows. As a result, we may not be able to obtain the equipment, software, access and services required for our businesses on a timely basis or on satisfactory terms. Any shortfall in our equipment could lead to delays in completing extensions to our networks and in connecting customers to our services and, accordingly, could adversely impact our ability to maintain or increase our RGUs, revenue and cash flows. Also, if demand exceeds the suppliers’ and licensors’ capacity or if they experience financial difficulties, the ability of our businesses to provide some services may be materially adversely affected, which in turn could affect our businesses’ ability to attract and retain customers. To the extent that we have minimum order commitments, we would be adversely affected in the event that we were unable to resell committed products or otherwise decline to accept committed products. Although we actively monitor the creditworthiness of our key third-party suppliers and licensors, the financial failure of a key third-party supplier or licensor could disrupt our operations and have an adverse impact on our revenue and cash flows. We rely upon intellectual property that is owned or licensed by us to use various technologies, I-32conduct our operations and sell our products and services. Legal challenges could be made against our use of our owned or licensed intellectual property rights (such as trademarks, patents and trade secrets) and we may be required to enter into licensing arrangements on unfavorable terms, incur monetary damages or be enjoined from use of the intellectual property rights in question. We rely on power companies to provide power necessary to operate equipment necessary to conduct our operations and to operate our customer premises equipment. As a result of any long-term interruption in power supplies, we may not be able to deliver our services on a timely or satisfactory basis or we may issue credits to customers, which could accordingly adversely impact our ability to maintain or increase our RGUs, revenue and cash flows. As a result of any long-term interruption in power supplies, we may not be able to deliver our services on a timely or satisfactory basis, which could accordingly adversely impact our ability to maintain or increase our RGUs, revenue and cash flows. In addition, the operation, administration, maintenance and repair of our network, including our subsea cable network, requires the coordination and integration of sophisticated and highly specialized hardware and software technologies and equipment located throughout the Caribbean and Latin America and requires operating and capital expenses. Events outside of our control, such as natural disasters, technological failures, cybersecurity incidents, vandalism, war, terrorism, inadvertent cuts or extraordinary social or political events, could impact the continued operation of our network. Events outside of our control, such as natural disasters, technological failures, vandalism, war, terrorism, inadvertent cuts or extraordinary social or political events, could impact the continued operation of our network. We cannot assure you that our systems will continue to function as expected in a cost-effective manner.Additionally, product shipments from third-party suppliers may be delayed due to supply chain challenges that our suppliers may face. If such a disruption were to extend over a prolonged period, it could have an impact on the continuity of our supply chain and our ability to build or upgrade our networks and customer premises equipment generally. Any disruption resulting from similar events on a larger scale or over a prolonged period could cause significant delays in shipments of products until we are able to resume such shipments or shift from the affected contractor or vendor to another third-party supplier. If our suppliers cannot deliver the supplies we need to operate our business, including handsets, set-top boxes, and other devices, and if we are unable to deliver our products to our customers, our business and results of operations would be negatively impacted.We may be unable to obtain or maintain the roaming services we need from other carriers to remain competitive.Some of our competitors have national networks that enable them to offer nationwide and/or international coverage to their subscribers at a lower cost than we do. The networks we operate do not, by themselves, provide national or international coverage and we must pay fees to other carriers who provide roaming services to us. For example, Liberty Puerto Rico currently relies on roaming agreements with several carriers for the majority of its roaming services.The FCC requires commercial mobile radio service providers to provide roaming, upon request, for voice and SMS text messaging services on just, reasonable and non-discriminatory terms. The FCC also requires carriers to offer data roaming services. The rules do not provide or mandate any specific mechanism for determining the reasonableness of roaming rates for voice, SMS text messaging or data services and require that roaming complaints be resolved on a case-by-case basis, based on a non-exclusive list of factors that can be taken into account in determining the reasonableness of particular conduct or rates. If we were to lose the benefit of one or more key roaming or wholesale agreements unexpectedly, we may be unable to obtain similar replacement agreements and as a result may be unable to continue providing the same level of voice and data roaming services for our customers that they’ve grown accustomed to or may be unable to provide such services on a cost-effective basis. An inability to obtain new or replacement roaming services on a cost-effective basis may limit our ability to compete effectively for wireless customers, which may increase turnover and decrease revenue, which in turn could materially adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.We rely on information technology to operate our business and maintain our competitiveness, and any failure to invest in and adapt to technological developments and industry trends could harm our business.We depend on the use of sophisticated information technologies and systems, including technology and systems used for website and mobile applications, network management systems, customer billing, financial reporting, human resources and various other processes and transactions. As our operations grow in size, scope and complexity, we must continuously improve and upgrade our systems and infrastructure to offer an increasing number of customers enhanced products, services, features and functionality, while maintaining or improving the reliability and integrity of our systems and infrastructure.Our future success also depends on our ability to adapt our services and infrastructure to meet rapidly evolving consumer trends and demands while continuing to improve the performance, features and reliability of our services in response to competitive service and product offerings. The emergence of alternative platforms such as smartphone and tablet computing devices and the emergence of niche competitors who may be able to optimize products, services or strategies for such platforms have, and will continue to, require new and costly investments in technology. We may not be successful, or may be less successful than our current or new competitors, in developing technology that operates effectively across multiple devices and platforms and that is appealing to consumers, either of which would negatively impact our business and financial performance. New developments in other areas, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, cloud computing and software I-33as a service provider, could also make it easier for competition to enter our markets due to lower up-front technology costs. New developments in other areas, such as cloud computing and software as a service provider, could also make it easier for competition to enter our markets due to lower up-front technology costs. In addition, we may not be able to maintain our existing systems or replace or introduce new technologies and systems as quickly as customers would like or in a cost-effective manner.If we are unable to retain key employees, our ability to manage our business could be adversely affected.Our operational results depend upon the retention and continued performance of our management team. Our ability to retain and hire new key employees for management positions could be impacted adversely by the competitive environment for management talent in the broadband communications industry. The loss of the services of key members of management and the inability or delay in hiring new key employees could adversely affect our ability to manage our business and our future operational and financial results.We may not have sufficient protection to cover damage or costs incurred due to natural catastrophes, which could expose us to significant liabilities.We have entered into Weather Derivatives tied to a parametric wind index to protect us against various liability, property and business interruption damage risks if a natural catastrophe occurs in a market where we operate. We believe these instruments are an effective way to protect our assets against these risks. We believe these insurance programs are an effective way to protect our assets against these risks. However, if we sustain certain damage from wind-related events that does not trigger coverage under our Weather Derivatives, we may receive no proceeds or proceeds that do not fully cover such damage. If we do not receive sufficient proceeds from our Weather Derivatives, we may be required to make material investments to repair such damage or incur other costs as a result of such damage, which could result in decreased capital investment, decreased liquidity or increased use of credit facilities or other existing or new debt or funding arrangements. If we do not have sufficient coverage under our policies, or if the insurance companies are successful in rescinding or denying coverage, we may be required to make material investments to repair such damage which could result in decreased capital investment, decreased liquidity or increased use of credit facilities or other existing or new debt or funding arrangements. We are involved in disputes and legal proceedings that, if determined unfavorably to us, could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.We are continually involved in disputes and legal proceedings arising out of the regular course of our business, including disputes and legal proceedings initiated by regulatory, competition and tax authorities as well as proceedings with competitors and other parties, including legal proceedings that programmers may institute against us and proceedings that may arise from acquisitions and other transactions we may consummate. For example, certain copyright agencies have asserted, and may in the future assert, claims against us and our subsidiaries regarding the transmission of any of the musical works within such agencies’ repertoire. For example, certain copyright agencies have asserted, and may in the future assert, claims against us and our subsidiaries regarding the transmission of any of the musical works within such agencies’ repertoire. Such claims seek injunctive relief as well as monetary damages. We cannot assure you that we will obtain a final favorable decision with regard to any particular proceeding. Any such disputes or legal proceedings could be expensive and time consuming, could divert the attention of our management and, if resolved adversely to us, could harm our reputation and increase our costs, all of which could result in a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.Risks that Relate to Our Operating in Overseas Markets and Being Subject to Foreign and Domestic RegulationA substantial portion of our businesses is conducted outside of the U.S., which gives rise to numerous operational risks.A substantial portion of our business operates in countries outside the U.S., and we have substantial physical assets and derive a substantial portion of our revenues from operations in Latin America and the Caribbean. Therefore, we are subject to the following inherent risks:•fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates;•difficulties in staffing and managing operations consistently through our several operating areas;•export and import restrictions, custom duties, tariffs and other trade barriers;•burdensome tax, customs, duties or regulatory assessments based on new or differing interpretations of law or regulations, including increases in taxes and governmental fees;•economic and political instability, social unrest, and public health crises, such as the occurrence of a contagious disease like the novel coronavirus;•changes in foreign and domestic laws and policies that govern operations of foreign-based companies;•interruptions to essential energy inputs;I-34•direct and indirect price controls;•cancellation of contract rights and licenses;•delays or denial of governmental approvals;•a lack of reliable security technologies;•privacy concerns; and•uncertainty regarding intellectual property rights and other legal issues.Operational risks that we may experience in certain countries include uncertain and rapidly changing political, regulatory and economic conditions, including the possibility of disruptions of services or loss of property or equipment that are critical to overseas businesses as a result of vandalism, expropriation, nationalization, war, insurrection, terrorism or general social or political unrest.In certain countries and territories in which we operate, political, security and economic changes may result in political and regulatory uncertainty and civil unrest. Governments may expropriate or nationalize assets or increase their participation in the economy generally and in telecommunications operations in particular. Civil unrest in one or more of our markets may adversely affect our operations in the affected market or possibly in other markets depending on the scope of other operations supported by the affected market. In addition, certain countries and territories in which we operate, or in which we may operate in the future, face significant challenges relating to the lack, or poor condition, of physical infrastructure, including transportation, electricity generation and transmission. In addition, certain countries and territories in which we operate, or in which we may operate in the future, face significant challenges relating to the lack, or poor condition, of physical infrastructure, including transportation, electricity generation and transmission. Such countries and territories may also be subject to a higher risk of inflationary pressures, which could increase our operating costs and decrease consumer demand and spending power. Each of these factors could, individually or in the