AT&T Inc.
T Real Time Price USD$T is featured in our Sector Weighted DC Insider strategy.
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Government lobbying spending instances
$2,670,000 Jan 21, 2025 Issue: Copyright/Patent/Trademark Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Trade (domestic/foreign)
$2,320,000 Oct 21, 2024 Issue: Copyright/Patent/Trademark Trade (domestic/foreign) Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Telecommunications
$2,590,000 Jul 22, 2024 Issue: Trade (domestic/foreign) Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Telecommunications
$2,700,000 Apr 22, 2024 Issue: Trade (domestic/foreign) Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Telecommunications
$2,250,000 Jan 22, 2024 Issue: Trade (domestic/foreign) Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Telecommunications
$2,700,000 Oct 20, 2023 Issue: Trade (domestic/foreign) Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Telecommunications
$2,780,000 Jul 20, 2023 Issue: Trade (domestic/foreign) Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Telecommunications
$2,610,000 Jan 20, 2023 Issue: Labor Issues/Antitrust/Workplace Trade (domestic/foreign) Copyright/Patent/Trademark Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Telecommunications
$2,890,000 Oct 20, 2022 Issue: Labor Issues/Antitrust/Workplace Trade (domestic/foreign) Copyright/Patent/Trademark Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Telecommunications
$2,850,000 Jul 20, 2022 Issue: Labor Issues/Antitrust/Workplace Trade (domestic/foreign) Copyright/Patent/Trademark Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Telecommunications
$3,060,000 Apr 20, 2022 Issue: Labor Issues/Antitrust/Workplace Media (information/publishing) Trade (domestic/foreign) Copyright/Patent/Trademark Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Telecommunications
$2,940,000 Jan 20, 2022 Issue: None
$2,760,000 Oct 20, 2021 Issue: None
$3,090,000 Jul 20, 2021 Issue: None
$2,610,000 Apr 20, 2021 Issue: None
$2,630,000 Jan 20, 2021 Issue: None
$2,530,000 Oct 20, 2020 Issue: None
$3,460,000 Jul 20, 2020 Issue: None
$2,750,000 Apr 20, 2020 Issue: None
$2,440,000 Jan 21, 2020 Issue: None
$3,330,000 Dec 10, 2019 Issue: Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Trade (domestic/foreign)
$3,240,000 Oct 21, 2019 Issue: Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Media (information/publishing) Trade (domestic/foreign) Copyright/Patent/Trademark
$2,580,000 Apr 22, 2019 Issue: Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Trade (domestic/foreign)
$3,270,000 Jan 22, 2019 Issue: Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Economics/Economic Development
$3,850,000 Oct 22, 2018 Issue: Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Trade (domestic/foreign)
$4,580,000 Jul 20, 2018 Issue: Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Trade (domestic/foreign)
$4,120,000 Apr 20, 2018 Issue: Copyright/Patent/Trademark Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Torts Trade (domestic/foreign) Retirement
$3,610,000 Jan 22, 2018 Issue: Intelligence Telecommunications Retirement Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Copyright/Patent/Trademark Torts
$4,430,000 Oct 20, 2017 Issue: Intelligence Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Copyright/Patent/Trademark Torts
$4,160,000 Jul 20, 2017 Issue: Torts Intelligence Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Copyright/Patent/Trademark
$4,580,000 Apr 20, 2017 Issue: Torts Copyright/Patent/Trademark Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Intelligence
$3,710,000 Jan 23, 2017 Issue: Torts Intelligence Copyright/Patent/Trademark Telecommunications Retirement Disaster Planning/Emergencies Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Financial Institutions/Investments/Securities
$4,110,000 Oct 20, 2016 Issue: Torts Intelligence Copyright/Patent/Trademark Telecommunications Retirement Disaster Planning/Emergencies Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Financial Institutions/Investments/Securities
$4,070,000 Jul 20, 2016 Issue: Copyright/Patent/Trademark Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Torts Trade (domestic/foreign)
$4,480,000 Apr 20, 2016 Issue: Torts Copyright/Patent/Trademark Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Trade (domestic/foreign)
