AES Corporation
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Government lobbying spending instances
$80,000 Oct 22, 2018 Issue: Foreign Relations Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Transportation Trade (domestic/foreign) Energy/Nuclear
$20,000 Oct 17, 2018 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Energy/Nuclear
$70,000 Jul 20, 2018 Issue: Energy/Nuclear Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Foreign Relations
$30,000 Jul 18, 2018 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Energy/Nuclear
$370,000 Apr 20, 2018 Issue: Energy/Nuclear Clean Air and Water (quality) Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Budget/Appropriations Foreign Relations
$30,000 Apr 18, 2018 Issue: Energy/Nuclear Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$60,000 Jan 22, 2018 Issue: Energy/Nuclear Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$100,000 Jan 19, 2018 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Energy/Nuclear Foreign Relations Budget/Appropriations Clean Air and Water (quality)
$30,000 Oct 20, 2017 Issue: Clean Air and Water (quality) Energy/Nuclear Budget/Appropriations Foreign Relations Transportation Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$30,000 Oct 17, 2017 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Energy/Nuclear
$160,000 Jul 19, 2017 Issue: Clean Air and Water (quality) Energy/Nuclear Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Foreign Relations
$30,000 Jul 19, 2017 Issue: Energy/Nuclear Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$80,000 Apr 20, 2017 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Energy/Nuclear
$290,000 Apr 13, 2017 Issue: Foreign Relations Clean Air and Water (quality) Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Energy/Nuclear
$10,000 Jan 23, 2017 Issue: Environment/Superfund Transportation Clean Air and Water (quality) Foreign Relations Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Energy/Nuclear Trade (domestic/foreign)
$30,000 Jan 23, 2017 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Energy/Nuclear
$190,000 Oct 20, 2016 Issue: Clean Air and Water (quality) Energy/Nuclear Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Transportation Environment/Superfund Trade (domestic/foreign) Foreign Relations
$30,000 Jul 20, 2016 Issue: Natural Resources Energy/Nuclear Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Transportation Foreign Relations Clean Air and Water (quality) Trade (domestic/foreign) Environment/Superfund
$10,000 Jul 20, 2016 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Energy/Nuclear
$130,000 Apr 20, 2016 Issue: Foreign Relations Transportation Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Homeland Security Clean Air and Water (quality) Trade (domestic/foreign) Energy/Nuclear Environment/Superfund
$10,000 Apr 20, 2016 Issue: Energy/Nuclear Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$170,000 Jan 20, 2016 Issue: Clean Air and Water (quality) Energy/Nuclear Budget/Appropriations Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Transportation Banking Trade (domestic/foreign) Homeland Security Foreign Relations Environment/Superfund
$30,000 Jan 20, 2016 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Energy/Nuclear
$20,000 Oct 20, 2015 Issue: Energy/Nuclear Transportation Banking Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Trade (domestic/foreign) Foreign Relations Environment/Superfund Homeland Security Clean Air and Water (quality)
$80,000 Oct 20, 2015 Issue: Energy/Nuclear Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$40,000 Jul 20, 2015 Issue: Clean Air and Water (quality) Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Banking Foreign Relations Homeland Security Trade (domestic/foreign)
$60,000 Jul 20, 2015 Issue: Energy/Nuclear Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$10,000 Apr 20, 2015 Issue: Energy/Nuclear Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$150,000 Apr 16, 2015 Issue: Clean Air and Water (quality) Homeland Security Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Foreign Relations Trade (domestic/foreign)
$20,000 Jan 20, 2015 Issue: Homeland Security Energy/Nuclear Environment/Superfund Budget/Appropriations Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Trade (domestic/foreign) Clean Air and Water (quality) Foreign Relations
$10,000 Jan 20, 2015 Issue: Energy/Nuclear Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$10,000 Oct 20, 2014 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Energy/Nuclear
$40,000 Oct 14, 2014 Issue: Clean Air and Water (quality) Energy/Nuclear Environment/Superfund Foreign Relations Budget/Appropriations Financial Institutions/Investments/Securities Homeland Security Trade (domestic/foreign) Roads/Highway Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$90,000 Jul 21, 2014 Issue: Clean Air and Water (quality) Budget/Appropriations Energy/Nuclear Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Foreign Relations
$20,000 Jul 21, 2014 Issue: Energy/Nuclear Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$10,000 Apr 21, 2014 Issue: Energy/Nuclear Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$60,000 Apr 21, 2014 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Budget/Appropriations Energy/Nuclear Foreign Relations Clean Air and Water (quality)
$10,000 Jan 22, 2014 Issue: Energy/Nuclear Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$10,000 Jan 21, 2014 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Budget/Appropriations Environment/Superfund Energy/Nuclear Clean Air and Water (quality) Homeland Security
$40,000 Nov 27, 2013 Issue: Clean Air and Water (quality) Foreign Relations Budget/Appropriations
$80,000 Nov 27, 2013 Issue: Clean Air and Water (quality)
$240,000 Nov 27, 2013 Issue: Homeland Security
$10,000 Oct 21, 2013 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Energy/Nuclear
$30,000 Aug 30, 2013 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Homeland Security Energy/Nuclear Environment/Superfund