aggregate, have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.Moreover, in many foreign countries, particularly in certain developing economies, it is not uncommon to encounter business practices that are prohibited by certain regulations, such as the FCPA and similar laws. Although our subsidiaries and business affiliates have undertaken, and will continue to undertake, compliance efforts with respect to these laws, their respective employees, contractors and agents, as well as those companies to which they outsource certain of their business operations, may take actions in violation of their policies and procedures. Any such violation could result in penalties imposed on, and adversely affect the reputation of, these subsidiaries and business affiliates. Any failure by these subsidiaries and business affiliates to effectively manage the challenges associated with the international operation of their businesses could materially adversely affect their, and hence our, financial condition.Public health crises, such as the coronavirus outbreak, in countries where we operate or where our contractors’ or vendors’ facilities are located could also have an effect on our financial condition or operations through impacts on our customers’ ability to use our services, on the availability of our workforce or through adverse impacts to our supply chain.Public health crises, such as the recent outbreak of the novel coronavirus, in countries where we operate or where our contractors’ or vendors’ facilities are located could also have an effect on our financial condition or operations through impacts on our customers’ ability to use our services, on the availability of our workforce or through adverse impacts to our supply chain. We are exposed to foreign currency exchange rate risk.We are exposed to foreign currency exchange rate risk with respect to our debt in situations where our debt is denominated in a currency other than the functional currency of the operations whose cash flows support our ability to service, repay or refinance such debt. Although we generally seek to match the denomination of our borrowings with the functional currency of the operations that are supporting the respective borrowings, market conditions or other factors may cause us to enter into borrowing arrangements that are not denominated in the functional currency of the underlying operations (unmatched debt). Our policy is generally to provide for an economic hedge against foreign currency exchange rate movements, whenever possible and when cost effective to do so, by using derivative instruments to synthetically convert unmatched debt into the applicable underlying currency.In addition to the exposure that results from unmatched debt, we are exposed to foreign currency risk to the extent that we enter into transactions denominated in currencies other than our operating subsidiaries’ respective functional currencies (non-functional currency risk), such as equipment purchases and programming contracts. Changes in exchange rates with respect to amounts recorded in our consolidated balance sheet related to these items will result in (i) unrealized foreign currency transaction gains and losses based upon period-end exchange rates or (ii) realized foreign currency transaction gains and losses upon settlement of the transactions. Changes in exchange rates with respect to amounts recorded in our consolidated balance sheet related to these items will result in unrealized (based upon period-end exchange rates) or realized foreign currency transaction gains and losses upon settlement of the transactions. Moreover, to the extent that our revenue, costs and expenses are denominated in currencies other than our respective functional currencies, we will experience fluctuations in our revenue, costs and expenses solely as a I-35result of changes in foreign currency exchange rates. Generally, we will consider hedging non-functional currency risks when the risks arise from agreements with third parties that involve the future payment or receipt of cash or other monetary items to the extent that we can reasonably predict the timing and amount of such payments or receipts and the payments or receipts are not otherwise hedged. In this regard, we have entered into foreign currency forward contracts to hedge certain of these risks. Certain non-functional currency risks related to our programming and other direct costs of services, other operating costs and expenses and property and equipment additions were not hedged as of December 31, 2023. Certain non-functional currency risks related to our programming and other direct costs of services and other operating costs and expenses and property and equipment additions were not hedged as of December 31, 2021. We also are exposed to unfavorable and potentially volatile fluctuations of the U.S. dollar (our reporting currency) against the currencies of our operating subsidiaries when their respective financial statements are translated into U.S. dollars for inclusion in our consolidated financial statements. Cumulative translation adjustments are recorded in accumulated other comprehensive earnings or loss as a separate component of equity. Any increase (decrease) in the value of the U.S. dollar against any foreign currency that is the functional currency of one of our operating subsidiaries will cause us to experience unrealized foreign currency translation losses (gains) with respect to amounts already invested in such foreign currencies. Accordingly, we may experience a negative impact on our comprehensive earnings or loss and equity with respect to our holdings solely as a result of FX. In addition, our reported operating results are impacted by changes in the exchange rates for other local currencies in Latin America and the Caribbean. We generally do not hedge against the risk that we may incur non-cash losses upon the translation of the financial statements of our operating subsidiaries and affiliates into U.S. dollars.Failure to comply with economic and trade sanctions, and similar laws could have a materially adverse effect on our reputation, results of operations or financial condition, or have other adverse consequences.We operate in the Caribbean and Latin America, and similar to other international companies, we are subject to economic and trade sanctions programs, including certain of which that are administered by OFAC, which prohibit or restrict transactions or dealings with specified countries, their governments, and in certain circumstances, their nationals, and with individuals and entities that are specially designated. These regulations are extensive and complex, and they differ from one sanctions regime to another. Failure to comply with these regulations could subject us to legal and reputational consequences, including civil and criminal penalties.For example, certain of our companies provide (and may in the future provide), directly or indirectly, certain services to governmental entities in Cuba (e.g., C&W sells IP and international transport telecommunication services to ETECSA, the Cuba state-owned telecommunications provider and to other international telecommunications providers that in turn sell telecom services to ETECSA). All these services are provided outside of Cuba and the provision of non-facilities based telecom services to Cuba are permissible under the Cuba Assets Control Regulations and a general license from OFAC. All these services are provided outside of Cuba and the provision of non-facilities based telecom services to Cuba are permissible under a general license from OFAC. We also have interconnection and services contracts with telecommunications carriers located in Venezuela. With respect to Venezuela, we have advised OFAC that we believe that our activities there are not covered by the OFAC regulations or are otherwise allowed under a general license and exemptions or, in the alternative, should be licensed by OFAC. In September 2022, OFAC issued a specific license to allow us to engage in all transactions necessary for U.S. financial institutions to process the collection of outstanding debts and the receipt of current and future payments relating to telecommunications services provided to Compañía Anónima Nacional Teléfonos de Venezuela. OFAC extended this license on August 17, 2023.We believe that our activities with respect to these countries are known to OFAC. We note, however, that OFAC regulations and related interpretive guidance are complex and subject to varying interpretations. Due to this complexity, OFAC’s interpretation of its own regulations and guidance vary on a case to case basis. As a result, we cannot provide any guarantees that OFAC will not challenge any of our activities in the future, which could have a material adverse effect on our results of operations.Any violations of applicable economic and trade sanctions could limit certain of our business activities until they are satisfactorily remediated and could result in civil and criminal penalties, including fines, that could damage our reputation and have a materially adverse effect on our results of operation or financial condition.Our businesses are subject to risks of adverse regulation.Our businesses are subject to the unique regulatory regimes of the countries in which they operate. Video distribution, broadband internet, telephony and mobile businesses are subject to licensing or registration eligibility rules and regulations, which vary by country. Our ability to provide telecommunications services depends on applicable law, telecommunications regulations and the terms of the licenses and concessions we are granted under such laws and regulations. In particular, we are reliant on access with mutually beneficial terms to spectrum for both existing and next generation telecommunication services, entrance into interconnection agreements with other telecommunications companies and are subject to a range of decisions by regulators, including in respect of pricing, for example, for termination rates. The provision of electronic communications I-36networks and services requires our licensing from, or registration with, the appropriate regulatory authorities. It is possible that countries in which we operate may adopt laws and regulations regarding electronic commerce, which could dampen the growth of the internet services being offered and developed by these businesses. In a number of countries, our ability to increase the prices we charge for our cable television service or make changes to the programming packages we offer is limited by regulation or conditions imposed by competition authorities, or is subject to review by regulatory authorities or termination rights of customers. In addition, regulatory authorities may grant new licenses to third parties and, in any event, in most of our markets new entry is possible without a license, although there may be registration eligibility rules and regulations, resulting in greater competition in territories where our businesses may already be active. More significantly, regulatory authorities may require us to grant third parties access to our bandwidth, frequency capacity, infrastructure, facilities or services to distribute their own services or resell our services to end customers. For example, certain regulators are seeking to mandate third-party access to portions of C&W’s network infrastructure, such as in Jamaica where, under The Telecommunications (Infrastructure Sharing) Rules 2022, dominant licensees are required to share infrastructure (including dark fiber, ducts, subsea cable landing stations and mobile network towers) with third parties, including competitors. Consequently, our businesses must adapt their ownership and organizational structure as well as their pricing and service offerings to satisfy the rules and regulations to which they are subject. A failure to comply with applicable rules and regulations could result in penalties, restrictions on our business or loss of required licenses or other adverse conditions. We may continue to operate in jurisdictions where governments fail to grant or renew licenses for our operations, which could result in penalties, fines or restrictions that could have a material adverse impact on our business and financial condition.Adverse changes in rules and regulations could:•impair our ability to use our bandwidth in ways that would generate maximum revenue and cash flow;•create a shortage of capacity on our networks, which could limit the types and variety of services we seek to provide our customers;•impact our ability to access spectrum for our mobile services;•impact the amount of government funding under certain support programs such as the FCC’s UPR Fund and the NTIA’s MMG Program;•strengthen our competitors by granting them access and lowering their costs to enter into our markets; and•otherwise have a significant adverse impact on our results of operations.Adverse changes in rules and regulations could:•impair our ability to use our bandwidth in ways that would generate maximum revenue and cash flow;•create a shortage of capacity on our networks, which could limit the types and variety of services we seek to provide our customers;•impact our ability to access spectrum for our mobile services;•strengthen our competitors by granting them access and lowering their costs to enter into our markets; and•otherwise have a significant adverse impact on our results of operations. Businesses, including ours, that offer multiple services, such as video distribution as well as internet, telephony, and/or mobile services, often face close regulatory scrutiny from competition authorities in countries in which they operate. This is particularly the case with respect to any proposed business combinations, which will often require clearance from national competition authorities. The regulatory authorities in several countries in which we do business have considered from time to time what access rights, if any, should be afforded to third parties for use of existing cable television networks and have imposed access obligations in certain countries. This has resulted, for example, in video must carry obligations in many markets in which we operate. For more information, see Item 1. Business—Description of Business—Regulatory Matters.Regulations may be especially strict in the markets of those countries in which we are considered to hold a significant market position. We have been, in the past, and may be in the future, subject to allegations and complaints by our competitors and other third parties regarding our competitive behavior as a significant market operator.When we acquire additional communications companies, these acquisitions may require the approval of governmental authorities, which can block, impose conditions on, or delay an acquisition, thus hampering our opportunities for growth. If conditions are imposed and we fail to meet them in a timely manner, the governmental authority may impose fines and, if in connection