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Government lobbying spending instances
$940,000 Jan 21, 2025 Issue: Fuel/Gas/Oil Environment/Superfund Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Financial Institutions/Investments/Securities Transportation Homeland Security
$370,000 Oct 21, 2024 Issue: Homeland Security Transportation Financial Institutions/Investments/Securities Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Environment/Superfund Fuel/Gas/Oil
$800,000 Jul 22, 2024 Issue: Homeland Security Transportation Financial Institutions/Investments/Securities Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Environment/Superfund Fuel/Gas/Oil
$2,450,000 Apr 22, 2024 Issue: Homeland Security Transportation Financial Institutions/Investments/Securities Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Environment/Superfund Fuel/Gas/Oil
$2,520,000 Jan 22, 2024 Issue: Homeland Security Transportation Financial Institutions/Investments/Securities Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Environment/Superfund Fuel/Gas/Oil
$690,000 Oct 20, 2023 Issue: Transportation Financial Institutions/Investments/Securities Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Environment/Superfund Fuel/Gas/Oil
$800,000 Jul 20, 2023 Issue: Transportation Financial Institutions/Investments/Securities Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Environment/Superfund Fuel/Gas/Oil
$880,000 Jan 20, 2023 Issue: Transportation Financial Institutions/Investments/Securities Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Environment/Superfund Fuel/Gas/Oil
$640,000 Oct 19, 2022 Issue: Transportation Trade (domestic/foreign) Financial Institutions/Investments/Securities Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Environment/Superfund Fuel/Gas/Oil
$1,050,000 Jul 20, 2022 Issue: Trade (domestic/foreign) Financial Institutions/Investments/Securities Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Environment/Superfund Fuel/Gas/Oil
$1,190,000 Apr 20, 2022 Issue: Budget/Appropriations Immigration Trade (domestic/foreign) Financial Institutions/Investments/Securities Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Environment/Superfund Transportation Homeland Security Fuel/Gas/Oil
$690,000 Jan 19, 2022 Issue: Homeland Security Fuel/Gas/Oil Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Transportation Financial Institutions/Investments/Securities Environment/Superfund
$500,000 Oct 18, 2021 Issue: Homeland Security Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Transportation Financial Institutions/Investments/Securities Environment/Superfund Fuel/Gas/Oil
$490,000 Jul 20, 2021 Issue: Homeland Security Fuel/Gas/Oil Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Transportation Environment/Superfund Financial Institutions/Investments/Securities
$1,010,000 Apr 20, 2021 Issue: Homeland Security Fuel/Gas/Oil Environment/Superfund Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Transportation Financial Institutions/Investments/Securities
$670,000 Jan 18, 2021 Issue: Fuel/Gas/Oil Environment/Superfund Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Transportation Trade (domestic/foreign) Homeland Security
$520,000 Oct 19, 2020 Issue: Fuel/Gas/Oil Environment/Superfund Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Transportation Trade (domestic/foreign) Homeland Security
$600,000 Jul 16, 2020 Issue: Fuel/Gas/Oil Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Trade (domestic/foreign) Environment/Superfund Telecommunications Homeland Security Transportation
$1,380,000 Apr 17, 2020 Issue: Homeland Security Fuel/Gas/Oil Environment/Superfund Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Transportation Telecommunications Trade (domestic/foreign)
$1,000,000 Jan 21, 2020 Issue: Homeland Security Environment/Superfund Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Transportation Trade (domestic/foreign) Telecommunications Fuel/Gas/Oil
$910,000 Oct 18, 2019 Issue: Homeland Security Fuel/Gas/Oil Environment/Superfund Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Transportation Trade (domestic/foreign)
$560,000 Jul 19, 2019 Issue: Homeland Security Environment/Superfund Marine/Maritime/Boating/Fisheries Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Transportation Trade (domestic/foreign) Fuel/Gas/Oil
$1,010,000 Apr 18, 2019 Issue: Homeland Security Trade (domestic/foreign) Marine/Maritime/Boating/Fisheries Fuel/Gas/Oil Transportation Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Environment/Superfund
$760,000 Jan 18, 2019 Issue: Environment/Superfund Transportation Trade (domestic/foreign) Fuel/Gas/Oil Marine/Maritime/Boating/Fisheries Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Homeland Security
$770,000 Oct 22, 2018 Issue: Homeland Security Marine/Maritime/Boating/Fisheries Trade (domestic/foreign) Fuel/Gas/Oil Transportation Environment/Superfund
$520,000 Jul 19, 2018 Issue: Homeland Security Environment/Superfund Marine/Maritime/Boating/Fisheries Transportation Fuel/Gas/Oil Trade (domestic/foreign)
$1,740,000 Apr 19, 2018 Issue: Indian/Native American Affairs Homeland Security Budget/Appropriations Marine/Maritime/Boating/Fisheries Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Transportation Roads/Highway Trade (domestic/foreign) Environment/Superfund Fuel/Gas/Oil
$630,000 Jan 18, 2018 Issue: Transportation Homeland Security Indian/Native American Affairs Trade (domestic/foreign) Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Disaster Planning/Emergencies Marine/Maritime/Boating/Fisheries Environment/Superfund Fuel/Gas/Oil
$820,000 Oct 19, 2017 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Environment/Superfund Government Issues Fuel/Gas/Oil
$730,000 Jul 19, 2017 Issue: Budget/Appropriations Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Environment/Superfund Government Issues Fuel/Gas/Oil Homeland Security Transportation
