$EDIT stock has now risen 17% today, according to our price data from Polygon. There has been approximately $5,044,903 of trading volume.
Here is what we see in our data on $EDIT:$EDIT Insider Trading Activity
$EDIT insiders have traded $EDIT stock on the open market 4 times in the past 6 months. Of those trades, 0 have been purchases and 4 have been sales.
Here’s a breakdown of recent trading of $EDIT stock by insiders over the last 6 months:
- GILMORE NEIL O'NEILL (CEO) has made 0 purchases and 2 sales selling 3,173 shares for an estimated $8,686.
- BAISONG MEI (EVP, CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER) has made 0 purchases and 2 sales selling 1,059 shares for an estimated $2,897.
To track insider transactions, check out Quiver Quantitative's insider trading dashboard.
$EDIT Hedge Fund Activity
We have seen 88 institutional investors add shares of $EDIT stock to their portfolio, and 138 decrease their positions in their most recent quarter.
Here are some of the largest recent moves:
- DEEP TRACK CAPITAL, LP removed 4,900,334 shares (-100.0%) from their portfolio in Q4 2024, for an estimated $6,223,424
- RENAISSANCE TECHNOLOGIES LLC added 1,451,049 shares (+inf%) to their portfolio in Q4 2024, for an estimated $1,842,832
- PICTET ASSET MANAGEMENT HOLDING SA removed 1,155,937 shares (-100.0%) from their portfolio in Q4 2024, for an estimated $1,468,039
- MONACO ASSET MANAGEMENT SAM added 1,069,732 shares (+inf%) to their portfolio in Q4 2024, for an estimated $1,358,559
- MILLENNIUM MANAGEMENT LLC added 891,227 shares (+36.2%) to their portfolio in Q3 2024, for an estimated $3,039,084
- TWO SIGMA INVESTMENTS, LP added 818,001 shares (+151.3%) to their portfolio in Q3 2024, for an estimated $2,789,383
- BLACKROCK, INC. removed 716,636 shares (-8.9%) from their portfolio in Q4 2024, for an estimated $910,127
To track hedge funds' stock portfolios, check out Quiver Quantitative's institutional holdings dashboard.
You can track data on $EDIT on Quiver Quantitative.
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