with an acquisition transaction, may require restorative measures, such as mandatory disposition of assets or divestiture of operations, similar to the divestiture with respect to the AT&T Acquisition. The acquisition of C&W in May 2016 triggered regulatory approval requirements in certain jurisdictions in which C&W operates. The regulatory authorities in all of these jurisdictions, except for Trinidad and Tobago, have completed their review of the May 16, 2016 acquisition of C&W and have granted their approval. While we expect to receive this outstanding approval, such approval may include binding conditions or requirements that could have an adverse impact on C&W’s operations and financial condition.Furthermore, the governments in the countries and territories in which we operate differ widely with respect to political structure, constitution, economic philosophy, stability and level of regulation. Many of our operations depend on governmental approval and regulatory decisions, and we provide services to governmental organizations in certain markets (and in certain I-37cases, like Venezuela, governmental organizations are our biggest customers). Moreover, in several of C&W’s key markets, including Panama and The Bahamas, governments are C&W’s partners and co-owners. Moreover, in several of C&W’s key markets, including Panama and the Bahamas, governments are C&W’s partners and co-owners. The Government of The Bahamas is a part-owner in C&W Bahamas and the Government of Panama is a part-owner in CWP, and each of the governments have the right to appoint members to the board of directors of the respective entity. The Government of the Bahamas is a part-owner in C&W Bahamas and the Government of Panama is a part-owner in CWP, and each of the governments have the right to appoint members to the board of directors of the respective entity. In both The Bahamas and Panama, we hold licenses or have received concessions from the government or independent regulatory bodies to operate our business, including our mobile and fixed networks. In both the Bahamas and Panama, we hold licenses or have received concessions from the government or independent regulatory bodies to operate our business, including our mobile and fixed networks. Consequently, we may not be able to fully utilize C&W’s contractual or legal rights or all options that may otherwise be available, where to do so might conflict with broader regulatory or governmental considerations. In addition, we are, and in the future may be, a party to certain disputes with regulators and governments from time to time that could have a material adverse effect on our business and results of operations.Changes to existing legislation and new legislation may significantly alter the regulatory regime applicable to us, which could adversely affect our competitive position and profitability, and we may become subject to more extensive regulation if we are deemed to possess significant market power in any of the markets in which we operate.Significant changes to the existing regulatory regime applicable to the provision of cable television, telephony and internet services have been and are still being introduced. In addition, we are subject to review by competition or national regulatory authorities in certain countries concerning whether we exhibit significant market power. A finding of significant market power could result in us becoming subject to access and pricing obligations and other requirements that could provide a more favorable operating environment for existing and potential competitors. Government regulation or administrative policies may change unexpectedly and negatively affect our interests. For example, there has been a general trend for governments to seek greater access to telecommunications records and to communications for law enforcement purposes and a trend in certain countries experiencing civil unrest to restrict access to telecommunications on national security grounds. Adverse regulatory developments could subject our businesses to a number of risks. For more information, see Item 1. Business—Description of Business—Regulatory Matters.For various reasons, governments may seek to increase the regulation of the use of the internet, particularly with respect to user privacy and data protection, access rights content, pricing, copyrights, consumer protection, distributions and characteristics and quality of products and services. Application of existing laws, including those addressing property ownership and personal privacy in the context of rapidly evolving technological developments remains uncertain and in flux. New interpretations of such laws could have an adverse effect on our business. Governments may also seek to regulate the content of communications in all of our revenue streams, which could reduce the attractiveness of our services. Governments may also change their attitude towards foreign investment or extract extra concessions from businesses. Or governments may elect to intervene directly in our markets by constructing their own infrastructure. In Jamaica for example, the government recently announced an intention to explore the possibility of constructing its own national broadband backbone, connecting schools, hospitals, government ministries and fire and police stations. Accordingly, our operations may be constrained by the relevant political environment and may be adversely affected by such constraints, as well as by changes to the political structure or government in any of the markets in which we operate.Future changes to regulation or changes in political administrations or a significant deterioration in our relationship with relevant regulators in the jurisdictions in which we operate, as well as failure to acquire and retain the necessary consents and approvals or in any other way comply with regulatory requirements, or excessive costs of complying with new or more onerous regulations and restrictions could have a material adverse effect on our business, reputation, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.Failure to comply with the FCC’s requirements for the UPR Fund, the ACP or other funding programs in which Liberty Puerto Rico may participate may have an adverse impact on Liberty Puerto Rico’s business and our financial position, and payments by such programs are decreasing and uncertain.In May 2018, the FCC established the UPR Fund and the Connect USVI Fund to provide subsidies for the deployment and hardening of fixed wireline and mobile wireless communications networks in Puerto Rico and the U.In May 2018, the FCC established the UPR Fund to provide subsidies for the deployment and hardening of fixed wireline and mobile wireless communications networks in Puerto Rico. S. Virgin Islands, and in 2021, the FCC launched the ACP which provides a long-term broadband affordability benefit to low-income customers. Liberty Puerto Rico receives funds from the FCC through these programs. To continue receiving funds under these programs, Liberty Puerto Rico, Liberty Mobile U.S. Virgin Islands and Broadband VI, LLC must comply with certain requirements established by the FCC as described in Item 1. Business—Description of Business—Regulatory Matters. Compliance with FCC requirements may depend upon factors such as issuance of permits by local regulatory authorities. In April 2023, the FCC adopted an additional two-year transitional period for mobile support recipients during which transitional mobile support recipients will receive 50% of their current monthly support for both 4G LTE and 5G-NR during the first year of transitional mobile support, and then 25% of their currently monthly support in their second year of transitional support. Thus, Liberty Puerto Rico’s annual Stage 2 mobile support was reduced from approximately $34 million to approximately $17 million in the first year of I-38transitional support and will be reduced to approximately $8.5 million in the second year. In addition, continuation of the ACP, depends upon the appropriation of additional funds by Congress, which is uncertain. Reduced funding from these programs may have an adverse impact on Liberty Puerto Rico’s business and our RGUs, revenue and cash flow. In the specific case of the UPR Fund and the Connect USVI funding for fixed providers, such as LCPR and Broadband VI, LLC, failure to comply with program buildout milestones can result in the FCC clawing back allocated funds and/or imposing fines for non-compliance.We may not be successful in acquiring future spectrum or other licenses that we need to offer new mobile data or other services.We offer mobile data services through licensed spectrum in a number of markets. While these licenses, and other licenses that we possess, enable us to offer mobile data services today, as technology develops and customer needs change, it may be necessary to acquire new spectrum or other licenses in the future to provide us with additional capacity and/or offer new technologies or services. For example, we expect to acquire additional wireless spectrum in Puerto Rico and the USVI through the Puerto Rico and USVI Spectrum Acquisition. While we actively engage with regulators and governments to ensure that our spectrum needs are met, there can be no guarantee that future spectrum licenses will be made available in certain or all territories or that they will be made available on commercially viable terms. We will likely require additional spectrum licenses for LTE and 5G networks, and there may be competition for their acquisition. We will likely require additional spectrum licenses for LTE networks, and there may be competition for their acquisition. In addition, we may need other types of licenses for the new products and services that we contemplate or will consider offering. Failure to acquire necessary new spectrum licenses or other required licenses for new services or products, or to do so on commercially viable terms, could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.We cannot be certain that we will be successful in acquiring new businesses or integrating acquired businesses with our existing operations, or that we will achieve the expected returns on our acquisitions.Part of our business strategy is to grow and expand our businesses, in part, through selective acquisitions, such as the Puerto Rico and USVI Spectrum Acquisition, that enable us to take advantage of existing networks, local service offerings and region-specific management expertise.Part of our business strategy is to grow and expand our businesses, in part, through selective acquisitions, such as the Claro Panama Acquisition, that enable us to take advantage of existing networks, local service offerings and region-specific management expertise. Our ability to acquire new businesses may be limited by many factors, including availability of financing, debt covenants, the prevalence of complex ownership structures among potential targets, government regulation, our ability to obtain regulatory approval or satisfy other conditions to completing a transaction, and competition from other potential acquirers, including private equity funds. Our ability to acquire new businesses may be limited by many factors, including availability of financing, debt covenants, the prevalence of complex ownership structures among potential targets, government regulation and competition from other potential acquirers, including private equity funds. Even if we are successful in acquiring new businesses, the integration of these businesses, such as in the AT&T Acquisition, the Liberty Telecomunicaciones Acquisition and the Claro Panama Acquisition, may present significant costs and challenges associated with: realizing economies of scale in interconnection, programming and network operations; eliminating duplicative overheads; migrating our acquired businesses’ customers to our systems; integrating personnel, networks, financial systems and operational systems and building new mobile cores and IT stacks; greater than anticipated expenditures required for compliance with regulatory standards or for investments to improve operating results; and failure to achieve the business plan with respect to any such acquisition. Even if we are successful in acquiring new businesses, the integration of these businesses, such as in the AT&T Acquisition and Telefónica Costa Rica Acquisition, may present significant costs and challenges associated with: realizing economies of scale in interconnection, programming and network operations; eliminating duplicative overheads; migrating our acquired businesses’ customers to our systems; integrating personnel, networks, financial systems and operational systems and building new mobile cores and IT stacks; greater than anticipated expenditures required for compliance with regulatory standards or for investments to improve operating results; and failure to achieve the business plan with respect to any such acquisition. We cannot be assured that we will be successful in acquiring new businesses or realizing the anticipated benefits of any completed acquisition.In addition, we anticipate that any companies we may acquire will be located in the Caribbean or Latin America. Such companies may not have disclosure controls and procedures or internal controls over financial reporting that are as thorough or effective as those required by U.S. securities laws and the FCPA. While we intend to conduct appropriate due diligence and to implement appropriate controls and procedures as we integrate acquired companies, we may not be able to certify as to the effectiveness of these companies’ disclosure controls and procedures or internal controls over financial reporting until we have fully integrated them.We may not be successful in renewing the necessary regulatory or spectrum licenses, concessions or other operating agreements needed to operate our businesses upon expiration, and such licenses may be subject to termination, revocation or material alteration in the event of a breach or to promote the public interest or as a result of triggering a change of control clause.We may not be successful in renewing the necessary regulatory licenses, concessions or other operating agreements needed to operate our businesses upon expiration, and such licenses may be subject to termination, revocation or material alteration in the event of a breach or to promote the public interest or as a result of triggering a change of control clause. While we actively engage with the applicable governments and other regulatory bodies in advance of the expiry of our licenses, concessions and operating agreements, there can be no guarantee that when such licenses, concessions and operating agreements expire, we will be able to renew them on similar or commercially viable terms, or at all. For instance, C&W’s licenses in Jamaica, the Cayman Islands, The Bahamas, Antigua and the Turks and Caicos Islands are in the process of being renewed on the same terms and conditions