$30,000 Jul 22, 2013 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Energy/Nuclear
$50,000 Oct 22, 2012 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$30,000 Oct 22, 2012 Issue: Energy/Nuclear Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$130,000 Oct 22, 2012 Issue: Homeland Security Energy/Nuclear Environment/Superfund Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$80,000 Oct 19, 2012 Issue: Energy/Nuclear Environment/Superfund Clean Air and Water (quality) Utilities
$90,000 Oct 19, 2012 Issue: Clean Air and Water (quality) Energy/Nuclear Environment/Superfund Utilities
$170,000 Oct 19, 2012 Issue: Clean Air and Water (quality) Energy/Nuclear Utilities Environment/Superfund
$70,000 Jul 20, 2012 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$70,000 Apr 19, 2012 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$70,000 Jan 20, 2012 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$20,000 Oct 20, 2011 Issue: Clean Air and Water (quality) Energy/Nuclear Environment/Superfund Utilities
$70,000 Oct 19, 2011 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$20,000 Jul 20, 2011 Issue: Clean Air and Water (quality) Energy/Nuclear Environment/Superfund Utilities Homeland Security
$70,000 Jul 20, 2011 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$20,000 Apr 28, 2011 Issue: Trade (domestic/foreign) Energy/Nuclear
$70,000 Apr 20, 2011 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$10,000 Apr 13, 2011 Issue: Energy/Nuclear
$20,000 Jan 20, 2011 Issue: Energy/Nuclear Utilities Environment/Superfund Foreign Relations Clean Air and Water (quality)
$25,000 Jan 20, 2011 Issue: Energy/Nuclear
$20,000 Jan 20, 2011 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$10,000 Oct 24, 2010 Issue: Energy/Nuclear Environment/Superfund Utilities Clean Air and Water (quality) Foreign Relations
$25,000 Oct 21, 2010 Issue: Energy/Nuclear
$50,000 Jul 19, 2010 Issue: Energy/Nuclear
$20,000 Jul 19, 2010 Issue: Environment/Superfund Utilities Foreign Relations Energy/Nuclear Clean Air and Water (quality)
$11,250 Jun 16, 2010 Issue: Energy/Nuclear Foreign Relations Utilities Environment/Superfund Clean Air and Water (quality)
$90,000 Apr 20, 2010 Issue: Government Issues
$50,000 Apr 20, 2010 Issue: Energy/Nuclear
$90,000 Jan 21, 2010 Issue: Government Issues
$50,000 Jan 20, 2010 Issue: Energy/Nuclear
$50,000 Oct 20, 2009 Issue: Energy/Nuclear
$50,000 Jul 20, 2009 Issue: Energy/Nuclear
$50,000 Apr 20, 2009 Issue: Energy/Nuclear
$20,000 Oct 09, 2008 Issue: Trade (domestic/foreign) Energy/Nuclear
$10,000 Jul 21, 2008 Issue: Energy/Nuclear Trade (domestic/foreign)
Estimated quarterly lobbying spending
AES Revenue by Segment or Geography
New patents grants
Patent Title: Method and system for operating a wind farm by reconciling performance and operational constraints Jan. 07, 2025
Patent Title: Solar panel handling system Dec. 31, 2024
Patent Title: System and method for determining an operating condition of a wind turbine Dec. 31, 2024
Patent Title: Methods for managing energy services for assets Jul. 16, 2024
Patent Title: Link layered networks with improved operation Aug. 09, 2022
Patent Title: Automated robotic battery tug Apr. 27, 2021
Patent Title: Method and system for performance management of an energy storage device Jan. 05, 2021
Patent Title: Link layered networks with improved operation Dec. 29, 2020
Patent Title: Methods and apparatus for managing renewable energy services for fixed and mobile assets Jun. 16, 2020
Patent Title: Systems and methods for optimizing the power generated by wind turbines Oct. 01, 2019
Patent Title: Methods and apparatus for managing renewable energy services May. 14, 2019
Patent Title: Automated robotic battery tug Apr. 30, 2019
Patent Title: Manhole cover Nov. 20, 2018
Patent Title: Modular energy storage method and system Mar. 27, 2018
Patent Title: Link layered networks with improved operation Mar. 06, 2018
Patent Title: Hybrid electric generating power plant that uses a combination of real-time generation facilities and energy storage system Dec. 19, 2017
Patent Title: Method and system for self-registration and self-assembly of electrical devices Nov. 14, 2017
Patent Title: Concrete protective agent, method for repairing concrete structure, impregnation inducing agent for concrete structure, and defect filling agent for concrete structure Jul. 11, 2017
Patent Title: Cation concentration increasing agent, modifying agent for concrete structure, method for manufacturing same, and method for repairing concrete structure Feb. 07, 2017
Patent Title: Hybrid electric generating power plant that uses a combination of real-time generation facilities and energy storage system Jan. 31, 2017
Patent Title: Methods and apparatus for managing energy services from a plurality of devices Sep. 27, 2016
Patent Title: Methods and apparatus for reconciliation of a charging event Jun. 07, 2016
Patent Title: Methods and apparatus for identifying a grid connection point using a tag Mar. 15, 2016
Patent Title: Link layered networks with improved operation Aug. 04, 2015
Patent Title: Method and apparatus for controlling energy services based on market data Apr. 28, 2015
Patent Title: Methods and adapters for use with electric devices to manage energy services Mar. 17, 2015
Patent Title: Regulation of contribution of secondary energy sources to power grid Dec. 16, 2014
Patent Title: Remote vehicle programming system and method Apr. 01, 2014
Patent Title: Link layered networks Dec. 06, 2011
Patent Title: Calibrated wideband high frequency passive impedance probe Jul. 19, 2011
Patent Title: Universal test fixture for high-power packaged transistors and diodes Jul. 19, 2011
Patent Title: Frequency responsive charge sustaining control of electricity storage systems for ancillary services on an electrical power grid Nov. 23, 2010
Federal grants, loans, and purchases
Estimated quarterly amount awarded from public contracts
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