Risk Factors Dashboard

Once a year, publicly traded companies issue a comprehensive report of their business, called a 10-K. A component mandated in the 10-K is the ‘Risk Factors’ section, where companies disclose any major potential risks that they may face. This dashboard highlights all major changes and additions in new 10K reports, allowing investors to quickly identify new potential risks and opportunities.

Risk Factors - OGS

-New additions in green
-Changes in blue
-Hover to see similar sentence in last filing

$OGS Risk Factor changes from 00/02/24/22/2022 to 00/02/22/24/2024

ITEM 1A. RISK FACTORSOur investors should consider the following risks that could affect us and our business. Although we believe we have discussed the key factors, our investors need to be aware that other risks may prove to be important in the future. Although we believe we have discussed the key factors, our investors need to be aware that other risks may prove to be important in the future. New risks may emerge at any time, and we cannot predict such risks or estimate the extent to which they may affect our financial performance. New risks may emerge at any time, and we cannot predict such risks or estimate the extent to which they may affect our financial performance. Investors should carefully consider the following discussion of risks and the other information included or incorporated by reference in this Annual Report, including Forward-Looking Statements, which are included in Part II, Item 7, Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations.OPERATIONAL RISKSOur business is subject to operational hazards and unforeseen interruptions that could materially and adversely affect our business and for which we may not be insured adequately.Our business is subject to operational hazards and unforeseen interruptions that could materially and adversely affect our business and for which we may not be insured adequately. We are subject to all the risks and hazards typically associated with the natural gas distribution business that could affect the public safety as well as the reliability of our distribution system. Operating risks include, but are not limited to, leaks, accidents, pipeline ruptures and the breakdown or failure of equipment or processes. Operating risks include, but are not limited to, leaks, pipeline ruptures and the breakdown or failure of equipment or processes. Other operational hazards and unforeseen interruptions include adverse weather conditions, accidents, explosions, fires, the collision of equipment or vehicles with our pipeline facilities and catastrophic events, such as severe weather events, hurricanes, thunderstorms, tornadoes, sustained extreme temperatures, earthquakes, floods, acts of terrorism, pandemics and other health crises, or other similar events beyond our control. Climate change could cause these catastrophic events to become more severe or more frequent. It is also possible that our facilities, or those of our counterparties or service providers, could be direct targets or indirect casualties of an act of terrorism, including cyber-attacks. These issues could result in legal liability, repair and remediation costs, increased operating costs, significantly increased capital expenditures, regulatory fines and penalties and other costs and a loss of customer confidence. The location of pipeline facilities near populated areas, including residential areas, commercial business centers and industrial gathering places, could increase the level of damages resulting from these risks. Our general liability, cyber, and property insurance policies for many of these hazards and risks are subject to certain limits, deductibles, and policy exclusions. The insurance proceeds received for any loss of, or any damage to, any of our systems or facilities or to third parties may not be sufficient to restore the total loss or damage.The insurance proceeds received for any loss of, or any damage to, any of our systems or facilities or to third parties may not be sufficient to restore the total loss or damage. Further, the proceeds of any such insurance may not be received in a timely manner. Further, the proceeds of any such insurance may not be paid in a timely manner. The occurrence of any of the foregoing could have a material adverse effect on our financial condition, results of operations and cash flows.We may be unable to attract and retain management and professional and technical employees, or we may experience workforce disruptions due to strikes or work stoppages by our unionized employees, which could adversely impact our operations, earnings, and cash flows.Our ability to implement our business strategy, satisfy our regulatory requirements, and serve our customers is dependent upon our ability to continue to recruit and employ a skilled, agile, diverse, and engaged workforce consisting of talented and experienced managers, professional and technical employees. Our ability to implement our business strategy, satisfy our regulatory requirements, and serve our customers is dependent upon our ability to continue to recruit and employ talented management and professionals while retaining a skilled, agile, diverse and engaged workforce. The competition for talent has become increasingly intense and we may experience increased employee turnover due to a tight labor market. If we are unable to recruit and retain an appropriately qualified workforce, we could encounter operating challenges primarily due to a loss of institutional knowledge and expertise, errors due to inexperience, or the lengthy time period typically required to adequately train replacement personnel. In addition, higher costs could result from loss of productivity, increased safety compliance issues, or cost of contract labor. Additionally, approximately 18 percent of our employees are