as before. For instance, C&W’s licenses in the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Antigua and the Turks and Caicos Islands are in the process of being renewed on the same terms and conditions as before. In addition, in some of the ECTEL states, we are operating under expired licenses and have applied for renewal of such licenses. In addition, in certain jurisdictions where spectrum licenses must be renewed, there is no guarantee that we will be able to renew those licenses on similar or commercially viable terms, or at all.I-39Some of these licenses may also include clauses that allow the grantor to terminate or revoke or alter them in the event of a default or other failure by us to comply with applicable conditions of the license or to promote the public interest. Further, a number of our operating licenses include change of control clauses, which may be triggered by the sale of a business to which those clauses relate, or certain types of corporate restructurings. Some of these change of control clauses may restrict our strategic options, including the ability to complete any potential disposal of individual businesses, a combination of businesses or the entire company unless a consent or waiver is obtained, and, if triggered, may lead to some licenses being terminated. Failure to hold or to continue to hold or obtain the necessary licenses, concessions and other operating agreements required to operate our businesses could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.We do not have complete control over the prices that we charge.Our businesses are in some countries subject to regulation or review by various regulatory, competition or other government authorities responsible for the regulation or the review of the charges to our customers for our services. Such authorities, in certain cases, could potentially require us to repay such fees to the extent they are found to be excessive or discriminatory. We also may not be able to enforce future changes to our subscription prices. Additionally, in certain markets, our ability to bundle or discount our services may be constrained if we are held to be dominant with respect to any product we offer. This may have an adverse impact on our revenue, profitability of new products and services and our ability to respond to changes in the markets in which we operate.Strikes, work stoppages and other industrial actions could disrupt our operations or make it more costly to operate our businesses.We are exposed to the risk of strikes, work stoppages and other industrial actions. In the future we may experience lengthy consultations with labor unions or strikes, work stoppages or other industrial actions. Strikes and other industrial actions, as well as the negotiation of new collective bargaining agreements or salary increases in the future, could disrupt our operations and make it more costly to operate our facilities. In addition, strikes called by employees of any of our key providers of materials or services could result in interruptions of the performance of our services. The occurrence of any of the above risks could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations. We may have exposure to additional tax liabilities.We may have exposure to additional tax liabilities. We are subject to income taxes as well as non-income based taxes in the Caribbean, parts of Latin America, parts of Europe and the U.S. In addition, most tax jurisdictions that we operate in have complex and subjective rules regarding the valuation of intercompany services, cross-border payments between affiliated companies and the related effects on income tax and transfer tax. Significant judgment is required in determining our provision for income taxes and other tax liabilities. In the ordinary course of our business, there are many transactions and calculations where the ultimate tax determination is uncertain. In addition, our business has undertaken acquisitions, restructurings and other transactions in prior years where the ultimate tax determination resulting from these transactions remains uncertain. We are regularly under audit by tax authorities in many of the jurisdictions in which we operate. Although we believe that our tax estimates are reasonable, any material differences as a result of final determinations of tax audits or tax disputes could have an adverse effect on our financial position and results of operations in the period or periods for which determination is made.We are subject to changing tax laws, treaties and regulations in and between countries in which we operate or otherwise have a presence. Also, various income tax proposals in the jurisdictions in which we operate could result in changes to the existing laws on which our deferred taxes are calculated. A change in these tax laws, treaties or regulations, or in the interpretation thereof, could result in a materially higher income or non-income tax expense. Any such material changes could cause a material change in our effective tax rate.Further changes in the tax laws of the foreign jurisdictions in which we operate could arise as a result of the base erosion and profit shifting project being undertaken by the OECD. The OECD, which represents a coalition of member countries that includes the United States, has undertaken studies and is publishing action plans that include recommendations aimed at addressing what they believe are issues within tax systems that may lead to tax avoidance by companies. The OECD, which represents a coalition of member countries that includes Chile and the United States, has undertaken studies and is publishing action plans that include recommendations aimed at addressing what they believe are issues within tax systems that may lead to tax avoidance by companies. The OECD has extended inclusion to non-OECD countries under their Inclusive Framework on BEPS, bringing together over 100 countries to collaborate on the implementation of the OECD BEPS Package. This framework allows interested countries and jurisdictions to work with the OECD and G20 members on developing standards on BEPS-related issues and reviewing and monitoring the implementation of the whole BEPS Package. Included within this expanded group of countries are several jurisdictions in which we do business. It is possible that additional jurisdictions in which we do business could react to these initiatives or their own concerns by enacting tax legislation that could adversely affect us or our shareholders through increasing our tax liabilities. In particular, the OECD has proposed a provision to impose a minimum tax rate of 15%, among other provisions, and as of I-402023 more than 140 countries have tentatively signed on to the framework. In particular, the OECD has recently proposed a provision to impose a minimum tax rate of 15%, among other provisions, and as of 2021 more than 140 countries have tentatively signed on to the framework. As this framework is subject to further negotiation and implementation by each member country, the timing and ultimate impact of any such changes on our tax obligations are uncertain.Failure to comply with anti-corruption laws and regulations, such as the FCPA.Our operations, particularly in countries that have a perceived elevated risk of public corruption, expose us to a certain degree of exposure for violations of, among other anti-corruption laws, the FCPA. Although we forbid our employees and agents from violating the FCPA and other applicable anti-corruption laws and regulations and have implemented a compliance program to prevent and detect violations of the FCPA and other applicable anti-corruption laws and regulations, there remains some degree of risk that improper conduct could occur, thereby exposing our company to potential liability and the costs associated with investigating potential misconduct.Failure to comply with trade controls.Trade controls implemented by the United States, Costa Rica and other governments, particularly with respect to certain suppliers designated by these governments as part of the Chinese Military Industrial Complex, expose our operations to supply chain risks for certain telecommunications equipment in certain of our markets. Further, these trade controls expose us to a certain degree of exposure for violations of United States and other laws prohibiting certain transactions with restricted or prohibited companies. While we have implemented a compliance program to prevent and detect violations of these trade controls, there remains some degree of risk that improper conduct could occur, thereby exposing our company to potential liability and the costs associated with investigating potential misconduct. The emergence of alternative platforms such as smartphone and tablet computing devices and the emergence of niche competitors who may be able to optimize products, services or strategies for such platforms have, and will continue to, require new and costly investments in technology. Our business has been, and could in the future, be adversely affected by a pandemic.Pandemics and related mitigation measures have adversely affected our business and operating results in the past, particularly when countries in which we operate had imposed travel restrictions as they did with the COVID-19 pandemic, which reduced demand for our products and services. Although some pandemic-related impacts on our business have abated, they may re-emerge or intensify again given the uncertain course of the pandemic and its effects.

To the extent a pandemic adversely affects our business, results of operations, financial position and cash flows, it may also have the effect of heightening the other risk factors described in this Annual Report on Form 10-K.Risks that Relate to Certain Financial MattersOur substantial leverage could limit our ability to obtain additional financing and have other adverse effects.Our businesses are highly leveraged. At December 31, 2023, the outstanding principal amount of our debt, together with our finance lease obligations, aggregated $8,248 million, including $582 million that is classified as current in our consolidated balance sheet and $7,599 million that is not due until 2027 or thereafter. At December 31, 2021, the outstanding principal amount of our debt, together with our finance lease obligations, aggregated $7,686 million, including $106 million that is classified as current in our consolidated balance sheet and $6,433 million that is not due until 2027 or thereafter. In addition, we may incur substantial additional debt in the future, including in connection with any future acquisitions. We believe that we have sufficient resources to repay or refinance the current portion of our debt and finance lease obligations and to fund our foreseeable liquidity requirements during the next 12 months. However, as our debt maturities are predominantly in later years, we anticipate that we will seek to refinance or otherwise extend our debt maturities. No assurance can be given that we will be able to complete refinancing transactions or otherwise extend our debt maturities. In this regard, it is difficult to predict how political and economic conditions, sovereign debt concerns or any adverse regulatory developments will impact the credit and equity markets we access and our future financial position.Our ability to service or refinance our debt and to maintain compliance with the leverage covenants in our credit agreements is dependent primarily on our ability to maintain or increase the cash flow of our operating subsidiaries and to achieve adequate returns on our property and equipment additions and acquisitions. Accordingly, if our cash provided by operations declines or we encounter other material liquidity requirements, we may be required to seek additional debt or equity financing in order to meet our debt obligations and other liquidity requirements as they come due. In addition, our current debt levels may limit our ability to incur additional debt financing to fund working capital needs, acquisitions, property and equipment additions, or other general corporate requirements. We can give no assurance that any additional debt or equity financing will be available on terms that are as favorable as the terms of our existing debt or at all or that we will be able to maintain compliance with the leverage covenants in our credit agreements, which could have a material adverse effect on our business, liquidity and results of operations.I-41We may not be able to generate sufficient cash to meet our debt service obligations.Our ability to meet our debt service obligations or to refinance our debt, depends on our future operating and financial performance, which will be affected by our ability to successfully implement our business strategy as well as general macroeconomic, financial, competitive, regulatory and other factors beyond our control. In addition, we are dependent on customers, and, in particular local, municipal and national governments and agencies, to pay us for the services we provide in order for us to generate cash to meet our debt service obligations and to maintain our business. Accordingly, we are exposed to the risk that our government customers could default on their obligations to us and we cannot rule out the possibility that unexpected circumstances in a particular country’s economic condition may render such government unable to meet its obligation to us. Any such event could have an adverse effect on our cash flows, results of operations, financial condition and/or liquidity. If we cannot generate sufficient cash to meet our debt service requirements or to maintain our business, we may, among other things, need to delay planned capital expenditures or investments or sell material assets to meet those obligations.If we are not able to refinance any of our debt, obtain additional financing or sell assets on commercially reasonable terms or at all, we may not be able to satisfy our debt obligations. In that event, if related to borrowings under a borrowing group’s (i.e., C&W, Liberty Costa Rica, and Liberty Puerto Rico) debt agreements or other instruments, other debt agreements or instruments that contain cross-default or cross-acceleration provisions with respect to other indebtedness of that particular borrowing group may become payable on demand and the affected borrowing group may not have sufficient funds to repay all of its debts; and if related to borrowings in an amount above a certain threshold of a “significant subsidiary” (as defined in Regulation S-X under the Securities Act) of Liberty Latin America Ltd., the Convertible Notes may become payable on demand under the cross-default provision in the indenture governing the Convertible Notes. If related to the Convertible Notes, Liberty Latin America Ltd.’s (excluding its subsidiaries) other debt agreements or instruments (if any) that contain cross-default or cross-acceleration provisions with respect to Latin America Ltd.’s other indebtedness may become payable on demand and it may not have sufficient funds to repay all of its debts. See Item 7. