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Agilent Technologies Inc.
A Real Time Price USDRecent trades of A by members of U.S. Congress
Shares Held
Change in Shares
Market Value
Change in Shares
Market Value
Recently reported changes by institutional investors
Quarterly net insider trading by A's directors and management
Government lobbying spending instances
$40,000 Jul 14, 2024 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$40,000 Apr 15, 2024 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$40,000 Oct 13, 2023 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$30,000 Jul 17, 2023 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$20,000 Jan 12, 2023 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$40,000 Oct 10, 2022 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$30,000 Jul 07, 2022 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$30,000 Apr 08, 2022 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$40,000 Jan 10, 2022 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$60,000 Oct 11, 2021 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$30,000 Jul 14, 2021 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$14,229 Jul 01, 2013 Issue: Tariff (miscellaneous tariff bills) Budget/Appropriations Defense Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Chemicals/Chemical Industry
$10,014 Apr 08, 2013 Issue: Tariff (miscellaneous tariff bills) Chemicals/Chemical Industry Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Defense Budget/Appropriations
$14,658 Jan 07, 2013 Issue: Tariff (miscellaneous tariff bills) Budget/Appropriations Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Science/Technology Defense Chemicals/Chemical Industry
$9,864 Oct 08, 2012 Issue: Science/Technology Tariff (miscellaneous tariff bills) Chemicals/Chemical Industry Budget/Appropriations Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Defense
$12,501 Jul 16, 2012 Issue: Science/Technology Tariff (miscellaneous tariff bills) Chemicals/Chemical Industry Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Defense Budget/Appropriations
$14,200 Apr 04, 2012 Issue: Chemicals/Chemical Industry Budget/Appropriations Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Defense Science/Technology
$17,200 Jan 09, 2012 Issue: Budget/Appropriations Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Defense Science/Technology Chemicals/Chemical Industry
$10,000 Oct 05, 2011 Issue: Defense Copyright/Patent/Trademark Science/Technology Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Chemicals/Chemical Industry
$11,000 Jul 13, 2011 Issue: Science/Technology Defense Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Copyright/Patent/Trademark Chemicals/Chemical Industry
$10,000 Apr 19, 2011 Issue: Tariff (miscellaneous tariff bills) Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Defense Chemicals/Chemical Industry Homeland Security
$20,000 Jan 14, 2011 Issue: Tariff (miscellaneous tariff bills) Chemicals/Chemical Industry Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Homeland Security Defense
$10,000 Oct 18, 2010 Issue: Tariff (miscellaneous tariff bills) Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Defense Homeland Security
$10,000 Jul 13, 2010 Issue: Tariff (miscellaneous tariff bills) Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Homeland Security Defense
$10,000 Apr 16, 2010 Issue: Tariff (miscellaneous tariff bills) Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Defense Homeland Security
$40,000 Jan 12, 2010 Issue: Homeland Security Tariff (miscellaneous tariff bills) Copyright/Patent/Trademark Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Defense
$10,000 Oct 16, 2009 Issue: Homeland Security Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Defense Copyright/Patent/Trademark Tariff (miscellaneous tariff bills)
$10,000 Jul 15, 2009 Issue: Defense Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Copyright/Patent/Trademark Homeland Security
$10,000 Apr 15, 2009 Issue: Defense Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Homeland Security
$10,000 Jan 20, 2009 Issue: Defense Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Homeland Security
$10,000 Oct 14, 2008 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Defense Homeland Security
$20,000 Jul 18, 2008 Issue: Homeland Security Copyright/Patent/Trademark Defense Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$50,000 Apr 17, 2008 Issue: Copyright/Patent/Trademark Trade (domestic/foreign) Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Defense
$60,000 Feb 14, 2008 Issue: Trade (domestic/foreign) Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Copyright/Patent/Trademark Defense
$100,000 Aug 10, 2007 Issue: Trade (domestic/foreign) Defense Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Copyright/Patent/Trademark Immigration
$40,000 Feb 06, 2007 Issue: Government Issues
$140,000 Aug 14, 2006 Issue: Trade (domestic/foreign) Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Telecommunications Budget/Appropriations Immigration
$120,000 Feb 17, 2006 Issue: Trade (domestic/foreign) Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Copyright/Patent/Trademark Budget/Appropriations Immigration Homeland Security
$280,000 Aug 19, 2005 Issue: Trade (domestic/foreign) Accounting Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Copyright/Patent/Trademark Budget/Appropriations Energy/Nuclear Homeland Security
$140,000 Feb 22, 2005 Issue: Trade (domestic/foreign) Accounting Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Copyright/Patent/Trademark Budget/Appropriations Energy/Nuclear Homeland Security