represented by collective-bargaining units under collective-bargaining agreements. Disputes over the agreements or failure to timely and effectively renegotiate new agreements upon their expiration could have a negative effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations or result in a work stoppage. Any future work stoppage could, depending on the breadth and the length of the work stoppage, have a material adverse effect on our financial condition, results of operations and cash flows. Any future work stoppage could, depending on the operations and the length of the work stoppage, have a material adverse effect on our financial condition, results of operations and cash flows. The availability of adequate natural gas pipeline transportation and storage capacity and natural gas supply may decrease and impair our ability to meet customers’ natural gas requirements and our financial condition may be adversely affected. In order to meet customers’ natural gas demands, we rely on and must obtain sufficient natural gas supplies, pipeline transportation and storage capacity from third parties. If we are unable to obtain these, our ability to meet our customers’ natural gas requirements could be impaired. If a substantial disruption to or reduction in natural gas supply, pipeline capacity or 13Table of Contentsstorage capacity occurred due to operational failures or disruptions, legislative or regulatory actions, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, extreme cold weather, acts of terrorism, or cyber-attacks or acts of war, our operations or financial results could be adversely affected. Our business increasingly relies on technology, the failure of which may adversely affect our financial results and cash flows.Due to technological advances, we have become more reliant on technology to effectively operate our business.Due to increased technology advances, we have become more reliant on technology to effectively operate our business. We use computer programs and applications to help run our business, including an enterprise resource planning system that integrates data and reporting activities across our Company. We use computer programs to help run our financial and operations organizations, including an enterprise resource planning system that integrates data and reporting activities across our Company. Additionally, certain portions of our IT systems and infrastructure are provided or maintained by third-party vendors. The failure of these or other similarly important technologies, the lack of alternative technologies, or our inability to have these technologies supported, updated, expanded, or integrated into other technologies, could hinder our operations, and adversely impact our financial condition and results of operations. The failure of these or other similarly important technologies, the lack of alternative technologies, or our inability to have these technologies supported, updated, expanded or integrated into other technologies, could hinder our operations and adversely impact our financial condition and results of operations. The occurrence of cyber breaches or physical security attacks on our business, or those of third parties, may disrupt or adversely affect our operations or result in the loss or misuse of confidential and proprietary information. Any cyber breaches or physical security attacks, or threats of such attacks, that affect our IT systems, distribution facilities, customers, suppliers and third-party service providers or any financial data could disrupt normal business operations, expose sensitive information, and/or lead to physical damages that may have a material adverse effect on our business. Any cyber breaches or physical security attacks, or threats of such attacks, that affect our information technology systems, distribution facilities, our customers, our suppliers and third-party service providers or any financial data could disrupt normal business operations, expose sensitive information, and/or lead to physical damages that may have a material adverse effect on our business. A severe attack or security breach could adversely affect our business reputation, diminish customer confidence, disrupt operations, subject us to financial liability or increased regulation, increase our costs and expose us to material legal claims and liability which may not be fully covered by insurance, and our business, financial condition, results of operations and cash flows could be adversely affected. As cyber or physical security attacks become more frequent and sophisticated, we could be required to incur increased costs to strengthen our systems or to obtain additional insurance coverage against potential losses. Federal and state regulatory agencies, such as DHS and TSA, are increasingly focused on risks related to physical security and cybersecurity in general and have promulgated more stringent security regulations specifically for certain federal contractors and critical infrastructure sectors, including natural gas distribution. Federal and state regulatory agencies are increasingly focused on risks related to physical security and cybersecurity in general and have implemented more stringent security requirements specifically for certain federal contractors and critical infrastructure sectors, including natural gas distribution. Any failure to comply with such government regulations may have a material adverse effect on our results of operations and financial condition. We may not be able to quickly adapt to changes resulting from rapidly advancing technologies that may result in a reduction in demand for our services. We are subject to various risks associated with climate change which could increase our operating costs or restrict our opportunities in new or existing markets, adversely affecting our financial results, growth, cash