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations—Liquidity and Capital Resources.Certain of our subsidiaries are subject to various debt instruments that contain restrictions on how we finance our operations and operate our businesses, which could impede our ability to engage in beneficial transactions.Certain of our subsidiaries are subject to significant financial and operating restrictions contained in outstanding credit agreements, indentures and similar instruments of indebtedness. These restrictions will affect, and in some cases significantly limit or prohibit, among other things, the ability of those subsidiaries to:•incur or guarantee additional indebtedness;•pay dividends or make other upstream distributions;•make investments;•transfer, sell or dispose of certain assets, including their stock;•merge or consolidate with other entities;•engage in transactions with us or other affiliates; or•create liens on their assets.As a result of restrictions contained in these debt instruments, the companies party thereto, and their subsidiaries, could be unable to obtain additional capital in the future to:•fund property and equipment additions or acquisitions that could improve our value;•meet their loan and capital commitments to their business affiliates;•invest in companies in which they would otherwise invest;•fund any operating losses or future development of their business affiliates;•obtain lower borrowing costs that are available from secured lenders or engage in advantageous transactions that monetize their assets; orI-42•conduct other necessary or prudent corporate activities.In addition, some of the credit agreements to which these subsidiaries are parties include financial covenants that require them to maintain certain financial ratios. Their ability to meet these financial covenants may be affected by adverse economic, competitive, or regulatory developments and other events beyond their control, and we cannot assure you that these financial covenants will be met. In the event of a default under our subsidiaries’ credit agreements or indentures, the lenders may accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness under those agreements or indentures, which could result in a default under other outstanding credit facilities or indentures. We cannot assure you that any of these subsidiaries will have sufficient assets to pay indebtedness outstanding under their credit agreements and indentures. Any refinancing of this indebtedness is likely to contain similar restrictive covenants.We are exposed to interest rate risks and other adverse changes in the credit market. Shifts in such rates may adversely affect the debt service obligation of our subsidiaries.We require a significant amount of capital to operate and grow our business. We fund our capital needs in part through borrowings in the public and private credit markets. Adverse changes in the credit markets, including increases in interest rates, could increase our cost of borrowing and/or make it more difficult for us to obtain financing for our operations or refinance existing indebtedness. In addition, our borrowing costs can be affected by short- and long-term debt ratings assigned by independent rating agencies, which are based, in significant part, on our performance as measured by customary credit metrics. A decrease in these ratings would likely increase our cost of borrowing and/or make it more difficult for us to obtain financing. A severe disruption in the global financial markets could impact some of the financial institutions with which we do business, and such instability could also affect our access to financing. In particular, we are exposed to the risk of fluctuations in interest rates, primarily through the credit facilities of certain of our subsidiaries, which are indexed to Adjusted Term SOFR or other base rates. Although we enter into various derivative transactions to manage exposure to movements in interest rates, there can be no assurance that we will be able to continue to do so at a reasonable cost or at all. If we are unable to effectively manage our interest rate exposure through derivative transactions, any increase in market interest rates would increase our interest rate exposure and debt service obligations, which would exacerbate the risks associated with our leveraged capital structure. We are subject to increasing operating costs and inflation risks, which may adversely affect our results of operations.We are subject to increasing operating costs and inflation risks, which may adversely affect our results of operations. While our operations attempt to increase our subscription rates to offset increases in operating costs, there is no assurance that they will be able to do so.While our operations attempt to increase our subscription rates to offset increases in programming and operating costs, there is no assurance that they will be able to do so. In certain countries in which we operate, our ability to increase subscription rates is subject to regulatory controls. Also, our ability to increase subscription rates may be constrained by competitive pressures. Therefore, operating costs may rise faster than associated revenue, resulting in a material negative impact on our cash flow and results of operations. We are also impacted by inflationary increases in salaries, wages, benefits and other administrative costs in certain of our markets.Uncertainties and challenging conditions in the global economy and in the countries in which we operate may adversely impact our business, financial condition and results of operations.The macroeconomic environment can be highly volatile, and instability in global markets has contributed, and could in the future contribute, to a challenging global economic environment. Future developments are dependent upon a number of political and economic factors, and as a result, we cannot predict when challenging conditions will exist or the extent to which the markets in which we operate may deteriorate. Unfavorable economic conditions may impact a significant number of our customers and/or the prices we are able to charge for our products and services, and, as a result, it may be more difficult for us to attract new customers and more likely that customers will downgrade or disconnect their services. Countries may also seek new or increased revenue sources due to fiscal deficits, including increases in regulatory levels, and any such actions may adversely affect our company. In addition, as countries seek to recover from natural disasters like hurricanes, they may seek new or increased revenue sources from businesses such as ours, including by increasing taxes and levies. Accordingly, our results of operations and cash flows may be adversely affected if the macroeconomic environment becomes uncertain or declines or governments increase taxes or levies as a result of fiscal deficits or natural disasters. We are currently unable to predict the extent of any of these potential adverse effects.Additional factors that could influence customer demand include access to credit, unemployment rates, affordability concerns, consumer confidence, capital and credit markets volatility, geopolitical issues and general macroeconomic factors. Certain of these factors drive levels of disposable income, which in turn affect many of our revenue streams. Business solutions customers may delay purchasing decisions, delay full implementation of service offerings or reduce their use of services. Our residential customers may similarly elect to use fewer higher margin services, switch from fixed to mobile services resulting in I-43the so-called traffic substitution effect, reduce their consumption of our video services or similarly choose to obtain products and services under lower cost programs offered by our competitors. In addition, adverse economic conditions may lead to a rise in the number of our customers who are not able to pay for our services.Adverse economic conditions can also have an adverse impact on tourism, which in turn can adversely impact our business. In tourist destinations, levels of gross domestic products and levels of foreign investment linked to tourism are closely tied to levels of tourist arrivals and length of stay. In addition to having a direct impact on our revenue, due, for example, to reduction of roaming charges incurred by tourists, these factors will in turn drive disposable income, with the corresponding impact on use of our products and services.Due to the Caribbean’s heavy reliance on tourism, the Caribbean economy has suffered during previous periods of global recession and fluctuations in exchange rates and is likely to be adversely affected if major economies again find themselves in recession or if consumer and/or business confidence in those economies erodes in the face of trends in the global financial markets and economies. The current macroeconomic environment has also resulted in systemic disruption of the worldwide equity markets, and the market values of our publicly-traded equity declined significantly beginning in late February 2020 with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The duration and severity of the economic impacts stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic, competition, economic, regulatory or other factors, including macro-economic and demographic trends, are unknown and may be prolonged. In particular, any recession, depression, inflationary pressures, or other sustained adverse market event may result in high levels of unemployment and associated loss of personal income, decreased consumer confidence, and lower discretionary spending, which could materially and adversely affect our business, results of operations, financial position and cash flows.Should current economic conditions deteriorate, there may be volatility in exchange rates, increases in interest rates or inflation, liquidity shortfalls and an adverse effect on our revenue and profits. Should current economic conditions deteriorate, there may be volatility in exchange rates, increases in interest rates or inflation, liquidity shortfalls and an adverse effect on our revenue and profits. Recessionary pressures or country-specific issues could, among other things, affect products and services, the level of tourism experienced by some countries and the level of local consumer and business expenditure on telecommunications. In addition, most of our operations are in developing economies, which historically have experienced more volatility in their general economic conditions. The impact of poor economic conditions, globally or at a local or national level in the countries and territories in which we operate, could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, and results of operations.We are exposed to sovereign debt and currency instability risks that could have an adverse impact on our liquidity, financial condition and cash flows.Our operations are subject to macroeconomic and political risks that are outside of our control. For example, high levels of sovereign debt in the U.S., Puerto Rico and several other countries in which we operate, combined with weak growth and high unemployment, could potentially lead to fiscal reforms (including austerity measures), tax and levy increases, sovereign debt restructurings, currency instability, increased counterparty credit risk, high levels of volatility and disruptions in the credit and equity markets, as well as other outcomes that might adversely impact our company.We are exposed to the risk of default by the counterparties to our derivative and other financial instruments, undrawn debt facilities and cash investments. Although we seek to manage the credit risks associated with our derivative and other financial instruments, cash investments and undrawn debt facilities, we are exposed to the risk that our counterparties could default on their obligations to us. Also, even though we regularly review our credit exposures, defaults may arise from events or circumstances that are difficult to detect or foresee. At December 31, 2023, our exposure to counterparty credit risk included (i) cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash balances of $1,000 million and (ii) aggregate undrawn debt facilities of $869 million. At December 31, 2021, our exposure to counterparty credit risk included (i) cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash balances of $965 million and (ii) aggregate undrawn debt facilities of $959 million. While we currently have no specific concerns about the creditworthiness of any counterparty for which we have material credit risk exposures, the current economic conditions and uncertainties in global financial markets have increased the credit risk of our counterparties and we cannot rule out the possibility that one or more of our counterparties could fail or otherwise be unable to meet its obligations to us. Any such instance could have an adverse effect on our cash flows, results of operations, financial condition and/or liquidity. In this regard, (i) the financial failure of any of our counterparties could reduce amounts available under committed credit facilities and adversely impact our ability to access cash deposited with any failed financial institution, thereby causing a default under one or more derivative contracts, and (ii) tightening of the credit markets could adversely impact our ability to access debt financing on favorable terms, or at all.I-44The liquidity and value of our interests in certain of our partially-owned subsidiaries, as well as the ability to make decisions related to their operations, may be adversely affected by shareholder agreements and similar agreements to which we are a party.We indirectly own equity interests in a variety of international video, broadband internet, telephony, mobile and other communications businesses. Certain of these equity interests, such as our interests in our operating subsidiaries of CWP and C&W Bahamas, are held pursuant to concessions or agreements that provide the terms of the governance of the subsidiaries as well as the ownership of such interests. These agreements contain provisions that affect the liquidity, and therefore the realizable value, of those interests by subjecting the transfer of such equity interests to consent rights or rights of first refusal of the other shareholders or partners or similar restrictions on transfer. In certain cases, a change in control of the subsidiary holding the equity interest will give rise to rights or remedies exercisable by other shareholders or partners. All of these provisions will restrict the ability to sell those equity interests and may adversely affect the prices at which those interests may be sold. Additionally, these agreements contain provisions granting us and the other shareholders or partners certain liquidity