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Coherent Corp.

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Change in Shares
Market Value

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Quarterly net insider trading by COHR's directors and management

Government lobbying spending instances

  • $90,000 Jul 20, 2022 Issue: Defense
  • $37,500 Apr 13, 2009 Issue: Aviation/Airlines/Airports
  • $37,500 Jan 12, 2009 Issue: Aviation/Airlines/Airports
  • $37,500 Oct 14, 2008 Issue: Aviation/Airlines/Airports Defense
  • $40,000 Jul 18, 2008 Issue: Aviation/Airlines/Airports Defense
  • $35,000 Apr 16, 2008 Issue: Aviation/Airlines/Airports Defense
  • $100,000 Feb 14, 2008 Issue: Defense
  • $80,000 Jan 28, 2008 Issue: Aviation/Airlines/Airports Defense
  • $20,000 Aug 20, 2007 Issue: Defense
  • $80,000 Aug 07, 2007 Issue: Defense Aviation/Airlines/Airports
  • $20,000 May 21, 2007 Issue: Defense Energy/Nuclear
  • $80,000 Feb 14, 2007 Issue: Defense Aviation/Airlines/Airports
  • $80,000 Aug 17, 2006 Issue: Defense Aviation/Airlines/Airports
  • $80,000 Jan 03, 2006 Issue: Defense Aviation/Airlines/Airports
  • $80,000 Aug 05, 2005 Issue: Defense Aviation/Airlines/Airports
  • $80,000 Feb 15, 2005 Issue: Defense Aviation/Airlines/Airports
  • $80,000 Aug 17, 2004 Issue: Defense Aviation/Airlines/Airports
  • $80,000 Apr 13, 2004 Issue: Aviation/Airlines/Airports
  • $80,000 Aug 14, 2003 Issue: Aviation/Airlines/Airports
  • $80,000 Feb 04, 2003 Issue: Aviation/Airlines/Airports
  • $60,000 Jul 25, 2002 Issue: Aviation/Airlines/Airports
  • $40,000 Feb 12, 2002 Issue: Aviation/Airlines/Airports
  • $10,000 Jul 31, 2001 Issue: Aviation/Airlines/Airports

Estimated quarterly lobbying spending

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COHR Income Statement
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U.S. Patents

New patents grants

  • Patent Title: Thermally actuated adaptive optics Aug. 06, 2024
  • Patent Title: Radio-frequency excited gas laser Dec. 19, 2023
  • Patent Title: Laser apparatus for cutting brittle material Jan. 10, 2023
  • Patent Title: Laser welding method Dec. 13, 2022
  • Patent Title: Optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifier Aug. 02, 2022
  • Patent Title: Pulsed laser with intracavity frequency conversion aided by extra-cavity frequency conversion Jul. 19, 2022
  • Patent Title: Laser welding method Jul. 19, 2022
  • Patent Title: Conductively-cooled slab laser May. 17, 2022
  • Patent Title: Laser wavelength stabilization apparatus Mar. 22, 2022
  • Patent Title: Beam forming with focus location adjustment Nov. 09, 2021
  • Patent Title: High repetition rate seed laser Oct. 19, 2021
  • Patent Title: Laser-mopa with burst-mode control Aug. 03, 2021
  • Patent Title: Laser material processing distance gauge May. 25, 2021
  • Patent Title: Third-harmonic generating apparatus for laser-radiation having polarization loop Apr. 20, 2021
  • Patent Title: Polarized fiber-laser Mar. 09, 2021
  • Patent Title: Laser apparatus for cutting brittle material Jun. 02, 2020
  • Patent Title: Laser power and energy sensor utilizing anisotropic thermoelectric material Jun. 02, 2020
  • Patent Title: Achromatic astigmatic anamorphic objective May. 26, 2020
  • Patent Title: Conductively-cooled slab laser May. 05, 2020
  • Patent Title: Single crystal optical parametric amplifier May. 05, 2020
  • Patent Title: Aberration compensated diode-laser stack Jan. 21, 2020
  • Patent Title: High power sub-400 femtosecond mopa with solid-state power amplifier Jan. 14, 2020
  • Patent Title: Laser machining method and apparatus Sep. 24, 2019
  • Patent Title: Method for laser-marking of anodized aluminum Aug. 27, 2019
  • Patent Title: Achromatic anastigmatic anamorphic objective Jul. 02, 2019
  • Patent Title: Stackable electrically-isolated diode-laser bar assembly May. 21, 2019
  • Patent Title: Pulse-dividing method and apparatus for a pulsed carbon monoxide laser Apr. 30, 2019
  • Patent Title: Systems and processes that singulate materials Mar. 26, 2019
  • Patent Title: Intra-cavity frequency-converted optically-pumped semiconductor laser Jan. 08, 2019
  • Patent Title: Mechanically isolated optically pumped semiconductor laser Aug. 21, 2018
  • Patent Title: Reflective laser line-beam generator May. 15, 2018
  • Patent Title: Stackable electrically-isolated diode-laser bar assembly Apr. 10, 2018
  • Patent Title: Fiber-laser pumped crystal-laser Apr. 10, 2018
  • Patent Title: Carbon monoxide laser machining system Mar. 27, 2018
  • Patent Title: Shaping of brittle materials with controlled surface and bulk properties Mar. 20, 2018
  • Patent Title: Cooling apparatus for diode-laser bars Mar. 13, 2018
  • Patent Title: Apparatus for generating a line-beam from a diode-laser array Dec. 26, 2017
  • Patent Title: Uniformity adjustment method for a diode-laser line-projector Oct. 10, 2017
  • Patent Title: Transport of polarized laser-radiation using a hollow-core fiber Jun. 20, 2017
  • Patent Title: Current driver for diode laser system May. 30, 2017
  • Patent Title: Multi-wavelength source of femtosecond infrared pulses May. 16, 2017
  • Patent Title: Air-cooled carbon-dioxide laser Apr. 04, 2017
  • Patent Title: Tunable femtosecond laser-pulse source including a super-continuum generator Dec. 06, 2016
  • Patent Title: Water-cooled carbon-dioxide laser Aug. 16, 2016
  • Patent Title: Via-hole drilling in a printed circuit board using a carbon monoxide laser Aug. 09, 2016
  • Patent Title: Uniformity adjustment method for a diode-laser line-projector Jul. 26, 2016
  • Patent Title: Method and apparatus for adjusting pulse parameters in a solid-state chirped-pulse amplifier system Jul. 05, 2016
  • Patent Title: Light-source including a planar array of diode-laser bars Jun. 28, 2016
  • Patent Title: Laser-scribing of chemically strengthened glass May. 03, 2016
  • Patent Title: Laser label-printer Mar. 22, 2016
Government Contracts

Federal grants, loans, and purchases

Government Contracts

Estimated quarterly amount awarded from public contracts


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* These are estimates based on data taken from SEC filings. There may be inaccuracies due to parsing errors, accidental double-counting, incorrect classification of indirectly owned shares, or any other number of issues.

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