flows and results of operations.Climate change may increase the likelihood of extreme weather in our service territory, and our customers’ energy use could increase or decrease depending on the duration and magnitude of any changes. Climate change is projected to increase the likelihood of extreme weather in our service territory, and our customers’ energy use could increase or decrease depending on the duration and magnitude of any changes. A decrease in energy use due to weather changes may affect our financial condition through decreased revenues and cash flows which are not adequately offset by our WNA mechanisms. Extreme weather conditions in general require increased system resiliency, adding to costs, and can contribute to increased system stresses, including service interruptions. Extreme weather conditions in general require increased system resiliency, adding to costs, and can contribute to increased system stresses, including service interruptions. Weather conditions outside of our operating territory could also have an impact on our revenues and cash flows by affecting natural gas prices and the availability of our leased transportation and storage capacity. Weather impacts our operations primarily through severe weather events, including hurricanes, thunderstorms, tornadoes, sustained extreme temperatures, snow and ice storms, earthquakes, floods, or other similar events beyond our control. Severe weather impacts our operating territories primarily through severe weather events, including hurricanes, thunderstorms, tornadoes, sustained extreme temperatures, snow and ice storms, earthquakes, floods or other similar events beyond our control. To the extent the frequency of extreme weather events increases, our costs of providing service and our working capital requirements could increase.14Table of ContentsREGULATORY AND LEGISLATIVE RISKSWe are subject to federal, state, and local regulation of the safety of our systems and operations, including pipeline safety, system integrity, and the safety of our employees and facilities that may require significant expenditures or, in the case of noncompliance, substantial fines or penalties.We are subject to regulation under federal pipeline safety statutes promulgated by PHMSA, DOT, OSHA, and any analogous state regulations.We are subject to regulation under federal pipeline safety statutes and any analogous state regulations. These include safety requirements for the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of pipelines, including transmission and distribution pipelines. Additionally, the workplaces associated with our facilities are subject to the requirements of DOT and OSHA, and comparable state statutes that regulate the protection of the health and safety of workers.The workplaces associated with our facilities are subject to the requirements of DOT and OSHA, and comparable state statutes that regulate the protection of the health and safety of workers. Compliance with existing or new laws and regulations may result in increased capital, operating and other costs which may not be recoverable in rates from our customers or may impact materially our competitive position relative to other energy providers. The failure to comply with these laws, regulations and other requirements, or an accident or injury to employees could expose us to civil or criminal liability, enforcement actions, fines, penalties, or injunctive measures that may not be recoverable through our rates and could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations, cash flows, and reputation. The failure to comply with these laws, regulations and other requirements could expose us to civil or criminal liability, enforcement actions, fines, penalties or injunctive measures that may not be recoverable from customers in rates and could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations and cash flows, and reputation. We are subject to federal, state, and local laws, rules and regulations that could impact our ability to earn a reasonable rate of return on our invested capital and to fully recover our invested capital, operating costs, and natural gas costs.We are subject to regulatory oversight from various federal, state, and local regulatory authorities, including the OCC, KCC, RRC and various municipalities in Texas. Regulatory actions from these authorities relate to allowed rates of return, rate design and construct, and purchased gas and operating cost recovery. Therefore, our returns are continuously monitored and are subject to challenge for their reasonableness by regulatory authorities or third-party intervenors. Our ability to obtain timely future rate increases depends on regulatory discretion and therefore, there can be no assurance that we will be able to obtain rate increases, fully recover our costs or that our authorized rates of return will continue at the current levels, which could adversely impact our results of operations, financial condition, and cash flows. The failure to comply with these laws, regulations and other requirements could expose us to civil or criminal liability, enforcement actions, fines, penalties or injunctive measures that may not be recoverable from customers in rates and could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations and cash flows, and reputation. In the normal course of business, assets are placed in service before regulatory action is taken, such as filing a rate case or seeking interim recovery under a capital tracking mechanism that could result in an adjustment of our returns.In the normal course of business in the regulatory environment, assets are placed in service before regulatory action is taken, such as filing a rate case or for interim recovery under a capital tracking mechanism that could result in an adjustment of our returns. Once we make a regulatory