$3,490,000 Jan 20, 2016 Issue: Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Trade (domestic/foreign) Budget/Appropriations Copyright/Patent/Trademark Retirement Torts
$2,900,000 Oct 20, 2015 Issue: Budget/Appropriations Copyright/Patent/Trademark Telecommunications Retirement Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Torts
$4,100,000 Jul 20, 2015 Issue: Torts Budget/Appropriations Copyright/Patent/Trademark Telecommunications Retirement Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Trade (domestic/foreign)
$4,370,000 Apr 20, 2015 Issue: Copyright/Patent/Trademark Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$3,060,000 Jan 20, 2015 Issue: Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Torts Budget/Appropriations
$3,470,000 Oct 20, 2014 Issue: Torts Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Budget/Appropriations
$3,820,000 Jul 21, 2014 Issue: Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Torts
$3,670,000 Apr 21, 2014 Issue: Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Torts
$3,635,000 Jan 21, 2014 Issue: Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Torts
$4,300,000 Oct 21, 2013 Issue: Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Torts
$3,740,000 Jul 22, 2013 Issue: Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$3,440,000 May 01, 2013 Issue: Torts Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Copyright/Patent/Trademark Labor Issues/Antitrust/Workplace Trade (domestic/foreign)
$4,260,000 Apr 22, 2013 Issue: Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$3,490,000 Oct 22, 2012 Issue: Torts Copyright/Patent/Trademark Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Trade (domestic/foreign)
$3,490,000 Jul 20, 2012 Issue: Torts Health Issues Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Trade (domestic/foreign) Copyright/Patent/Trademark
$7,050,000 Apr 20, 2012 Issue: Torts Health Issues Copyright/Patent/Trademark Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Trade (domestic/foreign)
$4,240,000 Jan 20, 2012 Issue: Torts Health Issues Copyright/Patent/Trademark Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Trade (domestic/foreign)
$4,300,000 Oct 20, 2011 Issue: Health Issues Copyright/Patent/Trademark Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Trade (domestic/foreign) Torts
$4,850,000 Jul 20, 2011 Issue: Copyright/Patent/Trademark Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Trade (domestic/foreign) Torts Health Issues
$6,840,000 Apr 20, 2011 Issue: Health Issues Copyright/Patent/Trademark Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Trade (domestic/foreign) Postal
$2,910,000 Jan 20, 2011 Issue: Torts Labor Issues/Antitrust/Workplace Health Issues Copyright/Patent/Trademark Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Financial Institutions/Investments/Securities Trade (domestic/foreign)
$3,467,911 Oct 20, 2010 Issue: Torts Labor Issues/Antitrust/Workplace Health Issues Copyright/Patent/Trademark Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Financial Institutions/Investments/Securities Trade (domestic/foreign)
$3,086,786 Jul 20, 2010 Issue: Torts Labor Issues/Antitrust/Workplace Health Issues Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Financial Institutions/Investments/Securities Trade (domestic/foreign) Copyright/Patent/Trademark
$5,930,381 Apr 20, 2010 Issue: Torts Health Issues Copyright/Patent/Trademark Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Financial Institutions/Investments/Securities Trade (domestic/foreign) Labor Issues/Antitrust/Workplace
$3,360,941 Jan 20, 2010 Issue: Torts Labor Issues/Antitrust/Workplace Health Issues Copyright/Patent/Trademark Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Financial Institutions/Investments/Securities Trade (domestic/foreign)
$3,177,114 Oct 20, 2009 Issue: Torts Health Issues Copyright/Patent/Trademark Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Financial Institutions/Investments/Securities Trade (domestic/foreign) Labor Issues/Antitrust/Workplace
$3,056,745 Jul 20, 2009 Issue: Torts Health Issues Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Financial Institutions/Investments/Securities Trade (domestic/foreign) Labor Issues/Antitrust/Workplace Copyright/Patent/Trademark