$180,000 Aug 20, 2004 Issue: Trade (domestic/foreign) Accounting Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Copyright/Patent/Trademark Budget/Appropriations Energy/Nuclear Homeland Security
$160,000 Mar 05, 2004 Issue: Trade (domestic/foreign) Accounting Copyright/Patent/Trademark Budget/Appropriations Energy/Nuclear Homeland Security Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$140,000 Aug 20, 2003 Issue: Trade (domestic/foreign) Defense Accounting Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Copyright/Patent/Trademark Budget/Appropriations Energy/Nuclear
$140,000 Mar 05, 2003 Issue: Trade (domestic/foreign) Financial Institutions/Investments/Securities Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Budget/Appropriations Government Issues Energy/Nuclear Science/Technology
$220,000 Aug 22, 2002 Issue: Trade (domestic/foreign) Accounting Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Budget/Appropriations Energy/Nuclear Science/Technology
$80,000 Aug 14, 2002 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Trade (domestic/foreign) Budget/Appropriations Energy/Nuclear Science/Technology Immigration
$200,000 Aug 01, 2001 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Trade (domestic/foreign) Telecommunications Health Issues Budget/Appropriations Immigration Education
$160,000 Feb 12, 2001 Issue: Labor Issues/Antitrust/Workplace Trade (domestic/foreign) Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Copyright/Patent/Trademark Medicare/Medicaid Consumer Issues/Safety/Products Immigration
$80,000 Aug 10, 2000 Issue: Education Labor Issues/Antitrust/Workplace Trade (domestic/foreign) Copyright/Patent/Trademark Health Issues Medicare/Medicaid Consumer Issues/Safety/Products Immigration
Estimated quarterly lobbying spending
New patents grants
Patent Title: Hybridization compositions and methods Jan. 28, 2025
Patent Title: Mass spectrometry using plasma ion source Dec. 17, 2019
Patent Title: Superficially porous particles with precisely controlled particle density, and methods of preparation and use thereof Dec. 17, 2019
Patent Title: Flow meters, flow meter cartridges, and related methods Nov. 19, 2019
Patent Title: Apparatus and method for introducing a sample into a separation unit of a chromatography system Nov. 19, 2019
Patent Title: Metering device with defined enabled flow direction Nov. 12, 2019
Patent Title: Modular pump platform Nov. 12, 2019
Patent Title: Ion throughput pump and method Oct. 22, 2019
Patent Title: Functionalized support for analytical sample preparation Oct. 08, 2019
Patent Title: Superficially porous particles with dual pore structure and methods for making the same Oct. 08, 2019
Patent Title: Bundled fiber optic capillary electrophoresis detection system Sep. 10, 2019
Patent Title: Gas chromatography (gc) column heater Sep. 03, 2019
Patent Title: Optical emission system including dichroic beam combiner Sep. 03, 2019
Patent Title: Sample processing apparatus with integrated heater, shaker and magnet Sep. 03, 2019
Patent Title: Ion transfer device for mass spectrometry with selectable bores Aug. 20, 2019
Patent Title: Rigid piston-actuator-assembly supported for performing a pendulum-type tolerance compensation motion Aug. 20, 2019
Patent Title: Experimental chamber with computer-controlled display wall Aug. 13, 2019
Patent Title: Impact centrifugal separator and associated methods for fraction collection in supercritical fluid systems Aug. 13, 2019
Patent Title: Method for enhancing electrospray Aug. 06, 2019
Patent Title: Branching off fluidic sample with low influence on source flow path Aug. 06, 2019
Patent Title: Full field visual-mid-infrared imaging system Jul. 02, 2019
Patent Title: Guide rna with chemical modifications Jul. 02, 2019
Patent Title: Chambers for microwave plasma generation Jun. 18, 2019
Patent Title: Target enrichment and labeling for multi-kilobase dna Jun. 04, 2019
Patent Title: Column assembly for a gas chromatograph May. 28, 2019
Patent Title: Fluidic valve with contactless force transmission for pressing together stator and rotor May. 28, 2019
Patent Title: Sealing configuration with metal-coated structure May. 28, 2019
Patent Title: Angular synchronization of stationary and orbiting plate scroll blades in a scroll pump using a metallic bellows May. 21, 2019
Patent Title: Tandem collision/reaction cell for inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (icp-ms) May. 14, 2019
Patent Title: Plurality of transposase adapters for dna manipulations May. 14, 2019
Patent Title: System and method for generating high-voltage radio frequency signals using an electronically tuned resonator May. 07, 2019
Patent Title: Quantum cascade laser with serially configured gain sections May. 07, 2019
Patent Title: Uninterrupted fluid flow while modulating fluid May. 07, 2019
Patent Title: Self cleaning gas-liquid separator for serial or parallel collection of liquid fractions May. 07, 2019
Patent Title: Wideband isolation directed by ion mobility separation for analyzing compounds Apr. 23, 2019
Patent Title: System and method for facilitating manual sorting of objects Apr. 23, 2019
Patent Title: Esd protected tubing for removing charge from lumen Apr. 09, 2019
Patent Title: Transposase-random priming dna sample preparation Mar. 26, 2019
Patent Title: Method for unsupervised stain separation in pathological whole slide images Mar. 12, 2019
Patent Title: Apparatus and method for facilitating manual sorting of slides Feb. 26, 2019
Patent Title: Method for supplying gas for plasma based analytical instrument Feb. 19, 2019
Patent Title: Microfluidic glycan analysis Feb. 19, 2019
Patent Title: Mixer bypass sample injection for liquid chromatography Feb. 19, 2019