filing, regulatory bodies have the authority to suspend implementation of the new rates while evaluating the filing. Because of this process, we may suffer the negative financial effects of having placed assets in service that do not initially earn our authorized rate of return or may not be allowed recovery on such expenditures at all.We are subject to environmental regulations and legislation, including those intended to address climate change, which could increase our operating costs, adversely affecting our financial results, growth, cash flows and results of operations.We are subject to environmental regulations and failure to comply with these regulations could result in significant fines or penalties and could adversely affect our operations or financial results. We are subject to laws, regulations and other legal requirements enacted or adopted by federal, state and local governmental authorities, including the EPA and any analogous state agencies, relating to protection of the environment, including those that govern discharges of substances into the air and water, the management and disposal of hazardous substances and waste, the clean-up of contaminated sites, groundwater quality and availability, plant and wildlife protection, as well as work practices related to employee health and safety.We are subject to laws, regulations and other legal requirements enacted or adopted by federal, state and local governmental authorities relating to environmental and health and safety matters, including those legal requirements that govern discharges of substances into the air and water, the management and disposal of hazardous substances and waste, the clean-up of contaminated sites, groundwater quality and availability, plant and wildlife protection, protection of natural and cultural resources, as well as work practices related to employee health and safety. Environmental legislation also requires that our facilities, sites, and other properties associated with our operations be operated, maintained, abandoned, and reclaimed to the satisfaction of applicable regulatory authorities. Environmental legislation also requires that our facilities, sites and other properties associated with our operations be operated, maintained, abandoned and reclaimed to the satisfaction of applicable regulatory authorities. The failure to comply with any laws, regulations, permits and other requirements, or the discovery of presently unknown environmental conditions, could expose us to civil or criminal liability, enforcement actions and regulatory fines and penalties and could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations and cash flows. The failure to comply with any laws, regulations, permits and other requirements, or the discovery of presently unknown environmental conditions, could expose us to civil or criminal liability, enforcement actions and regulatory fines and penalties that may not be 15recoverable through our rates or insurance and could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations and cash flows. International, federal, regional and/or state legislative and/or regulatory initiatives may attempt to regulate greenhouse gas emissions, including carbon dioxide and methane, as a response to the threat of climate change. Various states and municipalities have adopted or are considering adopting legislation, regulations or other regulatory initiatives that are focused on areas such as greenhouse gas cap and trade programs, carbon taxes, reporting and tracking programs, and restrictions on emissions. Additionally, various states and groups of states have adopted or are considering adopting legislation, regulations or other regulatory initiatives that are focused on such areas as greenhouse gas cap and trade programs, carbon taxes, reporting and tracking programs, and restriction of emissions. Such laws or regulations could impose costs tied to carbon emissions, operational requirements or restrictions, or additional charges to fund energy efficiency activities. They could also incentivize alternative energy sources, impose costs or restrictions on end users of natural gas, or result in other costs or requirements, such as costs associated with the adoption of new infrastructure and technology to respond to new mandates. They could also provide a cost advantage to alternative energy sources, impose costs or restrictions on end users of natural gas, or result in other costs or requirements, such as costs associated with the adoption of new infrastructure and technology to respond to new mandates. 15Table of ContentsWe are subject to federal, state, and local laws, rules and regulations that could affect our operations and financial results.Our business and operations are subject to regulation by a number of federal agencies, including FERC, CFTC, IRS and various state agencies in Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas, and we are subject to numerous other federal and state laws and regulations.Our business and operations are subject to regulation by a number of federal agencies, including FERC, DOT, OSHA, EPA, CFTC and various regulatory agencies in Oklahoma, Kansas and Texas, and we are subject to numerous federal and state laws and regulations. Future changes to laws, regulations and policies may impair our ability to compete for business or recover costs and could adversely affect our cash flows, restrict our ability to make capital investments and may cause us to increase debt and take other actions to conserve cash. An increase in borrowing costs without the ability to recover these higher costs in the rates charged to our customers could adversely affect our results of operations, financial condition and cash flows by limiting our ability to earn our allowed rate of return. Any compliance failure related to these laws and regulations may result