$5,134,873 Apr 20, 2009 Issue: Torts Labor Issues/Antitrust/Workplace Environment/Superfund Budget/Appropriations Health Issues Copyright/Patent/Trademark Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$3,378,638 Jan 21, 2009 Issue: Torts Health Issues Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Advertising
$3,160,401 Oct 20, 2008 Issue: Advertising Law Enforcement/Crime/Criminal Justice Homeland Security Consumer Issues/Safety/Products Health Issues Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$3,323,795 Jul 21, 2008 Issue: Homeland Security Health Issues Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Law Enforcement/Crime/Criminal Justice Consumer Issues/Safety/Products
$5,213,841 Apr 21, 2008 Issue: Law Enforcement/Crime/Criminal Justice Homeland Security Health Issues Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Consumer Issues/Safety/Products
$6,952,961 Feb 14, 2008 Issue: Budget/Appropriations Health Issues Retirement Homeland Security Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Law Enforcement/Crime/Criminal Justice Telecommunications Consumer Issues/Safety/Products
$9,602,148 Aug 14, 2007 Issue: Law Enforcement/Crime/Criminal Justice Homeland Security Consumer Issues/Safety/Products Budget/Appropriations Health Issues Telecommunications Retirement Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Copyright/Patent/Trademark Government Issues
$13,595,451 Feb 14, 2007 Issue: Law Enforcement/Crime/Criminal Justice Homeland Security Government Issues Consumer Issues/Safety/Products Budget/Appropriations Health Issues Telecommunications Retirement Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Copyright/Patent/Trademark
$5,515,269 Aug 18, 2006 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Retirement Telecommunications Copyright/Patent/Trademark Health Issues Government Issues Consumer Issues/Safety/Products
$4,836,442 May 09, 2006 Issue: None
$1,782,196 Aug 15, 2005 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Copyright/Patent/Trademark Retirement Telecommunications Consumer Issues/Safety/Products Government Issues Communications/Broadcasting/Radio/TV
$4,220,000 Aug 15, 2005 Issue: Trade (domestic/foreign) Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Telecommunications Budget/Appropriations Copyright/Patent/Trademark Government Issues Labor Issues/Antitrust/Workplace
$120,000 Feb 16, 2005 Issue: Telecommunications
$2,315,988 Feb 14, 2005 Issue: Communications/Broadcasting/Radio/TV Law Enforcement/Crime/Criminal Justice Homeland Security Labor Issues/Antitrust/Workplace Gaming/Gambling/Casino Telecommunications Copyright/Patent/Trademark Economics/Economic Development Health Issues Budget/Appropriations Financial Institutions/Investments/Securities Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Retirement Consumer Issues/Safety/Products Government Issues
$4,770,389 Feb 14, 2005 Issue: Telecommunications Budget/Appropriations Consumer Issues/Safety/Products Trade (domestic/foreign) Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Government Issues Immigration
$4,079,110 Aug 16, 2004 Issue: Telecommunications Defense Trade (domestic/foreign) Immigration Homeland Security Constitution Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Government Issues Budget/Appropriations Bankruptcy
$5,638,350 Aug 13, 2004 Issue: Financial Institutions/Investments/Securities Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Retirement Gaming/Gambling/Casino Telecommunications Copyright/Patent/Trademark Economics/Economic Development Health Issues Budget/Appropriations Consumer Issues/Safety/Products Government Issues Labor Issues/Antitrust/Workplace Homeland Security Law Enforcement/Crime/Criminal Justice Communications/Broadcasting/Radio/TV
$182,000 Aug 12, 2004 Issue: Telecommunications
$160,000 Apr 06, 2004 Issue: Telecommunications
$3,800,000 Feb 17, 2004 Issue: Bankruptcy Budget/Appropriations Medicare/Medicaid Defense Transportation Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Telecommunications Government Issues Computer Industry
$2,682,722 Feb 13, 2004 Issue: Financial Institutions/Investments/Securities Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Economics/Economic Development Health Issues Budget/Appropriations Consumer Issues/Safety/Products Government Issues Labor Issues/Antitrust/Workplace Homeland Security Law Enforcement/Crime/Criminal Justice Communications/Broadcasting/Radio/TV Retirement Gaming/Gambling/Casino Telecommunications Copyright/Patent/Trademark
