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U.S. Patents

New patents grants

  • Patent Title: One by one selection of items of a set Jan. 28, 2025
  • Patent Title: Reference distance similarity search Jan. 28, 2025
  • Patent Title: Method to compare between a first number and a second number Dec. 03, 2024
  • Patent Title: Efficient similarity search Nov. 05, 2024
  • Patent Title: Global responder signal circuitry for memory arrays Oct. 29, 2024
  • Patent Title: Square root calculations on an associative processing unit Oct. 01, 2024
  • Patent Title: System and method for random data distribution in a memory array Sep. 03, 2024
  • Patent Title: Integrating a memory layer in a neural network for one-shot learning Aug. 27, 2024
  • Patent Title: Iterative binary division with carry prediction Jul. 30, 2024
  • Patent Title: Functional protein classification for pandemic research Jul. 02, 2024
  • Patent Title: In memory matrix multiplication and its usage in neural networks Jun. 11, 2024
  • Patent Title: Associative hash tree May. 21, 2024
  • Patent Title: In-memory efficient multistep search May. 21, 2024
  • Patent Title: Pipeline architecture for bitwise multiplier-accumulator (mac) Mar. 26, 2024
  • Patent Title: One by one selection of items of a set Jan. 02, 2024
  • Patent Title: Configurable animal house ceiling vent Sep. 26, 2023
  • Patent Title: Livestock feed tank with modular unloader Sep. 26, 2023
  • Patent Title: Computational memory cell and processing array device using the memory cells for xor and xnor computations Sep. 19, 2023
  • Patent Title: Neural hashing for similarity search Sep. 19, 2023
  • Patent Title: Concurrent multi-bit subtraction in associative memory Sep. 12, 2023
  • Patent Title: Animal house ceiling vent seal Aug. 29, 2023
  • Patent Title: In memory matrix multiplication and its usage in neural networks Aug. 22, 2023
  • Patent Title: Ventilation fan with synchronous butterfly shutter for animal building Jul. 04, 2023
  • Patent Title: Concurrent multi-bit adder Jun. 20, 2023
  • Patent Title: Animal house ceiling vent bulb seal Jun. 20, 2023
  • Patent Title: Memory device for determining an extreme value Jun. 06, 2023
  • Patent Title: Efficient similarity search May. 09, 2023
  • Patent Title: In-memory full adder Mar. 14, 2023
  • Patent Title: In-memory efficient multistep search Dec. 06, 2022
  • Patent Title: Discharge spreader for grain bin Oct. 18, 2022
  • Patent Title: Orthogonal data transposition system and method during data transfers to/from a processing array Aug. 09, 2022
  • Patent Title: Vacuum cooled grain dryer Jul. 05, 2022
  • Patent Title: Animal house sidewall inlet Mar. 15, 2022
  • Patent Title: Write data processing methods associated with computational memory cells Feb. 22, 2022
  • Patent Title: Storage array circuits and methods for computational memory cells Jan. 18, 2022
  • Patent Title: Animal house climate control system and method for operating an air inlet of the animal house using timed inlet control Jan. 18, 2022
  • Patent Title: Read data processing circuits and methods associated with computational memory cells Dec. 21, 2021
  • Patent Title: Processing array device that performs one cycle full adder operation and bit line read/write logic features Dec. 07, 2021
  • Patent Title: Results processing circuits and methods associated with computational memory cells Dec. 07, 2021
  • Patent Title: Platform floor support for poultry nesting system Nov. 09, 2021
  • Patent Title: Computational memory cell and processing array device using memory cells Oct. 19, 2021
  • Patent Title: Write data processing circuits and methods associated with computational memory cells Aug. 17, 2021
  • Patent Title: Responder signal circuitry for memory arrays finding at least one cell with a predefined value Jul. 27, 2021
  • Patent Title: Computational memory cell and processing array device using the memory cells for xor and xnor computations May. 04, 2021
  • Patent Title: In memory matrix multiplication and its usage in neural networks May. 04, 2021
  • Patent Title: Feed bin monitoring system Apr. 27, 2021
  • Patent Title: Computational memory cell and processing array device using complementary exclusive or memory cells Mar. 23, 2021
  • Patent Title: One by one selection of items of a set Mar. 23, 2021
  • Patent Title: Precise exponent and exact softmax computation Mar. 16, 2021
  • Patent Title: Ultra low vdd memory cell with ratioless write port Mar. 09, 2021
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* These are estimates based on data taken from SEC filings. There may be inaccuracies due to parsing errors, accidental double-counting, incorrect classification of indirectly owned shares, or any other number of issues.

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