in fines, penalties or injunctive measures affecting our operating assets. Any compliance failure related to these laws and regulations may result in fines, penalties or injunctive measures affecting our operating assets. The fines or penalties for noncompliance with laws and regulations may not be recoverable through our rates. The fines or penalties for noncompliance with laws and regulations may not be recoverable through our rates. Our failure to comply with applicable regulations could result in a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations and cash flows. Our failure to comply with applicable regulations could result in a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations and cash flows. FINANCIAL, ECONOMIC AND MARKET RISKSUnfavorable economic and market conditions could adversely affect our financial condition, earnings, cash flows and limit our future growth.Weakening economic activity in our markets and supply chain disruptions could result in a loss of existing customers, fewer new customers, especially in newly constructed homes and other buildings, or a decline in energy consumption, any of which could adversely affect our revenues or restrict our future growth.Weakening economic activity in our markets could result in a loss of existing customers, fewer new customers, especially in newly constructed homes and other buildings, or a decline in energy consumption, any of which could adversely affect our revenues or restrict our future growth. These conditions may make it more difficult for customers to pay their natural gas bills, leading to slow collections and higher-than-normal levels of accounts receivable, which in turn could increase our financing requirements and bad debt expense. Customers may also experience difficulties paying their natural gas bills in the instance of severe weather events that result in higher usage and higher natural gas prices, reducing our collections and increasing our financing requirements and bad debt expense, which could have a material adverse effect on our business, contracts, financial condition, operating results, cash flow, liquidity, and prospects. Customers may also experience difficulties paying their natural gas bills in the instance of severe weather events that result in higher usage and higher natural gas prices, exacerbating impacts on our ability to collect and furthering our increasing financing requirements and bad debt expense, which could have a material adverse effect on our business, contracts, financial condition, operating results, cash flow, liquidity and prospects. Changes in supply and demand within the natural gas markets, as well as other factors, could cause an increase in the price of natural gas. Market conditions can also lead to short-term price spikes in natural gas prices, such as high demand during periods of extreme cold weather or system constraints at specific delivery locations. An increase in the price of natural gas could cause us to experience a significant increase in short-term or long-term debt because we must pay suppliers for natural gas when purchased. Additionally, an increase in the price of natural gas could cause us to experience a significant increase in short-term debt because we must pay suppliers for natural gas when purchased. We cannot predict the timing, severity, or duration of any future economic slowdowns or natural gas market disruptions.We cannot predict the timing, strength, or duration of any future economic slowdowns. Fluctuations and uncertainties in the economy may result in higher interest rates and inflationary pressures on the costs of goods, services, and labor. This could increase our expenses and capital spending and decrease our cash flows if we are not able to recover or recover timely such increased costs from our customers. The foregoing could adversely affect our business, financial condition, results of operations and cash flows.Our business activities are concentrated in three states.We provide natural gas distribution services to customers in Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas. Changes in the regional economies, politics, regulations, regulatory decisions by state and local regulatory authorities, and weather patterns of these states could adversely impact our financial condition, results of operations and cash flows. Changes in the regional economies, politics, regulations and weather patterns of these states could adversely impact the growth opportunities available to us and the usage patterns and financial condition of our customers. The inability to access capital or significant increases in the cost of capital could adversely affect our results of operations, cash flows and financial condition.We may be unable to access capital or our cost of capital may increase significantly which may adversely affect our results of operations, cash flows and financial condition. Our ability to obtain adequate and cost-effective financing is dependent upon the liquidity of the financial markets, as well as our financial condition and credit ratings.Our ability to obtain adequate and cost-effective financing is dependent upon the liquidity of the financial markets, in addition to our financial condition and credit ratings. Our long-term debt is currently rated as “investment grade” by both of our rating agencies.Our long-term debt is currently rated as “investment grade” by both of our rating agencies. We rely upon access to both the short-term and long-term credit and capital markets to satisfy our liquidity requirements. We rely upon access to both short-term and long-term credit and capital markets to satisfy our liquidity requirements. If adverse credit conditions or a downgrade in our ratings outlook were to cause a significant limitation on our access to the private credit and public capital markets, we