$1,440,000 Apr 20, 2017 Issue: Fuel/Gas/Oil Government Issues Transportation Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Environment/Superfund Homeland Security
$1,540,000 Jan 18, 2017 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Budget/Appropriations Fuel/Gas/Oil Transportation Environment/Superfund
$730,000 Oct 19, 2016 Issue: Budget/Appropriations Transportation Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Environment/Superfund Fuel/Gas/Oil
$480,000 Jul 20, 2016 Issue: Environment/Superfund Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Chemicals/Chemical Industry Transportation Budget/Appropriations Fuel/Gas/Oil
$1,570,000 Apr 20, 2016 Issue: Budget/Appropriations Environment/Superfund Chemicals/Chemical Industry Fuel/Gas/Oil Transportation Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$1,760,000 Jan 19, 2016 Issue: Environment/Superfund Transportation Chemicals/Chemical Industry Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Fuel/Gas/Oil
$790,000 Oct 19, 2015 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Chemicals/Chemical Industry Transportation Environment/Superfund Fuel/Gas/Oil
$350,000 Jul 20, 2015 Issue: Transportation Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Environment/Superfund Chemicals/Chemical Industry Fuel/Gas/Oil
$1,600,000 Apr 20, 2015 Issue: Fuel/Gas/Oil Environment/Superfund Transportation Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Chemicals/Chemical Industry
$1,320,000 Jan 20, 2015 Issue: Transportation Budget/Appropriations Environment/Superfund Fuel/Gas/Oil Homeland Security Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$450,000 Oct 20, 2014 Issue: Fuel/Gas/Oil Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Budget/Appropriations Transportation Environment/Superfund Insurance Homeland Security
$600,000 Jul 21, 2014 Issue: Homeland Security Environment/Superfund Budget/Appropriations Insurance Transportation Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Fuel/Gas/Oil
$1,340,000 Apr 21, 2014 Issue: Homeland Security Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Transportation Budget/Appropriations Insurance Environment/Superfund Fuel/Gas/Oil
$1,100,000 Jan 17, 2014 Issue: Fuel/Gas/Oil Insurance Transportation Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Environment/Superfund Budget/Appropriations Homeland Security
$730,000 Oct 17, 2013 Issue: Fuel/Gas/Oil Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Homeland Security Transportation Budget/Appropriations Insurance Environment/Superfund
$1,050,000 Jul 22, 2013 Issue: Fuel/Gas/Oil Environment/Superfund Homeland Security Transportation Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Budget/Appropriations
$830,000 Apr 19, 2013 Issue: Environment/Superfund Homeland Security Transportation Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Budget/Appropriations Fuel/Gas/Oil
$1,110,000 Jan 18, 2013 Issue: Environment/Superfund Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Homeland Security Transportation
$320,000 Oct 19, 2012 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Environment/Superfund Homeland Security Budget/Appropriations
$80,000 Jul 20, 2012 Issue: Transportation Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Budget/Appropriations Environment/Superfund Homeland Security
Estimated quarterly lobbying spending
PSX Revenue by Segment or Geography
New patents grants
Patent Title: Steam co-injection for the reduction of heat exchange and furnace fouling Mar. 11, 2025
Patent Title: Isobutane to transportation fuel Feb. 25, 2025
Patent Title: All-nanoporous hybrid membranes comprising zeolites and metal-organic frameworks synthesized therethrough Feb. 18, 2025
Patent Title: Systems for modifying desalter alkalinity capacity and uses thereof Jan. 14, 2025
Patent Title: Rapid measurement of hydrocarbon corrosion propensity Oct. 15, 2024
Patent Title: Predictive blending of oxygenated gasoline Oct. 15, 2024
Patent Title: Steam co-injection for the reduction of heat exchange and furnace fouling Sep. 10, 2024
Patent Title: Methods for modifying desalter alkalinity capacity and uses thereof Jul. 23, 2024
Patent Title: Method and apparatus for launching and recovering a remote inspection device while suppressing volatile vapor with foam Jun. 18, 2024
Patent Title: Decreasing the adverse effects of nickel and vanadyl porphyrins in petroleum refining May. 21, 2024
Patent Title: Predictive blending of oxygenated gasoline May. 21, 2024
Patent Title: Systems for decreasing excess octane during gasoline blending Mar. 26, 2024
Patent Title: Method and apparatus for launching and recovering a remote inspection device from a volatile fluid storage tank Mar. 19, 2024
Patent Title: Chemometric characterization of refinery hydrocarbon streams Mar. 12, 2024
Patent Title: Method and apparatus for launching and recovering a remote inspection device from a volatile liquid storage tank Mar. 12, 2024
Patent Title: Air electrodes of solid oxide electrochemical cells Feb. 20, 2024
Patent Title: Modified zsm-5 catalyst for converting light hydrocarbons to liquid fuels Jan. 16, 2024
Patent Title: Fused dithieno benzothiadiazole polymers for organic photovolatics Dec. 19, 2023
Patent Title: Light alkanes to transportation fuel Dec. 19, 2023
Patent Title: Automated tank mixing Dec. 19, 2023
Patent Title: Unsymmetrical benzothtadiazole-based random copolymers Nov. 21, 2023
Patent Title: System for monitoring ammonium bisulfide Oct. 03, 2023
Patent Title: Automated tank mixing Sep. 12, 2023
Patent Title: Unsymmetrical benzothiadiazole-based random copolymers Aug. 01, 2023
Patent Title: Controlling fractionation using dynamic competing economic objectives Jul. 25, 2023
Patent Title: Organic semiconducting comonomer Jul. 18, 2023