rights as well as certain governance rights, for example, with respect to material matters, including but not limited to acquisitions, mergers, dispositions, shareholder distributions, incurrence of debt, material expenditures and issuances of equity interests, which may prevent the respective subsidiary from making decisions or taking actions that would protect or advance the interests of our company, and could even result in such subsidiary making decisions or taking actions that adversely impact our company. Furthermore, our ability to access the cash of these non-wholly-owned subsidiaries may be restricted in certain circumstances under the respective shareholder, joint venture, partnership or similar agreements.Goodwill and other identifiable intangible assets represent a significant portion of our total assets, and we may never realize the full value of our intangible assets. As of December 31, 2023, we had goodwill of $3,483 million, which represented approximately 26% of our total assets. I-50As of December 31, 2021, we had goodwill of $3,948 million, which represented approximately 26% of our total assets. We evaluate goodwill and other indefinite-lived intangible assets (primarily spectrum licenses and cable television franchise rights) for impairment at least annually on July 1 and whenever facts and circumstances indicate that their carrying amounts may not be recoverable. We evaluate goodwill and other indefinite-lived intangible assets (primarily spectrum licenses and cable television franchise rights) for impairment at least annually on October 1 and whenever facts and circumstances indicate that their carrying amounts may not be recoverable. As further described in note 8 to our consolidated financial statements, during the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021, we incurred significant goodwill impairments. As further described in note 8 to our consolidated financial statements, during the years ended December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019, we incurred significant goodwill impairments. If, among other factors, (i) our equity values were to decline significantly, (ii) we experience additional adverse impacts associated with macroeconomic factors, including increases in our estimated weighted average cost of capital, or (iii) the adverse impacts stemming from competition, economic, regulatory or other factors were to cause our results of operations or cash flows to be worse than currently anticipated, we could conclude in future periods that additional impairment charges of certain reporting units are required in order to reduce the carrying values of goodwill. If, among other factors, (i) our equity values were to remain at these declined levels for a sustained period or were to decline further or (ii) the adverse impacts stemming from the COVID-19 outbreak, competition, economic, regulatory or other factors, including macro-economic and demographic trends, were to cause our results of operations or cash flows to be worse than anticipated, we could conclude in future periods that impairment charges are required in order to reduce the carrying values of goodwill or other long-lived assets. Any such impairment charges could be significant.Risks Relating to CybersecurityFailure in our technology or telecommunications systems from security attacks or natural disasters could significantly disrupt our operations, which could reduce our customer base and result in lost revenue. Failure in our technology or telecommunications systems from security attacks or natural disasters could significantly disrupt our operations, which could reduce our customer base and result in lost revenue. Our success depends, in part, on the continued and uninterrupted performance of our information technology and network systems as well as our customer service centers. The hardware supporting a large number of critical systems for our cable network in a particular country or geographic region is housed in a relatively small number of locations. Our systems and equipment (including our routers and set-top boxes) are vulnerable to damage or security breach from a variety of sources, including a cut in our terrestrial network or subsea cable network, telecommunications failures, power loss, malicious human acts, security flaws as well as natural disasters and extreme weather events as a result of climate change. In particular, our systems and equipment are in regions prone to hurricanes, earthquakes and other natural disasters, and they have been impacted by hurricanes and earthquakes in the recent past.Moreover, despite security measures, our servers, systems and equipment are potentially vulnerable to physical or electronic break-ins, computer viruses and similar disruptive actions as further discussed below. See “Cyberattacks or other network disruptions could have an adverse effect on our business. See “Cyberattacks or other network disruptions could have an adverse effect on our business. ”Our disaster recovery, security and service continuity protection measures include back-up power systems, resilient ring network systems, procuring capacity in competing networks to further strengthen our reliability profile and network monitoring. We also are party to the Atlantic Cable Maintenance and Repair Agreement, which provides us with certain dedicated repair vessels and timely call out services with respect to our subsea cables through to the present. We cannot assure you, however, that these precautions will be sufficient to prevent loss of data or prolonged network downtime or that we will be able to renegotiate arrangements with the Atlantic Cable Maintenance and Repair Agreement on successful terms.I-45Despite the precautions we have taken, unanticipated problems affecting our systems could cause failures in our information technology systems or disruption in the transmission of signals over our networks or similar problems. Any disruptive situation that causes loss, misappropriation, misuse or leakage of data could damage our reputation and the credibility of our operations. Further, sustained or repeated system failures that interrupt our ability to provide service to our customers or otherwise meet our business obligations in a timely manner could adversely affect our reputation and result in a loss of customers and revenue.Cyberattacks or other network disruptions could have an adverse effect on our business.As described above, our success depends, in part, on the continued and uninterrupted performance of our information technology and network systems. The hardware supporting a large number of critical systems for our cable network in a particular country or geographic region is housed in a relatively small number of locations. In addition, through our operations, sales and marketing activities, we collect and store certain non-public personal information related to our customers, and we also gather and retain information about employees in the normal course of business. We may share information about such persons with vendors, contractors and other third-parties that assist with certain aspects of our business. Our and our vendors’ servers, systems and equipment (including our routers and set-top boxes) are vulnerable to damage or security breach from a variety of sources, including a cut in our terrestrial network or subsea cable network, security flaws, and malicious human acts.Despite security measures, our and our vendors’ servers, systems and equipment are potentially vulnerable to physical or electronic break-ins, computer viruses, worms, phishing attacks and similar disruptive actions. Furthermore, our operating activities could be subject to risks caused by misappropriation, misuse, leakage, falsification or accidental release or loss of information maintained in our information technology systems and networks and those of our third-party vendors, including customer, personnel and vendor data. The techniques used to gain such access to our or our vendors’ technology systems, data or customer information, disable or degrade service, or sabotage systems are constantly evolving, may be difficult to detect quickly, and often are not recognized until launched against a target. It is possible for such cyberattacks to go undetected for an extended period of time, increasing the potential harm to our customers, employees, assets, and reputation.Cyberattacks against our or our vendors’ technological infrastructure or breaches of network information technology may cause equipment failures, disruption of our or their operation, and potentially unauthorized access to confidential customer or employee data, which could subject us to increased costs and other liabilities as discussed further below.Although we have not suffered a security breach or cybersecurity incident to date that has materially affected our operations or financial condition, we have been the target of attempted attacks of this nature in the past and expect to be subject to similar attacks in the future. We engage in a variety of preventive measures (in terms of people, processes and technology) at an increased cost to us, in order to reduce the risk of cyberattacks and safeguard our infrastructure and confidential customer information, but as with all companies, these measures may not be sufficient for all eventualities and there is no guarantee that they will be adequate to safeguard against all cyberattacks, system compromises or misuses of data.If hackers or cyberthieves gain improper access to our or our vendors’ technology systems, networks, or infrastructure, they may be able to access, steal, publish, delete, misappropriate, modify or otherwise disrupt access to confidential customer or employee data or our or our customers’ business systems or networks. Moreover, additional harm to customers or employees could be perpetrated by third parties who are given access to the confidential customer data or business systems or networks. A network disruption (including one resulting from a cyberattack) could cause an interruption or degradation of service and diversion of management attention, as well as permit access, theft, publishing, deletion, misappropriation, or modification to or of confidential customer data or business systems or networks. Due to the evolving techniques used in cyberattacks to disrupt or gain unauthorized access to technology networks, we may not be able to anticipate or prevent such disruption or unauthorized access.The costs imposed on us as a result of a cyberattack or network disruption could be significant. Among others, such costs could include increased expenditures on cyber security measures, litigation, regulatory actions, fines, sanctions, lost revenue from business interruption, and damage to the public’s perception regarding our ability to provide a secure service. As a result, a cyberattack or network disruption could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, cash flows, and operating results. We also face similar risks associated with security breaches affecting third parties with which we are affiliated or otherwise conduct business. We also face similar risks associated with security breaches affecting third parties with which we are affiliated or otherwise conduct business. While we maintain cyber liability insurance that provides both third-party liability and first-party insurance coverage, our insurance may not be sufficient to protect against all of our losses from any future disruptions or breaches of our systems or other events as described above.I-46Unauthorized access to our network resulting in piracy could result in a loss of revenue.We rely on the integrity of our technology to ensure that our services are provided only to identifiable paying customers. Increasingly, sophisticated means of illicit piracy of television, broadband and telephony services are continually being developed in response to evolving technologies. Furthermore, billing and revenue generation for television services rely on the proper functioning of encryption systems. While we continue to invest in measures to manage unauthorized access to our networks, any such unauthorized access to our cable television service could result in a loss of revenue, and any failure to respond to security breaches could raise concerns under our agreements with content providers, all of which could have a material adverse effect on our business and results of operations.Data privacy regulations are expanding and compliance with, and any violations of, these regulations may cause us to incur significant expenses.Privacy legislation, enforcement and policy activity in this area are expanding rapidly in many jurisdictions and creating a complex regulatory compliance environment. For example, certain regulations exist that require customer personal data to be processed in accordance with applicable data protection standards, grant consumers certain privacy rights, and require corporate notice to customers and government agencies of certain data breaches that implicate customer proprietary network information. The cost of complying with and implementing these privacy-related and data protection measures could be significant. In addition, even our inadvertent failure to comply with federal, state or international privacy-related or data protection laws and regulations could result in proceedings against us by governmental entities or others, and substantial fines and damages. The theft, loss or misuse of personal data collected, used, stored or transferred by us to run our business could result in significantly increased business and security costs or costs related to defending legal claims.Risks Relating to Climate ChangeWe may face increased costs, limitations of our operations and other adverse impacts from international climate change treaties and accords or national climate-change regulation and legislation.Federal, state and local governments in our operating markets may adopt international climate change treaties or accords or adopt local climate change legislation or regulation that impair our ability to construct certain facilities and infrastructure necessary to operate our business in certain locations or may impose additional costs of construction, operation or disposal of products used in our operations. As a result of the adoption of international climate treaties or accords or local climate change legislation or regulation outside of our operating markets, we may face shortages of components necessary to our business or face increased costs for the acquisition or disposition of certain products necessary to our business.We may face the loss of certain markets, customers or significant financial loss due to the physical impacts of climate change.We may face the loss of certain market, customers or significant financial loss due to the physical impacts of climate change. Given the location of our operations in the Caribbean and in Latin America, we may face the loss of certain markets