could see a reduction in our liquidity. A significant reduction in our liquidity could in turn trigger a negative change in our ratings outlook or a reduction in our credit ratings by one or both of our rating agencies. Such a downgrade could further limit our access to private credit and/or public capital markets and increase our costs of borrowing. Additionally, the inability to access adequate capital or an increase in the cost of capital may require us to conserve cash, prevent or delay us from making capital expenditures, and require us to reduce or eliminate our dividend or other discretionary uses of cash. The inability to access adequate capital or an increase in the cost of capital may require us to conserve cash, prevent or delay us from making capital expenditures, and require us to reduce or eliminate our dividend or other discretionary uses of cash. 16Table of ContentsOur financing arrangements subject us to various restrictions that could limit our operating flexibility, earnings, and cash flows.Our financing arrangements subject us to various restrictions that could limit our operating flexibility, earnings and cash flows. The indentures governing our Senior Notes and our ONE Gas Credit Agreement contain customary covenants that restrict our ability to create or permit certain liens, to consolidate or merge, or to convey, transfer or lease substantially all of our properties and assets. The covenants in the indenture governing our Senior Notes and our ONE Gas Credit Agreement restrict our ability to create or permit certain liens, to consolidate or merge or to convey, transfer or lease substantially all of our properties and assets. Events beyond our control could impair our ability to satisfy these requirements. As long as our indebtedness remains outstanding, these restrictive covenants could impair our ability to expand or pursue our growth strategy.In addition, the breach of any covenants or any payment obligations in any of these debt agreements will result in an event of default under the applicable debt instrument. If an event of default were to occur, the holders of the defaulted debt may have the ability to cause all amounts outstanding with respect to that debt to be due and payable, subject to applicable grace periods. If there were an event of default under one of our debt agreements, the holders of the defaulted debt may have the ability to cause all amounts outstanding with respect to that debt to be due and payable, subject to applicable grace periods. This could trigger cross-defaults under our other debt agreements, including our Senior Notes. Forced repayment of some or all of our indebtedness could require us to incur new debt at a higher cost, which would have an adverse impact on our financial condition, results of operations and cash flows. This could slow 21customer growth and even cause customers to reduce or cease using natural gas which could have a material adverse effect on our financial condition, results of operations and cash flows. We may pursue acquisitions, divestitures, and other strategic opportunities which, if not successful, may adversely impact our results of operations, cash flows and financial condition.As part of our strategic objectives, we may pursue acquisitions to complement or expand our business, as well as divestitures and other strategic opportunities. We may not be able to successfully negotiate, finance or receive regulatory approval for future acquisitions or integrate the acquired businesses with our existing business and services. We may not be able to successfully negotiate, finance or receive regulatory approval for future acquisitions or integrate the acquired businesses with our existing business and services. These efforts may also distract our management and employees from day-to-day operations and require substantial commitments of time and resources. These efforts may also distract our management and employees from day-to-day operations and require substantial commitments of time and resources. Future acquisitions could result in potentially dilutive issuances of equity securities, a decrease in our liquidity as a result of our using a significant portion of our available cash or borrowing capacity to finance the acquisition, the incurrence of debt, contingent liabilities and amortization expenses and substantial goodwill. Future acquisitions could result in potentially dilutive issuances of equity securities, a decrease in our liquidity as a result of our using a significant portion of our available cash or borrowing capacity to finance the acquisition, the incurrence of debt, contingent liabilities and amortization expenses and substantial goodwill. The effects of these strategic decisions may have long-term implications that are not likely to be known to us in the short-term. The effects of these strategic decisions may have long-term implications that are not likely to be known to us in the short-term. We may be materially and adversely affected if we are unable to successfully integrate businesses that we acquire. We may be materially and adversely affected if we are unable to successfully integrate businesses that we acquire. ITEM 1B. UNRESOLVED STAFF COMMENTSNone.ITEM 1C.ITEM 1A. CYBERSECURITYWe commit significant resources to protecting and continuing to improve the security of our computer systems, software, networks, and other information or operations technology assets. Our cybersecurity efforts are designed to preserve the confidentiality, integrity, and continued availability of all information owned by, or in the care of, the Company and protect against, among other things, cybersecurity attacks by unauthorized parties attempting to obtain access to confidential information, destroy data, disrupt or degrade service, sabotage systems, or otherwise cause damage.Governance Our Board of