Patent Title: Thermal/noise management in a scroll pump Feb. 19, 2019
Patent Title: Fluid dispensing nozzle assembly Feb. 19, 2019
Patent Title: Phosphorous protecting groups and methods of preparation and use thereof Feb. 05, 2019
Patent Title: High dynamic range infrared imaging spectroscopy Jan. 22, 2019
Patent Title: Ion source for soft electron ionization and related systems and methods Jan. 08, 2019
Patent Title: Pre-heater assembly with moderately thermally conductive capillary surrounding Jan. 08, 2019
Patent Title: C-probe libraries for dna target enrichment Dec. 11, 2018
Federal grants, loans, and purchases
- $59,553 2025-02-07 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Commerce
- $7,147 2025-02-06 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Health and Human Services
- $40,149 2025-02-04 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Health and Human Services
- $68,677 2025-01-30 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs
- $55,037 2025-01-27 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Justice
- $58,531 2025-01-24 00:00:00 Agency: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- $20,552 2025-01-21 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Health and Human Services
- $6,155 2025-01-16 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Agriculture
- $11,590 2025-01-16 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs
- $18,416 2025-01-16 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Health and Human Services
- $13,896 2025-01-13 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Health and Human Services
- $13,750 2025-01-08 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Health and Human Services
- $22,831 2025-01-08 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Health and Human Services
- $24,607 2025-01-07 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Justice
- $48,290 2025-01-06 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Agriculture
- $28,912 2025-01-06 00:00:00 Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
- $15,422 2025-01-06 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Health and Human Services
- $387,492 2024-12-31 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Health and Human Services
- $11,964 2024-12-17 00:00:00 Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
- $105,624 2024-12-17 00:00:00 Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
- $140,000 2024-12-16 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs
- $30,993 2024-12-10 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Health and Human Services
- $26,467 2024-12-02 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs
- $333,276 2024-12-02 00:00:00 Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
- $175,570 2024-11-29 00:00:00 Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
- $16,758 2024-11-29 00:00:00 Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
- $100,188 2024-11-27 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Health and Human Services
- $14,792 2024-11-26 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Health and Human Services
- $22,092 2024-11-21 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Health and Human Services
- $24,995 2024-11-14 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Health and Human Services
- $11,448 2024-11-14 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Health and Human Services
- $54,193 2024-11-12 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Health and Human Services
- $48,290 2024-11-12 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Health and Human Services
- $24,338 2024-11-05 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs
- $10,008 2024-11-05 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Health and Human Services
- $22,500 2024-11-01 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs
- $40,149 2024-10-30 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Health and Human Services
- $13,418 2024-10-28 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Health and Human Services
- $43,624 2024-10-22 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Health and Human Services
- $22,015 2024-10-18 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Health and Human Services
- $14,272 2024-10-18 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Health and Human Services
- $11,183 2024-10-17 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Health and Human Services
- $50,000 2024-10-01 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs
- $20,000 2024-10-01 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs
- $19,492 2024-10-01 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs
- $49,308 2024-10-01 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs
- $64,893 2024-10-01 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs
- $159,563 2024-09-30 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Homeland Security
- $92,051 2024-09-30 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Homeland Security
- $1,020,000 2024-09-30 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Homeland Security
Estimated quarterly amount awarded from public contracts
Number of mentions of A in WallStreetBets Daily Discussion
Recent insights relating to A
Recent picks made for A stock on CNBC
ETFs with the largest estimated holdings in A
Shares Held
* These are estimates based on data taken from SEC filings. There may be inaccuracies due to parsing errors, accidental double-counting, incorrect classification of indirectly owned shares, or any other number of issues.
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