Luciana Fato Net Worth
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Luciana Fato has an estimated net worth of at least $10.4 million*, as of Jan. 8, 2025. They own 128,044 shares of AIG stock. They have sold 24,000 shares of AIG stock since 2021, for an estimated $1.3 million.
Luciana Fato $AIG SEC Form 4 Insider Trading
Luciana Fato has filed a total of 2 insider trades in $AIG since 2021. Their most recent trade was a sale of 17,000 shares, made on Aug 24, 2022. Their largest trade was a sale of 17,000 shares, made on Aug 24, 2022. We estimate that they now own 128,044 shares of $AIG, worth an estimated $9.1 million.
Insider Trading at $AIG
There have been a total of 44 insider trades reported at $AIG since 2021, with 4,890 shares purchased and 636,795 shares sold. The most active insider traders in $AIG stock have been Peter Zaffino, Luciana Fato, and Douglas A. Dachille. The most recent trade was a purchase of 10 shares reported by John C Inglis (None), made on Dec 30, 2024.
History of Insider Stock Trades by Luciana Fato
$AIG Executives and Stock Owners with Insider Trades
Peter Zaffino, Chairman & CEO
Luciana Fato, EVP, GC, Comms & Govt Affairs
Douglas A. Dachille, EVP and CIO
John P Repko, EVP and Chief Info. Officer
Kathleen Carbone, VP & Chief Accounting Officer
Kevin T. Hogan, EVP - Life & Retirement
*This is only based off of information found in SEC filings, and may not reflect actual net worth. There may also be inaccuracies due to privately holdings filing errors, parsing errors, accidental double-counting of shares, incorrect classification of indirectly owned shares, sales prior to dataset start date, or any other number of issues.