or customers or the availability of labor due to impacts caused by sea level rise, distortion of historical rainfall patterns, fire or other adverse impacts of climate change. Additionally, we may face higher losses of property, plant and equipment, customers and revenue, disruptions in our operations and supply chain, and incur additional costs, which may not be covered by insurance, as the result of damage caused in our markets by severe weather phenomena or natural disasters, such as hurricanes, floods, fires and earthquakes. Additionally, we may face higher losses of property, plant and equipment, customers and revenue, disruptions in our operations and supply chain, and incur additional costs, which may not be covered by insurance, as the result of damage caused in our markets by severe weather phenomena, such as hurricanes, floods and fires. The impact of any one or all of the foregoing factors may adversely affect our financial condition and results of operations.Risks Relating to our Corporate History and StructureWe are a holding company, and we could be unable in the future to obtain cash in amounts sufficient to service our financial obligations or meet our other commitments.Our ability to meet our financial obligations at the parent company level depends upon our ability to access cash. As a holding company, our sources of cash are limited to our available cash balances, net cash from the operating activities of our wholly-owned subsidiaries that are available to us, any cash dividends and cash interest we may receive from our other subsidiaries and cash proceeds from any asset sales we may undertake in the future. The ability of our operating subsidiaries to pay cash dividends or to make other cash payments or advances to us depends on their individual operating results and any statutory, regulatory or contractual restrictions to which they may be or may become subject.I-47Certain of the company’s directors and an executive officer overlap with Liberty Global, and certain directors and officers have financial interests in Liberty Global, which may lead to conflicting interests.We were a subsidiary of Liberty Global prior to our split-off in December 2017. Following our split-off, Miranda Curtis, Paul A. Gould and Daniel Sanchez, who serve as directors of Liberty Global, and Liberty Global’s chief financial officer, Charles H.R. Bracken, also serve as directors of Liberty Latin America. Additionally, the chief executive officer of Liberty Global, Michael Fries, also serves as our executive chairman. Our directors (including the executive chairman) have fiduciary duties to our company. Likewise, any such persons who serve in similar capacities at Liberty Global or any other public corporation have fiduciary duties to that corporation or to that corporation’s shareholders. For example, there may be the potential for a conflict of interest when the company or Liberty Global pursues acquisitions and other corporate opportunities that may be suitable for each of them. In addition, all of our directors and our executive officers, other than three of our directors (Alfonso de Angoitia Noriega, Roberta S. In addition, all of our directors and executive officers, other than our directors Alfonso de Angoitia Noriega and Eric L. Jacobson and Eric L. Zinterhofer) and our Chief Technology Officer, Aamir Hussain, have financial interests in Liberty Global as a result of their ownership of Liberty Global ordinary shares and/or equity awards. As a result of these multiple fiduciary duties and financial interests, these directors and executive officers may have conflicts of interest or the appearance of conflicts of interest with respect to matters involving or affecting more than one of the companies to which they owe fiduciary duties or in which they have financial interests.Our bye-laws provide that, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, we have waived and renounced on behalf of ourselves and our subsidiaries any breach of a fiduciary duty by each of our directors by reason of the fact that such person directs a corporate opportunity to another person or entity (such as Liberty Global) instead of the company, or does not refer or communicate information regarding such corporate opportunity to the company, unless such opportunity was expressly offered to such person solely in his or her capacity as a director of our company and such opportunity relates to a line of business in which we or any of our subsidiaries are then directly engaged. The waiver given to our directors in respect of the diversion of corporate opportunities does not amount to a general authorization to our directors to subordinate Liberty Latin America’s interests to their personal interests. Our directors will continue to be bound by their common law and statutory duties under the Bermuda Companies Act to act honestly and in good faith with a view to the best interests of Liberty Latin America and to exercise the care, diligence and skill that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in comparable circumstances. Furthermore, our bye-laws contain a general waiver by shareholders for any claim or right of action a shareholder might have (whether individually or by or in the right of the company) against any director or officer of the company, arising from any action or inaction by such director or officer in the performance of their duties for us or any of our subsidiaries (but excluding any matter involving fraud or dishonesty). This general waiver does not eliminate directors’ or officers’ fiduciary duties to Liberty Latin America under Bermuda law. Rather, it prohibits actions from being taken by shareholders against directors or officers in the event of a breach of such duties, unless the breach involves fraud or dishonesty.In addition, any potential conflict that qualifies as a “related party transaction” (as defined in Item 404 of Regulation S-K) is subject to review by an independent committee of the applicable company’s board in accordance with its corporate governance guidelines. Any other potential conflicts that arise will be addressed on a case-by-case basis, keeping in mind the applicable fiduciary duties owed by the executive officers and directors of each company. From time to time, we may enter into transactions with Liberty Global and/or any of its subsidiaries or other affiliates. In the event of any potential conflict that qualifies as a “related party transaction” (as defined in Item 404 of Regulation S-K) involving Liberty Global and/or any of its subsidiaries or other affiliates, our Audit Committee or another independent body of Liberty Latin America would be required to review and approve the transaction. In the event of any potential conflict that qualifies as a “related party transaction” (as defined in Item 404 of Regulation S-K) involving Liberty Global and/or any of its subsidiaries or other affiliates, the audit committee or another independent body of Liberty Latin America would be required to review and approve the transaction. If the potential conflict or transaction involved an executive officer of Liberty Latin America, our Audit Committee would be the independent committee charged by our corporate governance guidelines with this duty, and if the potential conflict or transaction involved a director of Liberty Latin America, a committee of the disinterested independent directors of Liberty Latin America would be the independent committee charged by our corporate governance guidelines with this duty. If the potential conflict or transaction involved an executive officer of Liberty Latin America, the audit committee of our company would be the independent committee charged by our corporate governance guidelines with this duty, and if the potential conflict or transaction involved a director of Liberty Latin America, a committee of the disinterested independent directors of Liberty Latin America would be the independent committee charged by our corporate governance guidelines with this duty. There can be no assurance that the terms of any such transactions will be as favorable to the company or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates as would be the case where there is no overlapping director or officer or where there are no financial interests in Liberty Global.Risks Relating to Our Common Shares and the Securities MarketDifferent classes of our common shares have different voting rights, but all common shares vote together as one class; if you hold Class C common shares you will have no significant voting rights.Holders of our Class A common shares are entitled to one vote per share; holders of our Class B common shares are entitled to 10 votes per share; and holders of our Class C common shares are not entitled to any votes in respect of their common shares, unless such common shares are required to carry the right to vote under applicable law, in which case holders of our Class C common shares will be entitled to 1/100 of a vote per share. Our bye-laws prescribe that all classes of common I-48shares vote together as one class, meaning that those holding Class C common shares will have little to no ability to influence the outcome of a shareholder vote as they will be consistently outvoted by holders of our Class A and Class B common shares.The division of our common shares into different classes with different relative voting rights does not affect the fiduciary duties owed by our directors. As a Bermuda company, our directors’ fiduciary duties are owed primarily to Liberty Latin America rather to holders of our common shares, or any class of our common shares.It may be difficult for a third-party to acquire us, even if doing so may be beneficial to our shareholders.I-52It may be difficult for a third-party to acquire us, even if doing so may be beneficial to our shareholders. Certain provisions of our bye-laws and Bermuda law may discourage, delay or prevent a change in control of the company that a shareholder may consider favorable. These provisions include the following:•authorizing a capital structure with multiple classes of shares: a Class B that entitles the holders to ten votes per share, a Class A that entitles the holders to one vote per share and a Class C that entitles the holder to no voting rights, except as otherwise required by applicable law (in which case, the holder is entitled to 1/100 of a vote per share);•authorizing the issuance of “blank check” preferred shares, which could be issued by our board to increase the number of outstanding shares and thwart a takeover attempt;•classifying our board with staggered three-year terms, which may lengthen the time required to gain control of our board;•prohibiting shareholder action by written consent, thereby requiring all shareholder actions to be taken at a meeting of the shareholders;•establishing advance notice requirements for nominations of candidates for election to our board or for proposing matters that can be acted upon by shareholders at shareholder meetings;•requiring supermajority shareholder approval with respect to certain extraordinary matters, such as certain mergers, amalgamations, or consolidations of the company, or in the case of amendments to our bye-laws; and•the existence of authorized and unissued shares which would allow our board to issue shares to persons friendly to current management, thereby protecting the continuity of its management, or which could be used to dilute the share ownership of persons seeking to obtain control of us.Although our Class B common shares are eligible to trade on the OTC Markets, there is no meaningful trading market for these shares and the market price of these shares is subject to volatility.Our Class B common shares are not widely held, with approximately 68% of such outstanding shares as of December 31, 2023 beneficially owned by John C.Our Class B common shares are not widely held, with over 75% of such outstanding shares beneficially owned by John C. Malone, a director emeritus of our company. Although our Class B common shares are eligible to trade on the OTC Markets, they are sparsely traded and do not have an active trading market. The OTC Markets provide an inter-dealer automated quotation system for equity securities that is not a national securities exchange. As a result, trading in the OTC Markets is generally much more limited than trading on any national securities exchange. There is also a greater chance of market volatility for securities that trade on the OTC Markets as opposed to a national exchange. Each Class B common share is convertible, at any time at the option of the holder, into one Class A common share. We may be significantly influenced by one principal shareholder, and he may sell his shares, which may cause the price of our common shares to decrease.As of December 31, 2023, John C. Malone beneficially owned a number of our common shares representing approximately 27% of the aggregate voting power of our outstanding common shares. As a result, Mr. Malone has significant influence over Liberty Latin America. Mr. Malone’s rights to vote or dispose of his equity interest in Liberty Latin America are not subject to any restrictions in favor of Liberty Latin America other than as may be required by applicable law and except for customary transfer restrictions pursuant to incentive award agreements. The sale of a substantial number of our common shares by Mr. Malone within a short period of time, or the perception that such sale might occur, could cause our share price to decrease, make it more difficult for us to raise funds through future offerings of our common shares or acquire other businesses using our common shares as consideration.I-49Bermuda law may, in certain circumstances, afford less protection to our shareholders than the laws in effect in other jurisdictions.We are incorporated and organized under the laws of Bermuda. As a result, our corporate affairs are governed by the Bermuda Companies Act. Bermuda law permits a company to specify thresholds for shareholder approval different from those applicable by default, either generally or for specific corporate actions. Our bye-laws prescribe a shareholder approval threshold that is higher than the default of a simple majority of votes cast at a quorate general meeting of shareholders for certain corporate actions. With respect to a Bermuda company’s directors, there is no requirement for shareholder approval for transactions between directors and companies or their subsidiaries of which they are directors (except in the case of loans, guarantees or the provision of security by a company to its directors or certain connected persons in their personal capacity). In addition, the rights of our shareholders and the fiduciary responsibilities of our directors under Bermuda law are not as clearly established as under statutes or judicial precedent in other jurisdictions, where directors’ duties are sometimes codified under applicable law. Therefore, our shareholders