Directors considers cybersecurity risk one of the significant risks to our business. As such, the Board of Directors has retained responsibility for overseeing policies and procedures related to cybersecurity and data privacy matters. The Board of Directors routinely evaluates our cybersecurity strategy to review its effectiveness. Management provides reports to the Board of Directors at least quarterly regarding cybersecurity and other information and operations technology risks. The Company established a governance committee to provide governance and oversight of security and compliance related activities for security and IT in support of their effective and efficient management of risks, strategies, and operational imperatives for the Company. The committee is chaired by our Chief Information Officer and the membership includes a cross-functional team of executives from IT/cybersecurity, operations, customer service, commercial, risk and insurance, finance, and the legal department. The committee is structured to cultivate collaboration across the enterprise and to align and prioritize resources with our strategic plan. Risk Management and Strategy The cybersecurity function is centralized under the Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer, who has over three decades of experience in information technology. The cybersecurity function is comprised of a dedicated team of professionals who work continuously to monitor risks relating to cybersecurity resilience strategy, policy, standards, architecture, and 17Table of Contentsprocesses. We identify and address cybersecurity risks by employing a defense-in-depth methodology, consisting of both proactive and reactive elements. This requires a comprehensive program involving advanced monitoring and defense technology along with recurring situational drills that exercise incident response and crisis management plans. We leverage dedicated internal resources, along with strategic external partnerships, to mitigate cybersecurity threats to the Company. In the event a cybersecurity incident occurs, we maintain cybersecurity insurance to provide appropriate resources for both financial and cyber expertise. We have partnerships for penetration testing, incident response, and various third-party assessments. We deploy both commercially available solutions and proprietary systems to actively manage threats to our technology environment. Oversight Our cybersecurity oversight includes our internal control environment, cybersecurity standards, benchmarks, and internal governance committees. Annually, we assess, either internally or by an independent third-party, against multiple cybersecurity maturity models. We also leverage other industry standards and benchmarks, such as National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standards, and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) best practices to inform our oversight strategy. The governance committee functions to ensure adherence and accountability to these standards and deploy appropriate resources to keep pace with the shifting cybersecurity threat landscape. We have policies and procedures to oversee and manage the cybersecurity risks associated with both internal or external threats including the regular review of security reports, relevant cyber attestations, and other independent cyber ratings. These practices include technical controls and processes, as well as contractual mechanisms to mitigate risk. Additionally, we utilize cyber ratings, prepared by reputable external agencies which provide an independent ranking of our cybersecurity maturity and coverage, to assess our cyber proficiency on a standalone basis and comparatively against peers and other companies reviewed annually by the Board of Directors. We have also implemented certain third-party risk management processes to vet, select, and monitor suppliers.Furthermore, we have established an organizational unit within the legal and compliance department that provides independent compliance testing and review for our regulatory obligations, industry standards, and policies and procedures. It supports the IT and cybersecurity department by conducting formal assessments of compliance measures, consulting on control development and enhancement, and facilitating third-party assessments. Response In addition to the safeguards in place to minimize the likelihood and impact of a cyber incident, the Company has established response procedures to address in the event they may occur. These response procedures are designed to identify, analyze, contain, and remediate such cyber incidents in a timely, consistent, and compliant manner. Annually, the Company completes incident response, disaster response, and crisis management plan exercises to validate our current readiness. These exercises are intended to test our cybersecurity response plans and resources through simulated cybersecurity incidents, and may include engagement of outside cybersecurity legal counsel, other third-party partners, executive management, and our Board of Directors. Education The Company seeks to ensure every employee understands their role in keeping ONE Gas safe from cyber incidents. As part of this commitment, we require our employees to complete recurring cybersecurity awareness training that provides immediate feedback and, if necessary, additional training or remedial action to employees. Experience We have experienced no material cybersecurity breaches. As such, we have not spent any material amount of capital on addressing impacts during this time, nor have we incurred any material breach expenses from penalties and settlements. We maintain cybersecurity insurance coverage that we believe is appropriate for the size and complexity of our business. 18Table of Contents.
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