$2,521,342 Aug 14, 2003 Issue: Government Issues Consumer Issues/Safety/Products Bankruptcy Budget/Appropriations Law Enforcement/Crime/Criminal Justice Homeland Security Labor Issues/Antitrust/Workplace Financial Institutions/Investments/Securities Retirement Gaming/Gambling/Casino Telecommunications Copyright/Patent/Trademark Economics/Economic Development Health Issues Communications/Broadcasting/Radio/TV Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$2,900,000 Aug 14, 2003 Issue: Bankruptcy Budget/Appropriations Medicare/Medicaid Telecommunications Trade (domestic/foreign) Defense Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$3,095,163 Feb 14, 2003 Issue: Financial Institutions/Investments/Securities Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Retirement Gaming/Gambling/Casino Health Issues Budget/Appropriations Consumer Issues/Safety/Products Labor Issues/Antitrust/Workplace Homeland Security Law Enforcement/Crime/Criminal Justice Communications/Broadcasting/Radio/TV Telecommunications Copyright/Patent/Trademark
$3,360,000 Feb 14, 2003 Issue: Communications/Broadcasting/Radio/TV Science/Technology Trade (domestic/foreign) Defense Accounting Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Telecommunications
$3,246,171 Aug 14, 2002 Issue: Consumer Issues/Safety/Products Budget/Appropriations Health Issues Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Retirement Gaming/Gambling/Casino Telecommunications Government Issues Labor Issues/Antitrust/Workplace Law Enforcement/Crime/Criminal Justice Copyright/Patent/Trademark
$3,360,000 Aug 14, 2002 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Trade (domestic/foreign) Defense Accounting Telecommunications Science/Technology Communications/Broadcasting/Radio/TV
$4,420,000 Feb 14, 2002 Issue: Trade (domestic/foreign) Defense Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Telecommunications Science/Technology Communications/Broadcasting/Radio/TV
$3,613,289 Aug 14, 2001 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Labor Issues/Antitrust/Workplace Retirement Telecommunications Health Issues
$3,840,000 Aug 14, 2001 Issue: Communications/Broadcasting/Radio/TV Science/Technology Trade (domestic/foreign) Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$36,000 Feb 14, 2001 Issue: Science/Technology Trade (domestic/foreign) Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Telecommunications Copyright/Patent/Trademark Health Issues Budget/Appropriations Environment/Superfund Communications/Broadcasting/Radio/TV
$3,068,000 Feb 14, 2001 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Retirement Telecommunications Health Issues Labor Issues/Antitrust/Workplace Law Enforcement/Crime/Criminal Justice Financial Institutions/Investments/Securities Utilities
$4,140,000 Aug 14, 2000 Issue: Labor Issues/Antitrust/Workplace Law Enforcement/Crime/Criminal Justice Health Issues Trade (domestic/foreign) Financial Institutions/Investments/Securities Utilities Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Retirement Telecommunications
$3,800,000 Aug 11, 2000 Issue: Communications/Broadcasting/Radio/TV Science/Technology Environment/Superfund Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Trade (domestic/foreign) Telecommunications Copyright/Patent/Trademark Health Issues
$4,200,000 Feb 14, 2000 Issue: Budget/Appropriations Health Issues Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Trade (domestic/foreign) Telecommunications Copyright/Patent/Trademark Environment/Superfund Science/Technology Communications/Broadcasting/Radio/TV
$6,140,000 Feb 14, 2000 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Telecommunications Copyright/Patent/Trademark Health Issues Government Issues Labor Issues/Antitrust/Workplace Retirement Computer Industry Law Enforcement/Crime/Criminal Justice Communications/Broadcasting/Radio/TV
$3,420,000 Nov 16, 1999 Issue: Telecommunications Environment/Superfund Science/Technology
$400,000 Aug 16, 1999 Issue: Telecommunications
Estimated quarterly lobbying spending
T Revenue by Segment or Geography
New patents grants