may have more difficulty protecting their interests than would shareholders of a public company incorporated in another jurisdiction.We are a Bermuda company and it may be difficult for you to enforce judgments against us or our directors and executive officers.We are a Bermuda exempted company organized under the laws of Bermuda. As a result, the rights of holders of our common shares are governed by Bermuda law and our memorandum of association and bye-laws. The rights of shareholders under Bermuda law may differ from the rights of shareholders of companies incorporated in other jurisdictions, including the U.S. and the U.K. Certain of our directors are not residents of the United States, and a substantial portion of our assets are located outside the United States. As a result, it may be difficult for investors to effect service of process on those persons in the United States or to enforce in the United States judgments obtained in U.S. courts against us or those persons based on the civil liability provisions of the U.S. securities laws. It is doubtful whether courts in Bermuda will enforce judgments obtained in other jurisdictions, including the United States, or entertain actions in Bermuda against us or our directors or officers under the securities laws of those jurisdictions.We are a Bermuda company and the Bermuda Economic Substance Act 2018 may cause us to incur substantial additional costs, incur significant penalties or possibly require us to re-domicile.Bermuda enacted the Economic Substance Act 2018 requiring affected Bermuda registered companies to maintain a substantial economic presence in Bermuda.Bermuda recently enacted the Economic Substance Act 2018 requiring affected Bermuda registered companies to maintain a substantial economic presence in Bermuda. This legislation could require us to incur substantial additional cost, and/or incur significant penalties and possibly require us to re-domicile our company to a jurisdiction with higher tax rates. Our results of operations could be materially and adversely affected if we become subject to these or other unanticipated tax liabilities. Our bye-laws generally restrict shareholders from bringing legal action against our officers and directors.Our bye-laws contain a general waiver by shareholders for any claim or right of action a shareholder might have (whether individually or by or in the right of the company) against any director or officer of the company, arising from any action or inaction by such director or officer in the performance of their duties for us or any of our subsidiaries (but excluding any matter involving fraud or dishonesty). Consequently, this waiver limits the right of shareholders to assert claims against our officers and directors unless the act or failure to act involves fraud or dishonesty.There are regulatory limitations on the ownership and transfer of our common shares.Our common shares may be offered or sold in Bermuda only in compliance with the provisions of the Bermuda Companies Act and the Bermuda Investment Business Act 2003, which regulates the sale of securities in Bermuda. In addition, the Bermuda Monetary Authority must approve all issues and transfers of shares of a Bermuda exempted company. However, the Bermuda Monetary Authority has, pursuant to its statement of June 1, 2005, given its general permission under the Exchange Control Act 1972 and related regulations for the issue and free transfer of our common shares to and among persons who are non-residents of Bermuda for exchange control purposes as long as any class of our common shares are listed on an appointed stock exchange, which includes Nasdaq. This general permission would cease to apply if none of our common shares were to be listed on Nasdaq or another appointed stock exchange.I-50Certain Searchlight parties may sell Class C common shares subject to a Registration Rights Agreement in the public market, which may cause the market price of our common shares to decrease, and therefore make it more difficult to raise equity financing or issue equity as consideration in an acquisition.Our Registration Rights Agreement with certain Searchlight parties requires us to promptly register under the Securities Act the 9,500,000 Class C common shares subject to such agreement and held by such shareholders or their permitted transferee(s), upon their request. Our Registration Rights Agreement with certain Searchlight parties requires us to promptly register under the Securities Act the 9,500,000 Class C common shares subject to such agreement and held by such shareholders or their permitted transferee(s), upon their request. The registration rights for such Searchlight parties will allow them to sell such shares without compliance with the volume and manner of sale limitations under Rule 144 promulgated under the Securities Act and will facilitate the resale of such securities into the public market. The market value of our common shares could decline as a result of sales by such shareholders from time to time. In particular, the sale of a substantial number of our shares by such shareholders within a short period of time, or the perception that such sale might occur, could cause our share price to decrease, make it more difficult for us to raise funds through future offerings of our common shares or acquire other businesses using our common shares as consideration.We have identified material weaknesses in our internal control over financial reporting, which could, if not remediated, result in material misstatements in our financial statements. We have identified material weaknesses in our internal control over financial reporting, which could, if not remediated, result in material misstatements in our financial statements. Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 requires any company subject to the reporting requirements of the U. Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 requires any company subject to the reporting requirements of the U. S.

securities laws to include in its annual report on Form 10-K an assessment of its and its consolidated subsidiaries’ internal control over financial reporting. To comply with this statute, we are required to issue a statement as to whether or not our internal control over financial reporting is effective; and our independent auditors are required to issue an audit opinion on our internal control over financial reporting.As of December 31, 2023, we did not maintain effective internal control over financial reporting attributable to certain identified material weaknesses. We describe these material weaknesses in Item 9A.

Controls and Procedures in this Annual Report on Form 10-K. A material weakness is defined as a deficiency, or combination of deficiencies, in internal control over financial reporting, such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of our annual or interim financial statements will not be prevented or detected on a timely basis. The material weaknesses will not be considered remediated until the applicable new or enhanced controls operate for a sufficient period and management has concluded, through testing, that these controls are operating effectively. As remediation has not yet been completed, these material weaknesses continued to exist with respect to our internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2023. If our remedial measures are insufficient to address the material weaknesses, or if one or more additional material weaknesses or significant deficiencies in our internal control over financial reporting are discovered or occur in the future, our consolidated financial statements may contain material misstatements and we could be required to restate our financial results, which could, in turn, harm our reputation or otherwise cause a decline in investor confidence and in the market price of our stock. Item 1B. UNRESOLVED STAFF COMMENTSNone.Item 1C.Item 1A. CYBERSECURITYIntroductionWe have established a cybersecurity program, which we view as a foundational business practice incorporated into our broader risk management framework, as well as into all planning, development, operations and administration objectives. We have benchmarked our cybersecurity program against recognized frameworks established by the NIST, the International Organization for Standardization and other applicable industry standards.Governance of Cybersecurity RisksFrom a governance perspective, our Audit Committee oversee our cybersecurity program, including the management of risks arising from cybersecurity threats. Our Audit Committee receives quarterly reports from both internal (e.g., management) and external sources (e.g., third-arty consultants), which cover topics that include, but are not limited to, recent cyber developments, evolving cyber standards, vulnerability assessments, third-party and independent reviews, the cyber threat environment, technological trends, and other cybersecurity considerations arising with respect to our company and third parties. Our GISO also keeps our executive team and our Audit Committee (if necessary) informed regarding any security incident that meets established reporting thresholds and ongoing updates regarding any such incident until it has been closed out.I-51Management of Cybersecurity RisksFrom a management perspective, our GISO, led by our Chief Information Security Officer, operates our cybersecurity program. Our program aligns with the NIST cybersecurity standard functions (Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, Recover) and aims to secure our networks, information systems, information resources, data, services, and products against internal and external threats and mitigate security vulnerabilities while efficiently operating our business. We have integrated our cybersecurity program into our overall enterprise risk management program.Our GISO has processes in place to stay informed of and monitor the prevention, detection, mitigation and remediation of cybersecurity risks, including but not limited to, employing appropriate incident prevention and detection software, employing industry-standard encryption protocols where appropriate, applying patches and implementing identified corrective actions in a timely manner, maintaining an incident response plan and related procedures and regularly conducting internal training, cybersecurity audits, assessments, tabletop exercises, threat modeling, vulnerability testing and other exercises focused on evaluating the effectiveness of our cybersecurity measures and planning. Engagement of Third-PartiesOur GISO partners with third-party cybersecurity service and product vendors to provide protection of our networks, information resources, products, services and data for our customers and employees. Furthermore, our GISO engages third-party cybersecurity and data protection experts to perform assessments on the efficacy of our cybersecurity program and measures, including cybersecurity maturity assessments, audits and independent reviews of our cybersecurity control environment and operating effectiveness. Our Chief Information Security Officer reports the results of such assessments, audits and reviews to our executive team and our Audit Committee.We have implemented policies and practices to manage cybersecurity risks arising from our use of third-party service providers. For example, in general, we contractually require our third-party service providers to maintain cybersecurity controls to protect our confidential information, to share information with our company about their information security programs and to inform us of any security incidents on their systems that could impact our operations or confidential information. Although we rely on our third party service providers to implement security programs commensurate with their risk, we cannot ensure in all circumstances that their efforts will be successful.Our Senior Leadership Team’s QualificationsOur current Chief Information Security Officer has served in various roles in information technology and information security for over 15 years, including as the Director of Information Security at the Colombian operations of a telecommunications company operating throughout Latin America and as the Head of Information Security in the Colombian operations of a large retail company operating in South America. Our Chief Information Security Officer holds undergraduate, graduate and master’s degrees in risk management, business administration and information technology, as well as professional certification as a Certified Information Security Manager. Our current Chief Technology Officer has extensive experience in running and managing cyber risks at large U.S. telecommunication companies and, prior to joining our company, had led the cybersecurity practice at a business unit at a large telecommunications company and established cyber risk identification, detection and protection practices for enterprise and government customers. Our Chief Technology Officer holds undergraduate and master’s degrees in electrical engineering and has served in various roles in information technology at several telecommunications companies for over 30 years, including serving as either the Chief Technology Officer, Chief Information Officer or Chief Product Officer of three public companies. Our Chief Executive Officer previously served as Chief Technology Officer at three other large media and telecommunications companies prior to becoming our Chief Executive Officer, which gave him significant security technology and operational responsibility over large networks. Our Chief Executive Officer had also led the venture arm at another leading telecommunications company which had invested in a number of IT security technology companies. The other members of our senior leadership team hold undergraduate and graduate degrees in their respective fields and have experience managing risks.

Material Impact from Cybersecurity ThreatsAt the time of filing of this Annual Report on Form 10-K, to our knowledge, we have not experienced any cybersecurity threats that have materially affected our company (or are reasonably likely to materially affect our company), including our business strategy, operations or financial condition.I-52For more information regarding cybersecurity risks faced by our company, see Item 1A. Risk Factors—Factors Relating to Cybersecurity—Factors Relating to Cybersecurity, which are incorporated by reference into this section..
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AFRM 1 week, 3 days ago
BMRA 1 week, 3 days ago
PSEC 1 week, 3 days ago
PAHC 1 week, 3 days ago
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LFVN 1 week, 3 days ago
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INTA 1 week, 5 days ago
LNDC 1 week, 5 days ago
JKHY 1 week, 5 days ago
MCAG 2 weeks, 1 day ago
SYNA 2 weeks, 1 day ago
KE 2 weeks, 1 day ago
BILL 2 weeks, 1 day ago


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