Patent Title: Fused dithieno benzothiadiazole polymers for organic photovoltaics Jun. 27, 2023
Patent Title: Methods and systems of organic semiconducting polymers Jun. 13, 2023
Patent Title: Method of using metal organic framework May. 09, 2023
Patent Title: Unsymmetrical benzothtadiazole-based random copolymers May. 02, 2023
Patent Title: Unsymmetrical benzothiadiazole-based random copolymers Apr. 25, 2023
Patent Title: Unsymmetrical benzothtadiazole-based random copolymers Apr. 18, 2023
Patent Title: Solid oxide fuel cell cathode materials Apr. 11, 2023
Patent Title: Cathode for solid oxide fuel cells Apr. 04, 2023
Patent Title: Electrode particles suitable for batteries Mar. 07, 2023
Patent Title: Methods and systems of organic semiconducting polymers Mar. 07, 2023
Patent Title: Dual stage light alkane conversion to fuels Mar. 07, 2023
Patent Title: Electrode particles suitable for batteries Feb. 28, 2023
Patent Title: Evaluation of solid oxide fuel cell cathode materials Feb. 07, 2023
Patent Title: Rapid assessment of crude oil fouling propensity to prevent refinery fouling Jan. 17, 2023
Patent Title: Catalyst activation for selective hydrogenation of contaminants in a light olefin stream Jan. 10, 2023
Patent Title: Proton-conducting electrolytes for reversible solid oxide cells Nov. 08, 2022
Patent Title: Online fuel cutpoint control application using color spectrum Oct. 04, 2022
Patent Title: Energy dense materials for redox flow batteries Sep. 06, 2022
Patent Title: Organic semiconducting polymers Sep. 06, 2022
Patent Title: Light alkanes to liquid fuels Aug. 09, 2022
Patent Title: Organic semiconducting comonomer Jul. 26, 2022
Patent Title: Pipeline interchange/transmix Jul. 19, 2022
Patent Title: Pipeline interchange/transmix Jul. 12, 2022
Patent Title: Pipeline interchange/transmix Jul. 05, 2022
Federal grants, loans, and purchases
- $609 2022-09-13 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $249 2022-09-13 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $4,297 2022-09-10 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $266,408 2022-09-09 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $238,363 2022-09-09 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $7,531,692 2022-09-09 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $274 2022-09-07 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $10,932 2022-09-05 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $11,385 2022-09-05 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $11,406 2022-09-05 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $11,282 2022-09-05 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $11,050 2022-09-05 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $162,752 2022-09-02 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $312 2022-09-02 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $10,093 2022-09-01 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $8,402 2022-09-01 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $200,231 2022-09-01 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $915 2022-08-31 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $198,658 2022-08-31 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $1,011 2022-08-31 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $448,406 2022-08-29 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $1,795 2022-08-28 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $353 2022-08-26 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $106,190 2022-08-26 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $684,300 2022-08-24 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $1,701,627 2022-08-24 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $1,209,608 2022-08-24 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $1,208,485 2022-08-24 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $3,142,631 2022-08-24 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $310 2022-08-24 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $86,796 2022-08-24 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $167,938 2022-08-23 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $28,534 2022-08-23 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $8,866 2022-08-23 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $9,002 2022-08-23 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $3,804 2022-08-23 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $7,071 2022-08-23 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $226 2022-08-23 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $229,674 2022-08-23 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $258 2022-08-22 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $305 2022-08-22 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $253 2022-08-22 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $6,508 2022-08-22 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $230,728 2022-08-19 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $2,255 2022-08-19 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $1,713 2022-08-18 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $177,524 2022-08-18 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $7,585 2022-08-18 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $3,049 2022-08-17 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
- $6,180 2022-08-17 00:00:00 Agency: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD)
Estimated quarterly amount awarded from public contracts
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* These are estimates based on data taken from SEC filings. There may be inaccuracies due to parsing errors, accidental double-counting, incorrect classification of indirectly owned shares, or any other number of issues.
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