Patent Title: Equalization of transmit diversity space-time coded signals Apr. 10, 2012
Patent Title: System and method for estimating interference in a packet-based wireless network Apr. 10, 2012
Patent Title: Secure ip access protocol framework and supporting network architecture Oct. 25, 2011
Patent Title: Operating method for voice activity detection/silence suppression system Mar. 29, 2011
Patent Title: Differential transmitter diversity technique for wireless communications Jan. 04, 2011
Patent Title: Subscription-based priority interactive help services on the internet Nov. 30, 2010
Patent Title: Method for network-based remote ims cpe troubleshooting Nov. 02, 2010
Patent Title: Service assurance automation access diagnostics Oct. 19, 2010
Patent Title: System and method for accessing and annotating electronic medical records using a multi-modal interface Oct. 19, 2010
Patent Title: Method for automated detection of data glitches in large data sets Sep. 28, 2010
Patent Title: Remote monitoring of undersea cable systems Sep. 28, 2010
Patent Title: Consolidated access and administration of customized telephone calling service Sep. 21, 2010
Patent Title: Method and apparatus for fiber optic signature recognition Sep. 21, 2010
Patent Title: System and method for avoiding and mitigating a ddos attack Sep. 14, 2010
Patent Title: Broadband certified mail Sep. 14, 2010
Patent Title: Method for distributed configuration and file distribution based on centralized data Aug. 31, 2010
Patent Title: Combined simulcasting and dedicated services in a wireless communication system Aug. 31, 2010
Patent Title: Estimating optical transmission system penalties induced by polarization mode dispersion (pmd) Aug. 10, 2010
Patent Title: Method and apparatus for using wavelets to produce data summaries Aug. 03, 2010
Patent Title: Conditional electronic coupon distribution method and system Aug. 03, 2010
Patent Title: Packet shaping for mixed rate 802.11 wireless networks Aug. 03, 2010
Patent Title: Multiple media fail-over to alternate media Aug. 03, 2010
Patent Title: Multiple access spread spectrum switching methodology Jul. 13, 2010
Patent Title: Methods and systems for secure dispersed redundant data storage Jul. 06, 2010
Patent Title: Providing called number characteristics to click-to-dial customers Jun. 29, 2010
Patent Title: Multi-band hybrid soa-raman amplifier for cwdm Jun. 29, 2010
Patent Title: Method and system for dynamically extending the duration of an auction Jun. 15, 2010
Patent Title: Method for troubleshooting echo on teleconference bridge Jun. 15, 2010
Patent Title: Multi-band hybrid soa-raman amplifier for cwdm Jun. 15, 2010
Patent Title: Fiber/wired communication system Jun. 08, 2010
Patent Title: Router having dual propagation paths for packets Jun. 08, 2010
Patent Title: Method and apparatus for providing user access via multiple partner carriers for international calls Jun. 08, 2010
Patent Title: Method and apparatus for managing call requests in a communication network Jun. 08, 2010
Patent Title: Method and apparatus for supporting out of area phone number for emergency services Jun. 08, 2010
Patent Title: Methods and apparatus for service and network management event correlation Jun. 01, 2010
Patent Title: Method and system for assigning channels in a wireless lan Jun. 01, 2010
Patent Title: Method and apparatus for notifying called and/or calling parties of a call placement May. 25, 2010
Patent Title: Method and system for a unicast endpoint client to access a multicast internet protocol (ip) session May. 25, 2010
Patent Title: Network segmentation method May. 25, 2010
Patent Title: System and method for global traffic optimization in a network May. 18, 2010
Patent Title: Method and apparatus for integrating customer care inquiries across different media types May. 11, 2010
Patent Title: Decomposed h.323 network border element for use in a voice-over-internet protocol network May. 11, 2010
Patent Title: Method and apparatus for dynamically debiting a donation amount May. 11, 2010
Patent Title: Method and apparatus for enabling ip mobility with high speed access and network intelligence in communication networks May. 11, 2010
Patent Title: Authentication management platform for managed security service providers Apr. 27, 2010
