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United States Cellular Corporation
USM Real Time Price USDRecent trades of USM by members of U.S. Congress
Shares Held
Change in Shares
Market Value
Change in Shares
Market Value
Recently reported changes by institutional investors
Quarterly net insider trading by USM's directors and management
Government lobbying spending instances
$30,000 Feb 02, 2013 Issue: Telecommunications
$30,000 Oct 22, 2012 Issue: Telecommunications
$30,000 Jul 19, 2012 Issue: Telecommunications
$30,000 Apr 19, 2012 Issue: Telecommunications
$30,000 Jan 19, 2012 Issue: Telecommunications
$30,000 Oct 20, 2011 Issue: Telecommunications
$30,000 Jul 19, 2011 Issue: Telecommunications
$30,000 Apr 19, 2011 Issue: Telecommunications
$30,000 Jan 20, 2011 Issue: Telecommunications
$30,000 Oct 20, 2010 Issue: Telecommunications
$30,000 Jul 20, 2010 Issue: Telecommunications
$30,000 Apr 20, 2010 Issue: Telecommunications
$30,000 Jan 20, 2010 Issue: Telecommunications
$30,000 Oct 19, 2009 Issue: Telecommunications
$30,000 Jul 20, 2009 Issue: Telecommunications
$45,000 Apr 20, 2009 Issue: Telecommunications
$15,000 Jan 18, 2009 Issue: Telecommunications
$30,000 Feb 11, 2008 Issue: Communications/Broadcasting/Radio/TV
$15,000 Aug 07, 2007 Issue: Telecommunications
Estimated quarterly lobbying spending
New patents grants
Patent Title: Enhanced short message service memory management support by mobility management components of devices communicating via mobile wireless networks Nov. 05, 2024
Patent Title: Enhanced access point name resolution support for mobile virtual network operators Oct. 24, 2023
Patent Title: Interior climate control augmentation by personal comfort data provided via wireless wearable device communications Jan. 05, 2021
Patent Title: Remote antenna coverage change event detection in mobile wireless networks Dec. 29, 2020
Patent Title: Delivering wireless emergency alerts containing hyperlinks to mobile wireless devices via mobile wireless broadcast channels Oct. 13, 2020
Patent Title: Access based internet protocol multimedia service authorization Aug. 04, 2020
Patent Title: Detecting and processing anomalous parameter data points by a mobile wireless data network forecasting system Jan. 07, 2020
Patent Title: System and method for data network reassignment Aug. 13, 2019
Patent Title: Inter-network operator roaming policy configuration in mobile wireless data networks operated by cooperating network service providers Aug. 07, 2018
Patent Title: Media resource reservation request failure handling for voice over mobile wireless network Aug. 07, 2018
Patent Title: Configuring traffic control device switch timing intervals using mobile wireless device-provided traffic information Aug. 07, 2018
Patent Title: System and method for delivering wireless emergency alerts to residential phones Jan. 23, 2018
Patent Title: System and method for data network reassignment Jul. 18, 2017
Patent Title: Determining cell site performance impact for a population of cell sites of a mobile wireless data network Feb. 28, 2017
Patent Title: System and method for managing frequency layer priority assignments within mobile wireless network radio interfaces Sep. 13, 2016
Patent Title: Enhanced configuration and handoff scheme for femto systems Sep. 13, 2016
Patent Title: System and method for providing mobile wireless data network connectivity via vehicle-installed small cell May. 10, 2016
Patent Title: Mobile wireless device incorporating self-detection of operational environment and selective device functionality Apr. 05, 2016
Patent Title: Maintaining high signal quality in mobile wireless networks using signal relative importance values Jan. 05, 2016
Patent Title: System selection based on service-specific preferred roaming list in a wireless network Jul. 21, 2015
Patent Title: System and method for network assisted control and monetization of tethering to mobile wireless devices Mar. 03, 2015
Patent Title: System and method for providing geographic redundancy for mobile wireless data network components Sep. 30, 2014
Patent Title: System and method for using network identification information to manage mobile wireless user service policies Sep. 09, 2014
Patent Title: Service utilization control manager Jun. 17, 2014
Patent Title: System and method for delivering mobile wireless broadcast messages in designated languages May. 20, 2014
Patent Title: Distributing mobile-device applications Aug. 13, 2013
Patent Title: Service utilization control manager Aug. 06, 2013
Patent Title: Wellbeing transponder system Jun. 11, 2013
Patent Title: Access based internet protocol multimedia service authorization Jun. 04, 2013
Patent Title: System and method for maintaining high service quality within a mobile wireless communication network Mar. 19, 2013
Patent Title: Applications of cluster analysis for cellular operators Dec. 04, 2012
Patent Title: Application access control in a mobile environment Dec. 04, 2012
Patent Title: Data pre-paid in simple ip roaming Oct. 16, 2012
Patent Title: Control of cellular data access Sep. 25, 2012
Patent Title: System and method for landline replacement Aug. 21, 2012
Patent Title: Mobility based service in wireless environment Jun. 05, 2012
Patent Title: Enhanced cross-network handoff for mobile ip service mobility Mar. 27, 2012
Patent Title: System and method for tearing down individual ip communication sessions in multiple ip stack devices Feb. 07, 2012
Patent Title: Efficient neighbor list creation for cellular networks Dec. 27, 2011
Patent Title: Selective handoff between access gateways Sep. 27, 2011
Patent Title: Establishing network policy for session-unaware mobile-device applications Jul. 05, 2011
Patent Title: Mobile telephone charger with promotional audio output Jul. 05, 2011
Patent Title: Distributed architecture for ip-based telemetry services May. 24, 2011
Patent Title: State-full perimeter security for data networks Feb. 08, 2011
Patent Title: Data pre-paid in simple ip data roaming Feb. 08, 2011
Patent Title: Inter-working location gateway for heterogeneous networks Aug. 31, 2010
Patent Title: Zero rating in wireless prepaid communications network Apr. 20, 2010
Federal grants, loans, and purchases
Estimated quarterly amount awarded from public contracts
Number of mentions of USM in WallStreetBets Daily Discussion
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Shares Held
* These are estimates based on data taken from SEC filings. There may be inaccuracies due to parsing errors, accidental double-counting, incorrect classification of indirectly owned shares, or any other number of issues.
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