Patent Title: Call initiation via calendar Apr. 27, 2010
Patent Title: Hybrid fiber twisted pair local loop network service architecture Mar. 02, 2010
Patent Title: Fast dynamic gain control in an optical fiber amplifier Mar. 02, 2010
Patent Title: Method and apparatus for optimizing queries under parametric aggregation constraints Feb. 23, 2010
Patent Title: Method and apparatus for dynamically providing comfort noise Feb. 23, 2010
Federal grants, loans, and purchases
- $771 2025-02-28 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Justice
- $1,560 2025-02-25 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Justice
- $2,520 2025-02-24 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Justice
- $28,871 2025-02-06 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Justice
- $2,166 2025-02-03 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Justice
- $3,252 2024-12-06 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Justice
- $2,440 2024-12-04 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Justice
- $649 2024-11-19 00:00:00 Agency: Department of the Interior
- $3,063 2024-11-15 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Justice
- $2,460 2024-11-01 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs
- $436 2024-10-30 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Justice
- $100 2024-10-23 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Justice
- $415 2024-10-23 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Justice
- $0 2024-09-27 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Justice
- $322,609 2024-09-27 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Homeland Security
- $0 2024-09-26 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Justice
- $0 2024-09-26 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Justice
- $0 2024-09-25 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Transportation
- $60,000 2024-09-24 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Energy
- $68,262 2024-09-24 00:00:00 Agency: Department of the Interior
- $60,000 2024-09-24 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Energy
- $68,262 2024-09-24 00:00:00 Agency: Department of the Interior
- $15,258 2024-09-23 00:00:00 Agency: Social Security Administration
- $15,258 2024-09-23 00:00:00 Agency: Social Security Administration
- $0 2024-09-20 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Justice
- $0 2024-09-20 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Justice
- $0 2024-09-18 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Justice
- $0 2024-09-18 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Justice
- $0 2024-09-18 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Justice
- $0 2024-09-18 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Justice
- $0 2024-09-18 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Justice
- $0 2024-09-18 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Justice
- $8,584 2024-09-17 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Commerce
- $8,584 2024-09-17 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Commerce
- $51,108 2024-09-16 00:00:00 Agency: Department of State
- $26,995 2024-09-13 00:00:00 Agency: Department of the Interior
- $24,480 2024-09-13 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Justice
- $24,480 2024-09-13 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Justice
- $0 2024-09-06 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Justice
- $12,815 2024-09-06 00:00:00 Agency: Department of State
- $0 2024-09-04 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Justice
- $0 2024-08-28 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Justice
- $48,200 2024-08-28 00:00:00 Agency: Department of the Treasury
- $55,537 2024-08-13 00:00:00 Agency: Department of the Interior
- $0 2024-08-06 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Justice
- $19,952 2024-08-05 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Justice
- $2,765 2024-08-04 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Justice
- $50,638 2024-08-01 00:00:00 Agency: Department of the Interior
- $0 2024-07-29 00:00:00 Agency: Department of Justice
- $11,981 2024-07-29 00:00:00 Agency: Department of State
Estimated quarterly amount awarded from public contracts
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